My gran does my mums and her own perms but i want to ask her if she will perm me because i have allways wanted a perm? do you think i should ask her because i really really want to but i don`t know if i should.
20 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
my gran has all the curlers and know what shes doing and i have bought the perm too. i have watched my mum getting her hair permed iand i would like the same done to me.
04:02:25 ·
update #1
just ask she can only say yes or no
2007-02-15 04:00:36
answer #1
answered by sukis 4
A more important question might be what is the quality of the perm and how will it affect your hair? Do you have other chemical treatments on your hair or is it "virgin" hair? Adding a new perm to hair that has had prior perms and/or hair color may dammage it so much that a cut is the only remedy. I would consult a professional hairdresser (by the way I am not one) because a chemical process permantly alters your hair (thus the word "perm") and if the dammage is something you can't mannage, you will have to cut it off .My hair is baby fine and a home perm left it frizzy and dammaged. (I am 53 years old) I'm sure Gramma is experienced and will be happy to help you, but unless she is a licenced beautician, you will not have access to the right perm product for your hair.
2007-02-23 02:15:22
answer #2
answered by Over The Rainbow 5
If you want to you should definitely do it. If your gran gives your mum good perms and it is the style you want then go ahead. I think you'll find your mum and gran will be a bit surprised but pleased and they will probably both do your hair. Enjoy it!
2007-02-17 23:03:44
answer #3
answered by twan 2
Were are you from? You do know that the perm will make your hair shorter if you don't wanna look like your gran only do this if your hair is fairly long.
2007-02-23 03:35:08
answer #4
answered by Colorado Coon Dog 3
The question is do you really want a granny perm though? You'll be getting a blue rinse next. I'd go to the hairdressers for a more modern technique.
2007-02-15 10:09:07
answer #5
answered by ladylovin 3
don't be so stingy, go to the hairdressers ask them to set your hair in a style that will look similar to if you had a perm, so at least you can wash it out if you look hideous. if you hair is long they can set it on Molton Browners (they look like bendy spagetti) If it's short believe me you will look like your granny!
2007-02-21 10:21:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Definitely ask her to, she will probably be flattered you would like her to help you with your style, plus it's cheaper than going to a salon (especially since she knows what she is doing).
2007-02-23 02:17:35
answer #7
answered by mely-mel 2
well if you trust your gran let her do it but just remember once you,ve had it done there,s no going back
2007-02-21 04:43:54
answer #8
answered by NIGEL R 7
go for it... may turn out a bit old fashioned but hey if thats what youre after go for it!
2007-02-22 06:15:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
f you think that you re nan can do it alright then go for it
she can not do to much damage can she. you said she does you re moms OK so ye go for it
2007-02-22 05:57:31
answer #10
answered by shellie 1