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can you please tell me how to loses 10lbs by march 1st? i know its possible. may not be to healthy but i need to . im 5'3 120 lbs. i know im not fat..but its easy for me to gain weight, and i would liek to stop.

i work alot to , waitressing so im not sittitng all the time, so i am pretty active, but i still gain , and gain.

so anyone whose lost weight in this short period of time, please tell me what to dooo.

2007-02-15 03:17:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

6 answers

Did it, it was okay

2007-02-15 03:24:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I lost 30 pounds in 30 days, by eating boiled cabbage at 10 in the morning, and at 4 in the afternoon, I ate boiled cabbage and a bit of liver. Sounds gross, but, it did work. No, it is not healthy..........in fact, I continued to lose another 20 I hadn't wanted to lose, when I did this. So, add some salad with lemon squeezed on top to the salad............no dressings. Add lemon to your water, drink NO carbonated drinks! Drink Powerade or Propel, as I do now, all the time. Water is your best friend for losing weight! Not drinking that Diet soda will drop your weight all by itself, actually! Drink tea. Green tea is best and will NOT cause you to gain weight. Do not get anorexic on me...........I used to be anorexic..............I'm 5'5" weighed 99 pounds, and thought I was FAT! Seriously bad news. Now, I weigh 115, and feel on target.

2007-02-15 03:26:52 · answer #2 · answered by laurel g 6 · 0 0

Yes sure. Boxers do it all the time. In your case cut high carb foods, cut high fat foods and sweat out the rest.

Stop eating the white stuff like potato's products, corn, pasta, bread, tortilla patties, and added sugar cereals and such. Very low fat meats. Preferably eat white meat chicken and fish. And that's for the sake of keeping up your protein levels.

I lost more than that. but 3lbs a week is customary.
Reduce your caloric intake to 1300 calories a day and keep walking. wear a jogging suit to sweat and your goal is obtainable rather easy.

2007-02-15 03:24:19 · answer #3 · answered by rick l 2 · 0 0

i imagine you may want to do it (: it will take ALOT of determining. i ended up dropping 50 pounds for the period of summer time yet i change into determining for 6 hours an afternoon nonstop and being very confusing on what I ate. basically be particular you do not starve your self and eat countless circumstances throughout the day yet in small parts :). sturdy success! I nevertheless have yet another 30 to pass. Oh and be particular you beware of sodium intake too! maximum human beings do not examine that :/

2016-10-17 07:18:00 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Walk 45 minutes in the morning and another 45 at night. Don't eat carbs after 6pm.

2007-02-15 05:56:46 · answer #5 · answered by Robert S 6 · 0 0

You are willing to try to lose weight in an unhealthy manner for the purpose of your vanity? You fit in with the rest of the ignorant society who are are willing to risk their health because of their insecurity.

It's a sad issue.

2007-02-15 03:24:14 · answer #6 · answered by S H 6 · 0 0

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