Today is the day to really set yourself in motion. Heres the ist of things to make her day go as smoothly as possible
- call her now and find out if there are any last minute deatils she needs help with. I can promise you that if there isnt anything left to do she will be vey nervous about how everything is going to come together at the end. Be reassuring that she has done an excellent job of covering her bases and that she has all the I's doted and the T's crossed and everything is going to be great (you will have to constantly do this over the next 3 days so get used to it and dont get annoyed that she keeps asking of freaking a bit about it)
Tomorrow-rehearsal day
-tomorrow will be the rehearsal, take the vendors aside and just let them know that if there should arise any problems that they should go to you to field anything and you will figure out the game plan of how to proceed. Nothing and no one should go to her, this is her happy day and you should bear the brunt of the problems.
-Make sure she has her practice bouquette
-make sure she has all her gifts to be distributed during the dinner afterwards
-keep her mother and MIL away from her as much as possible no doubt they will BOTH be p'issing her off because of stress
Wedding day
-wrangle all the bridemaids-be a b'itch if you have to be, this is your BEst Friends day and you want nothing ruining it. Who cares what everyone else thinks about you?
-Again keep her mom away from her
-Get dressed early and be there to help her get dressed. -Remember not to spray any perfume on her dress, she should put it on before, perfume leaves spots.
-Check her underarms for any white deodorant residue if she is wearing strapless and use a really lightly damp cloth to remove it
-be sure she has her old new borrowed and blue and her penny in her shoe
-be sure she has a hanky or tissue in her hand
-be sure her flowers are always close by her
-If she and the groom are exchanging gifts, this is your duty
-be sure to check on the groom, this is fun because you get to see how happy they are and you can tell her al about it
-carry a hanky yourself, the tears will flow when she starts down the aisle just from the release of the built up stress
-hold her rings if you have them ON YOUR PINKY, dont wear them on any other finger or you migt not be able to get them off
-have your toast ready, write it down and dont go off the cuff.
-remember this day is about your best friend not you, dont bring any drama to her and dont let anyone bring any drama, she shouldnt have a care in the world on Saturday.
Most importantly, give her your time and positive support. She will need both.
Have fun!
ETA:I forgot to add that since she is PG, you want to make sure she eats something before hand. Very important
2007-02-15 03:20:15
answer #1
answered by kateqd30 6
I was a maid of honour for my best friends wedding too, and she was also to top it all off she married my brother! LOL Pretty crazy! Anyways everything went well so this is what you need to do..
Make sure everything is in place, you can help her call places such as photographer, DJ, person doing the food , and flower store. Call these places making sure again they know what time to be there make sure for them to be early and make sure they have everything in order.
Make sure she has something New Blue Borrowed and Old to wear on her day, if not than help her, she needs to have a garter so that is usually blue, let her borrow some jewerly or somthing from you, and her dress will be new and than help her find something old
If not already have her a bachorlett party, have the girls come over usually night before and play games have food and drinks, and you could have a linge party for her, have others bring cool gifts too.
Hope you had the wedding shower already done, if not than..YIKES! You should have had it a few months ago, if not than perhaps have it asap, and have invitations sent out and food and a place to have it, you pay for all of this as well as the other girls in the wedding.
Go out with her and the girls the day of to go for breakfeast, usualy you pay for her, go with her to get her hair done as well as yours, and makeup, help her get into her dress without messing up her hair and makeup.
Just keep her calm and keep telling her that she looks really really good. If she wants somthing done do it for her and give her a hand on everything. If she is wearing a vail than when shes at the end of the aisle and takes it away from her face, you should fix it make it look good, you will have to sign the witness thing later on, but they will tell you and show you all of this at the rehersal this week. You should have a speach ready to say at the reception. Rather than that have a great day and help her have a time of her life.
2007-02-15 07:28:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The number one thing that you can do is field any and all problems. Keep a very close eye on people who look as though they're coming to find the bride because the flower girl forgot her basket, so and so doesn't want to sit where they're supposed to, the corsages got mixed up, etc. Get to these people first, and YOU solve the problems however you have to. Don't even let the bride know that there ever was a problem. All of these such things are very minor incidents that no one will notice or care about, but they will unnecessarily stress out the bride.
2007-02-15 04:22:18
answer #3
answered by Pink Denial 6
Are they registered any where? It would say so in the invitation. If you hate the idea of walking around a store with a list,just get them a gift card to that store. If the wedding is not that far away then all the expensive items are probably the ones left in there registry,people tend to buy the cheapest items on the couples list,so a gift card might be the best way to go. If they are not registered any where,a gift card is still the best way to go.Get them a Visa gift card,you can ususally buy them at a bank,call around and find out who has them and if there is a charge for the card itself..its usually just a few bucks.You can put any amount of money on the card,and it's just like a credit card,so they can use it any where that takes credit cards,even online.
2016-05-24 03:16:48
answer #4
answered by Penelope 4
First, have a little emergency kit prepared with sewing things, etc. Have your sense of humor ready because that always helps. Maybe some sweet little gift that'll make her laugh. And you'll need to prepare a speech for your toast. There are some great books out there to help you with this. You can do a search, but since you may never need it again, visit your library and get what you need for free. do this AHEAD of time though! You don't want to be scrambling for the right words on the day! good luck to all of you!
2007-02-15 03:27:53
answer #5
answered by Lisa A 4
Be supportive of her before Saturday and just ask if she needs help with anything in particular on or before the day of the wedding. She must feel that you are a good friend or she wouldn't have picked you. And you definitely have the right attitude, I've seen bridesmaids make the bride's wedding pure hell for her. Be there early to help her to get ready and tell her how beautiful she looks.
2007-02-15 03:14:04
answer #6
answered by orangeflameninja 4
Make sure you have an emergency bag with you for her, I think has some articles on maid of honors and duties and bags to keep by the table and what to have at the chruch
make sure to have pain meds, nylons, something for her to snack on, extra hairspray, lipstick, a soothing cd to listen to while getting prepared
2007-02-15 03:08:31
answer #7
answered by scarlett13854 3
Make sure you have her face powder, lipstick, and tissues for her- so you can make sure her makeup stays fresh all day/night. It's also a good idea for you to help her in the bathroom (with the dress) and just be around her during the day to help with whatever she needs.
Have fun!
2007-02-15 03:16:52
answer #8
answered by 1912 Hudson 4
Ask her if she needs for you to do anything specific for her that day. Then ask her if she'd like you to bring her the "wedding emergency kit." Which could consist of…
Safety pins, tissues, advil (for headaches), water bottle w/ a straw (so not to smudge her lipstick), scissors, emergency sewing kit, chalk (for stains), and anything else you can think of that she might need.
2007-02-15 03:13:55
answer #9
answered by foodie 5
You are way behind the power curve, but if she has given you your duties that means she is handling it...I would recommend keeping her happy and stress free as possible...
2007-02-15 02:57:25
answer #10
answered by smoothlova1 3