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I have Dish Network in two rooms. The dual receiver is in the living room with TV1, and TV2 is in my bedroom. My bedroom TV sits about 3 feet from the end of my bed, which is where I watch TV the most.

Ok so the problem is with TV2 remote control. I don't know how often you should have to change the batteries but I seem to be going through them like crazy. And when the batteries are running low at all, (a few days worth of use??), it is madness getting the clicker to work. It is usually some combo of profanity, tongue out, and pointing it in every possible direction, and getting closer to the TV...while whistling a happy tune.

OK so my question is...where do you point the remote for best use? I don't have a tuner in this room and the dual receiver isn't meant to always be close to the other TVs in the house. I am actually only about 20 feet from the receiver but facing the bed and clicking I am aiming 90 deg away from the box in the living room. Does this matter?

2007-02-15 01:58:56 · 3 answers · asked by musicimprovedme 7 in Consumer Electronics TVs

SNS re: batteries, it isn't as bad as it sounds, I change them maybe once a month. Still that seems like a lot.

The light isn't on all the time...and I don't think I'm tripping it in my sleep but it does get laid down right by my head!

Keep in mind that THIS remote is labelled TV2 and the install guy programmed it to this particular TV. So still aim at the box? I don't think I can switch remotes. (tried it, tv2 remote works on tv1 when i take it to the other room.)

Oh well, as long as I'm not activating some poor schmuck's garage door.


2007-02-15 02:49:11 · update #1

3 answers

You aim the remote towards the receiver. Does the second remote has sending signal light on all the time even when you are not using it? Try changing the remote control because it is very unusual to run down the battery. Hoping this remote does not sleep under the pillow? Good luck.

2007-02-15 02:09:30 · answer #1 · answered by sns 2 · 0 0

Have you heard anything about Satellite TV For PC yet ? Its much better than Dish .

2007-02-15 02:04:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

press and hold the tv button till all the imputs light up then press the large red button and press channel up till the tv turns off then press pound

2016-03-29 07:23:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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