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Recieved a deep fryer for xmas. I want to deep fry a ham. What type of ham works best (processed or shank), what oil is best, and might you have any other tips?
I have had deep-fried turkey yum-yum, but never cooked either a turkey or ham myself

2007-02-15 01:52:36 · 2 answers · asked by Happy_Wheatland 4 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

2 answers

Deep Fried Ham:
7-10 lbs ham (bone in skin on)
marinade (optional,anything injectable)
peanut oil (for your deep fryer,aprox.5 gallons, less for a larger ham)

1. Thaw ham completely and pat dry.
2. (When deep frying moisture on the surface will cause a lot of oil popping and splattering, be careful) Marinade (if using) Inject whatever marinade you want to use into several place throughout the ham (I recommend 10-15 spots).
3. Place the ham in the steamer basket that comes with most turkey deep fryers and CAREFULLY and SLOWLY lower the ham into the hot oil (350-375 degrees).
4. There is a lot of water in the ham!
5. Since I couldn't put it in otherwise you must cook the ham about 3 1/2 to 4 minutes per pound depending on the size of the ham and how much it cools down the oil.
6. Obviously a smaller ham will take less time if the oil is hotter and a bigger ham will take longer even with the oil hot.
7. If when you start the oil cools down don't worry just watch the temp and adjust your cooking time.
8. Also for a bigger ham you would want to use less oil in the deep fryer so it doesn't overflow when the ham is lowered in.

Good luck and please be very careful~!

2007-02-15 06:55:09 · answer #1 · answered by newsgirlinos2 5 · 0 0

FILLED BEEF ROLLS 8 thin frying steaks, trimmed 2 dill pickles, cut in thin strips 4 oz. cooked ham steak, cut in thin strips 2 green onions, shredded Mustard 4 tbsp. oil 2 tbsp. flour 1 c. beef stock 4 tbsp. white wine 1 tbsp. tomato paste Salt and pepper 4 tbsp. sour cream or thick yogurt Chopped parsley Variation: Other filling ingredients such as mushrooms, sauerkraut, herbs and bread crumbs or horseradish and bread crumbs bound with egg may be used. Serving ideas: serve with pasta, rice or mashed potatoes. Place each steak between two sheets of damp wax paper and bat out with a meat mallet or rolling pin to flatten. Cut the dill pickles, ham and green onions into even sized lengths. Spread the meat thinly with the mustard and divide the dill pickles, ham and onions among all the slices. Fold in the sides of the meat about 1/2 inch. Roll the meat around the filling and secure with wooden picks or tie with fine string. Heat the oil in a large saute pan and when hot, brown the beef rolls. It may be necessary to brown them in two batches. Remove the meat and set aside. Add the flour to the pan and allow to cook until light brown. Gradually stir in the stock and add the wine, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for one minute. Return the beef rolls to the pan and spoon over some of the sauce. Cover and cook over low heat for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Add more liquid as necessary during cooking. When the beef rolls are cooked, transfer them to a serving dish and remove the wooden picks or string. Spoon over the sauce and top with the sour cream and chopped parsley to serve.

2016-05-24 03:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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