Insomnia is characterized by an inability to sleep and/or inability to remain asleep for a reasonable period. Insomniacs typically complain of being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and nonorganic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder. It is often caused by fear, stress, anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine, depression or sometimes for no apparent reason. An overactive mind or physical pain may also be causes. Finding the underlying cause of insomnia is usually necessary to cure it.
Three different types of insomnia exist: transient, acute, and chronic
1. Transient Insomnia lasts from one night to a few weeks. Most people occasionally suffer from transient insomnia due to such causes as jet lag or short-term anxiety. If this form of insomnia continues to occur from time to time, the insomnia is classified as intermittent.
2. Acute Insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a period of between three weeks to six months.
3. Chronic Insomnia is regarded as the most serious; persists almost nightly for at least a month.
For more info check these links:
Hope these help...
2007-02-14 17:27:28
answer #1
answered by Vocal Prowess 4
It sounds as if you may have insomnia. You don't say how old you are, but I had it as a very young child. It got better during middle and high school but came back with a vengeance when I was an adult. I don't know if a doctor would prescribe anything for you but you might consider asking your parents if you could speak to your family doctor. It is too bad that your parents will not listen to you, but if you can convince them to let you see a doctor than maybe he or she could help explain it to your parents.
Good luck to you.
2007-02-14 19:46:06
answer #2
answered by Patti C 7
Well in my case I was diagnosed a severe manic depressant which contributed to insomnia and addiction. I finally asked for help and was prescribed Zoloft and Trazadone. The longest I ever stayed up without drugs or alcohol was 12 days straight. If your anything like me take prescribed drugs but I am a pretty severe case.
2016-03-29 07:08:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Have a sleep study test done. You will have to see a sleep study specialist. You will stay at a place from night to morning, they will monitor your sleep, if you enter deep sleep or not. If you have sleep apnea or insomnia. They will put lots of cords ALL OVER you but its not painful. This test will definitly diagnose whether or not you have insomnia. I had it done and I was diagnose with Insomnia and restless leg syndrome which I had no clue about.
Good luc
2007-02-14 19:17:11
answer #4
answered by egomezz007 4
If you can't sleep you may have insomnia . Burst in your parents room at 3 a.m. and tell them you can't sleep they will believe you then.
2007-02-14 17:31:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
insomnia is for people who rarely sleep.. in your case, you do sleep but it just takes you time.. just take mild sleeping pills to make you fall asleep faster...
2007-02-14 17:27:07
answer #6
answered by Hana Kimi 2
If you consistently loose sleep you may have it. How about reading in bed ... this usually helps me. Your parents should not ignore or avoid your request for help. This is a real issue .... Good luck!
2007-02-14 17:27:24
answer #7
answered by daffodil 5
you can,t stop thing of what is bothering you and you start being dependent on sleeping pills from your doctor.
2007-02-14 17:28:27
answer #8
answered by i,m here if you need to talk. 6
If you are up all nite reading this stuff!
2007-02-14 17:27:07
answer #9
answered by tom 6