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a quick hairstyle for long hair, i have medium thickness, do not use hair products, have a blow dryer, curling iron, straightener. have very little time to devote, hair about to lower back... any ideas? need pics and instructions..

2007-02-14 16:18:26 · 10 answers · asked by _123456_ 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

about 10 mins to style. i always put it up in a bun, tired of it, im a SAHM. so....just alittle something different for myself..

2007-02-14 16:31:26 · update #1

10 answers

well umm try just expirementing! Like try everything try curling your cair and it depends i f this is everyday to school and how much time do you have exctly?

2007-02-14 16:21:20 · answer #1 · answered by cheburashka_lovah 3 · 0 0

Oh, I have a couple of good ones for ya. My twins had thick fine hair down to their waist and they really had to get creative. One of the tricks they used was to put a bit of mouse in their hair after washing at night and put it into several braids. Like the braids that start at the top of the head and weave all the way down, is it a french braid? Only she would do four of them. Then when she got up in the morning she would put the blow drier on it again to make sure it was completely dry. Then when she took the braid out, her hair would be curly all over. All with just a bit of mousse.
The other one they did was to pull their hair back to make a ponytail. then lift the ponytail up off your neck and gently slip your first two fingers into the middle above the elastic band and pull the whole ponytail through. Like you're pulling it inside out. Then put a ribbon around the elastic. Or you could do that same thing only do the top half of your hair and pull the ponytail then gather the bottom half of your hair and do another one.
Or just do the french braid all the way down the back. Or braid from above one ear over the top of your head to below the other ear.
Put your hair in a bun, low at the back or side and leave out one good strand and curl that strand on your curling iron. And leave a very fine bit of hair around your face to curl for a softer look.

2007-02-14 16:43:56 · answer #2 · answered by O Wise One 3 · 1 0

I don't have pics but what I do is I this Redken product called 'curl perfector' I put that in my hair when it's damp, then I use the diffuser on my blow dryer and scrunch it and it comes out all wavy/curly. My hair is about the same length as yours, mine's really thick though. Hope this helps a little!

2007-02-14 16:23:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can you French braid? That's a great type of hairstyle and can be done in different variations. Or take sections of your hair and pin back. Regular braids are cute, in a pony tail or pig tails. Twist your hair and pin it up with a clip. Barrettes are good to just keep your hair pulled back from your face. I guess you just have to experiment a bit to find what you like.

2016-05-24 01:41:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to have waist-length hair (until I gave it away to locks of love), so I understand your problem.

What I used to do was a quick and easy variation on the simple bun:

Put your hair back into a low ponytail on the base of your neck.

Divide the pony tail into two strands, and twist them, then coil them together into a knot. Use an elastic to secure the knotted bun, and then pins to hold the sides down. It takes about three minutes, and you can do it without a mirror. It's really simple to do, and looks gorgeous.

2007-02-14 16:38:48 · answer #5 · answered by Evangeline 2 · 0 0

its a bit difficult to try and describe a new hairstyle to you but yeah you can try products to make it curly or dead straight anf smooth, and wear it out! as a general guide dont buy the really cheap products, and the high end stuff often is the best - but the mid range stuff which i use is good too! but heres an idea- instead of fussing with your hair and trying new styles, why dont u get some cute headbands, clips, chopsticks, combs etc and spice it up a bit that way?

2007-02-14 17:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by Steph C 1 · 0 0

you could just put it up in a ponytail, knot, or bun...ponytail is self-explanatory...for the knot i just put it up in a pony tail, twist it around and secure it with a scrunchy...sometimes i secure it with a ponytail or 2 before the scrunchy....it takes 5-10mins depending on you

2007-02-14 16:26:37 · answer #7 · answered by ♥Catherine♥ 4 · 0 0

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- *Long Hairstyle tips-

2007-02-14 17:19:03 · answer #8 · answered by Naturale 2 · 0 0

try a bump in the frunt and hair back heres a pic http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i279/his_boo_2006/hirforgraduation.jpg

2007-02-14 16:36:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

how bout, cut it shorter. haha. itll make it easier to manage and stuff. then you can leave it down and straighten it or throw it in a ponytail everyday.

2007-02-14 16:21:39 · answer #10 · answered by Emilyy<3 3 · 0 1

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