i have split ends and i was wondering what shampoo to use in order to repair it. i don't want it cut. i've been using some Paul Mitchell and Herbal Essences. i just noticed this. do u have any ideas?
10 answers
asked by
(Beautiful Disaster)
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
fine... i'll cut my long, beautiful hair
12:26:19 ·
update #1
shampoo cant heal split ends
2007-02-14 16:23:10
answer #1
answered by rajan naidu 7
The outermost layer of the hair - the cuticle is destroyed and a hair strand splits into 2 or 3 strands.Hair should be trimmed regularly, at least once in six weeks. Longer hair is more likely to develop split ends. After shampooing and conditioning the hair, apply a drop of olive oil on the hair and comb the hair so that it spreads evenly.More details at the link below.
2007-02-17 06:25:19
answer #2
answered by kisan 3
Nothing heals split ends. The hair is dead and should be trimmed. Split ends don't really hurt the hair, except that they can continue to split up the shaft and then cause problems (knots, etc). If you don't want to lose length, tell the hairdresser that. I got my hair cut recently because of split/frayed ends and I didn't want to lose the length. She didn't really cut the bottom layer and then put in lots of other layers (I like layers!). Don't believe though that cutting your hair will make it grow. It's like saying cutting your nails makes them grow. It just doesn't happen! Anyway, hope this helped. In the meantime though, use a good shampoo/conditioner for dry hair and use something like Sebastian's Potion #9 (a leave in treatment for hair) after you towel dry your hair. This will help to protect it throughout the day and will make it softer.
2007-02-15 00:20:16
answer #3
answered by kaliluna 6
No product will make the split ends disappear, you'll just have to cut it even if it's just the ends of you hair. After you do so, you can use moisturizing product to prevent split ends from appearing again.
2007-02-15 00:21:46
answer #4
answered by danemt 2
Split ends are best helped when removed from the hair.. or it will keep splitting because it's dead.. i like Pantene restorics because it helps the damaged parts and it's like a conditioner treatment.. it worked for me... i also tried a couple of conditioning treatments to go along with it too..
good luck!
2007-02-15 04:12:57
answer #5
answered by tiffaknee01 3
SORRY but split ends cannot be repaired,the only way to get rid of them is by trimming or cutting your hair. if you want to keep your length then just get it trimmed before it worsens. after that it also helps to use Dove repair sham&cond its a blue bottle.
Hair tip-it is healthy for your hair if you get it trimmed evry 6-8wks. it rids your split ends and helps your hair grow a little faster. i perspnally use a REVO split ender on my hair every 8 weeks. i got it off of ebay for $20. it works great.
2007-02-15 00:33:32
answer #6
answered by mommylove 3
I always see advertisement that Pantene Pro-V heps split ends. You may need to bite the bullett and snip an inch or so off the bottom. This will only help in your hair continuing to grow healthy (and faster).
2007-02-15 00:26:20
answer #7
answered by Mrs. T 4
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Dry hair / Oily hair/ Splitends / Fruit Packs for scalp
2007-02-15 01:20:15
answer #8
answered by Naturale 2
i think u should cut the spilt end OFF!
or just trim it a little so u won't have to pay money :]]
2007-02-15 01:14:29
answer #9
answered by Applebomb 1
try not to get dapperest. um.......... head and solders should have one for split ends.
=D good luck
2007-02-15 00:21:13
answer #10
answered by Female 4