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blogged about it, got dumb responses.

"You can't define it." --Hey, how can you tell that you're in love if you can't define it? How can you tell that it exist? I mean, at least God has a basis for existence. But the person countered with "You can't explain God, does he exist?" (it was a catholic school, everyone was catholic, including me)

"Love is life, and life is love. Love is beautiful. Everybody needs love to exist."-- WTH was that. That wasn't an explanation or a definition, it sounds like a freaking quote from a dating game show.

"Love is not the same as a crush, love is something bigger." -- But, you can't tell why. Sounds like an exaggerated crush to me, then.

"Love is affection, commitment, and lust combined." --IMO it's not dumb at all. But it sound like someone grouped the three and named it.

Happy Valentine's Day. I know there's probably someone out there that can give a rational answer, but there's probably gonna be a lot of people giving novel-ish melodramatic crap

2007-02-14 15:29:38 · 10 answers · asked by Coffee-Infused Insomniac 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

"do you love your mom and dad? why? how do you explain that?"

Is that a response intended to make me STFU? Not working. I care for them, but I wouldn't call that "love". Calling it love looks like an attempt to give love a meaning.

"Love for me is defined by how we each treat the others in our lives."

I give the same answer as above for this.

And yes, there's the "OMG LIBERAL" answer, but doesn't really prove anything.

2007-02-14 15:41:17 · update #1

10 answers

do you love your mom and dad? why? how do you explain that? i love my family for who they are, and that's why i love that special someone too, same thing

2007-02-14 15:32:28 · answer #1 · answered by some_one1234 4 · 0 0

The only way I have been able to distinguish a crush from love was after the break-up. Then everything is crystal clear.

A crush fades so very quickly. Get over it a week, maybe a month. Never really miss the person. Might think of them fondly and wonder what they are up to from time to time. No jealousy. Wish them the best sorta feelings.

The one person that I know I loved. OMG I can never shake it off.
Always think about the person. Feel sad and hurt at his absence.
Miss and care about him forever. Can never imagine him with another woman. It will stick with me forever. I dont think you can stop loving someone. You either did or didnt. It is kinda like a family member. No matter really what happens you still love them.

2007-02-14 15:39:00 · answer #2 · answered by Esperenza 3 · 0 0

Maybe it's not so much a problem with the answers as with the question... love IS difficult to define. And believe it or not, when it happens, even though you had no real basis for understanding it before, you really do have a sort of "AhA!" moment, where you suddenly know what it feels like. I believe that many people who think they are in love aren't. You obviously believe in God. So think about trying to tell someone about your faith who doesn't believe.... it's hard to do, no? Love is like that.

2007-02-14 15:40:08 · answer #3 · answered by Debbie B 4 · 0 0

I go to the First evangelical free church and this is the definition of love you can find it in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 but all of chapter 13 is great.

2007-02-14 15:41:28 · answer #4 · answered by Hephaestus 2 · 0 0

I do not base any part of my life on some liberal based sit com from holyweed.

Love for me is defined by how we each treat the others in our lives.

2007-02-14 15:32:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sadly I think tv and love storys are all that most people base love on is because its all that people see. Where you meet someone and fall in love and you are with that person forever.

It doesn't work like that and hardly ever does ...!!!!

2007-02-14 15:38:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Definition of Love can be found in 1Corinthians chapter 13

2007-02-14 15:33:11 · answer #7 · answered by braille 5 · 0 0

well what ppl see on tv is what they think is the perfect life...... they want their life to be exactly like that, with happy endings and the whole shazam. ppl need a reality check. there rn't ne happy endings, unless u think death is a happy thing..... and life will never b perfect unless its full of imperfections.

2007-02-14 15:36:43 · answer #8 · answered by book worm 5 · 0 0

I think love is...undefineable. Seriously. You can't ever really explain it, but once you fall into it, you will know it.

2007-02-14 15:36:14 · answer #9 · answered by The12thMan 2 · 0 0

YES dude you're completely right. Thats why people get divorced.

2007-02-14 15:32:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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