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medium-longish wavy thick brown hair?

Im not very good with the whole styling thing seeing as my hair used to be out of control frizzy so i used to just put it up and forget about it. Now It's tamed down, for the most part..., and looks really nice just worn down, but then its gets really hot and I get sick of wearing it down all the time, so what would be some cute hair styles that would work on my hair? any imput would be great. thanks so much!

2007-02-14 10:16:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anna 2 in Beauty & Style Hair

6 answers

Okay, take a front section of yer hair and boby-pin it back only a bit of the fron though then a low ponytail!
Very cute, and casual!

2007-02-14 10:20:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

you could put it up in a bun with a little tendril of hair coming down in the front; that would look cute.

another easy alternative is to just get a pretty hair clip and twist your hair, and then hold it in place with the clip.

hope these help you out! i've had my share of bad hair days, too, and know where you're comin' from! : )

2007-02-14 10:20:46 · answer #2 · answered by kittyluvr0223 3 · 0 0

Pull area of it up and depart some down. i come across this the final thank you to regulate poofy or thick hair. basically the area you pull back confirm its tight an it will carry down your different hair=)

2016-10-02 03:42:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

2007-02-14 10:24:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

half up half down witht he side bands...scrunching it with moose and hairspray& if you have sidebangs straighten them...curly with a side ponytail looks good too

2007-02-14 10:19:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like my head bald shave it often

2007-02-14 10:19:29 · answer #6 · answered by Chuck & Christy N 3 · 0 2

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