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I'm trying to do a history check to find out the origin of sprinkling in the churches and infant baptism. I know that in the Bible neither is mentioned.

2007-02-14 09:06:53 · 11 answers · asked by Scott P 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Quite early apparently. I understand there is mention of it as early as the second century. I agree with you : the Bible doesn't refer to it. the word "baptise" means to "dunk" or "immerse", and the condition for baptism was "repent and believe".

2007-02-14 09:10:39 · answer #1 · answered by Mr Ed 7 · 1 0

Infant baptism is mentioned indirectly in the Bible since the Bible repeatedly tells us that when a new convert came into the Church, their "whole family" was baptized with them. Also, the writings of the early Church Fathers is full of references to infant baptism. If you are approaching this question historically you will certainly want to read those. Consider this ... If the early Church did not baptize infants, then the Church must have added the practice at some later date. This would certainly have been a very controversial move, and there would surely have been many opinionated writings both by proponents of the change and by opponents - just like when the Catholic Church changed the Mass from Latin to the vernacular. Yet when we look back into history we find not a word, either pro or con, about the introduction of infant baptism. For the simple reason that it never happened. The Christian Church has baptized infants since apostolic times, and every available scrap of historical evidence supports that fact.

Of course, no-one with a proper understanding of baptism would have any doubts about infant baptism anyway. The reason that manmade denominational churches have a problem with infant baptism is that they have rejected the original Christian view of baptism as a sacrament , something GOD does to a person, resulting in an outpouring of grace, and have reduced it to a mere symbolic gesture, something WE do to demonstrate our faithfulness to God.

No church that I know of uses "sprinkling" as a means of baptism. The Catholic Church uses two forms - pouring of water over the head of the person, or full immersion. Both methods have been used since apostolic times. This too is apparent in the writings of the early Church Fathers. The early Church existed in a desert land, where in may towns the only available water for many miles was the town well. When Jesus and the apostles preached in such places they certainly did not lower people into the well to baptize them. They brought up a bucket of water and baptized all the people who desired baptism - and their whole families. The baptism of Jesus was, not surprisingly, a fairly popular subject with early artists. It is significant that every known early depiction of the baptism of Jesus shows him standing in the water while John pours water over His head, either from his hand or from a shell or other container.

You can find some good information on the subject here:



2007-02-14 09:32:00 · answer #2 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 1 1

Infant baptism was taught by the early christian church fathers aswell as other types of baptism it seriously does not matter I did a history check when I was a fundie then i found out catholicism was the real form of christianity but then i decided that I'm not sure what to believe so Im a agnostic

Baptism in the Early Church

That the early Church permitted pouring instead of immersion is demonstrated by the Didache, a Syrian liturgical manual that was widely circulated among the churches in the first few centuries of Christianity, perhaps the earliest Christian writing outside the New Testament.

The Didache was written around A.D. 70 and, though not inspired, is a strong witness to the sacramental practice of Christians in the apostolic age. In its seventh chapter, the Didache reads, "Concerning baptism, baptize in this manner: Having said all these things beforehand, baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit in living water [that is, in running water, as in a river]. If there is no living water, baptize in other water; and, if you are not able to use cold water, use warm. If you have neither, pour water three times upon the head in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." These instructions were composed either while some of the apostles and disciples were still alive or during the next generation of Christians, and they represent an already established custom.

The testimony of the Didache is seconded by other early Christian writings. Hippolytus of Rome said, "If water is scarce, whether as a constant condition or on occasion, then use whatever water is available" (The Apostolic Tradition, 21 [A.D. 215]). Pope Cornelius I wrote that as Novatian was about to die, "he received baptism in the bed where he lay, by pouring" (Letter to Fabius of Antioch [A.D. 251]; cited in Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, 6:4311).

Cyprian advised that no one should be "disturbed because the sick are poured upon or sprinkled when they receive the Lord’s grace" (Letter to a Certain Magnus 69:12 [A.D. 255]). Tertullian described baptism by saying that it is done "with so great simplicity, without pomp, without any considerable novelty of preparation, and finally, without cost, a man is baptized in water, and amid the utterance of some few words, is sprinkled, and then rises again, not much (or not at all) the cleaner" (On Baptism, 2 [A.D. 203]). Obviously, Tertullian did not consider baptism by immersion the only valid form, since he says one is only sprinkled and thus comes up from the water "not much (or not at all) the cleaner."

Infant Baptism isn't mentioned directly but I remeber reading that the apostles baptized house-holds they wouldn't restrain from babies.

2007-02-14 09:14:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before 1633 even Baptists practiced pouring or sprinkling. In 1633 some English Baptists, called the Particular Baptists, insisted upon immersion as the only Biblical mode of baptism.

The proper way to babtize is with water and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Sprirt. How much water does not matter.

2007-02-14 09:22:01 · answer #4 · answered by Paul K 6 · 0 0

I do not have a date for you but it is definitely a borrowed ritual from older times. The ancient Greek and others used water as a purifier during religious ceremonies. A lot of the ritual used in the church is borrowed or adapted from other cults like Isis. Mithra and others.

2007-02-14 09:17:02 · answer #5 · answered by The Stainless Steel Rat 5 · 0 0

I think it was a pope. After all He thinks he has the power to change the word of YHVH. The Almighty YHVH set up a system. He sent His “Son” YAHOSHUA to die for the sins of mankind so they would not have to. (They could choose to, but did not have to). Any person who chooses not to allow Yahoshua to take care of their sins, chooses to remain attached to their sins. They thus will wind up in the lake of fire which is YHVH’s method of cleaning this world, and eliminating sin and sinners. The Creator set aside the Seventh day for rest and worship. Yes that is the day usually called “Saturday”. We are not saved by obedience, we are saved by faith. However we are saved FOR obedience. As He said in John 14:15 (and in many other places) “If you love me, keep my commandments.

2007-02-14 09:10:04 · answer #6 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 0 1

Jesus commanded it in the Bible to baptise in the name of the father ,son,and holy spirit.

2007-02-14 09:14:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If infants were baptized in the first century then answer this for me.
How can an infant do the following steps required prior to baptism?

The Bible says there are certain things a person must DO BEFORE he can be baptized. A person MUST BELIEVE in Jesus Christ before he can be baptized. Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16). How do we come to believe in Jesus as the Son of God? It is by hearing the Word of God. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Therefore a person MUST have faith in Christ BEFORE he can be baptized. To be baptized before a person believes is wrong. That baptism is no good! Now let’s ask a question, Can a baby believe in Jesus as the Son of God? We all know the answer is “no!” Then, babies are NOT to be baptized.

A person MUST REPENT of his sins before he can be baptized. The Bible says, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). To repent means to change one’s life from bad to good. To repent means to have a change of mind. A person no longer wants to do things his way, but now he wants to do what the Lord says. Can a baby repent? Can he change his mind and way of life? In no way! Therefore a baby is not to be baptized!

Before a person can be baptized, he MUST also CONFESS his faith in Christ. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9,10). A good example of this is in Acts 8. The man from Ethiopia was being taught by Philip. They came to some water (v. 36). The man from Ethiopia wanted to be baptized. Before Philip baptized him he confessed, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” (v. 37). After his confession, he was baptized. Baptism came AFTER confession, not before. Can a baby confess his faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God? The answer is a definite “no!” Therefore, a baby is not ready for baptism. What have we learned so far? A person must hear the Word of God. He must believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Then he must repent of his sins. After that, he must confess his faith in Christ as the Son of God. All of this must be done BEFORE a person can be baptized. A person cannot be baptized and then believe, repent and confess. The Bible doesn’t teach it that way. That is why a baby is not to be baptized. A baby CANNOT have faith in Christ. A baby CANNOT confess his faith in Christ. A baby CANNOT repent of his sins for two reasons. First, he has no sins. Second, he couldn’t repent of them if he did have them. Let’s follow what the Bible teaches and then we can all agree. The Bible says, “But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized” (Acts 8:12).

Infant baptism and sprinkling or pouring are creations of Man. These practices are NOT taught in the Bible.

2007-02-14 09:55:14 · answer #8 · answered by TG 4 · 0 0

It started in the fourth century, when pope Popatop decreed that water should be conserved.

2007-02-14 09:11:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Water was scarce in the desert so they used camels piss to sprinkle the head. it caught on in many Churches but because camel piss was sometimes hard to come by they started using water.

2007-02-14 09:19:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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