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7 answers

I love that passage.

It explains that in order to get into Heaven, you must be born again.

Jesus is from Heaven (God.) He will rise on the third day (he did.)

And that God loved us enough to come here, not to condemn but to save us.


2007-02-14 08:10:34 · answer #1 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 0 1

Jesus is telling Nicodemus what we must do to enter God's Kingdom. Jesus taught it, and on the Day of Pentecost, the first assembly of believers in the Upper Room experienced the Promise of the Father and Peter preached the greatest message in the history of the world!!!! The experience is waiting for you!! Do it today. The Bible says to do it, and don't let man or anything else talk you out of it!!

2007-02-14 16:15:45 · answer #2 · answered by michael m 5 · 0 0

Since 1914, Jesus Christ has been present in heaven as the King of God’s heavenly Kingdom. Foretelling what would take place during his presence, he said among other things: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Before the end comes, that worldwide preaching work must be accomplished. Jesus Christ takes pleasure in having imperfect humans take part. You too may have a share in this work.

Nicodemus recognized that Jesus came from God. (John 3:2) From studying the Bible, you may have come to a similar conclusion. You may have made changes in your way of life to conform to Bible standards. You may even be attending meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses to take in further knowledge of the Bible. You are to be commended for such efforts. Yet, Nicodemus needed to go beyond simply showing appreciation for Jesus as the one sent by God. He needed to “disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow [Jesus] continually.”—Luke 9:23.

Take to heart what the apostle Paul tells us. He wrote: “Working together with him, we also entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose. For he says: ‘In an acceptable time I heard you, and in a day of salvation I helped you.’ Look! Now is the especially acceptable time. Look! Now is the day of salvation.”—2 Corinthians 6:1, 2.

Now is the time to develop the faith that moves you to action. To that end, meditate on the things that you are studying in the Bible. Pray to Jehovah, and ask him for help to display such faith. As you experience his helping hand, your appreciation and love for him will move you to want to ‘disown yourself and pick up your torture stake day after day and follow Jesus Christ continually.’ Will you act now?

2007-02-14 21:10:13 · answer #3 · answered by amorromantico02 5 · 0 0

That covers a lot of ground. People are first carnal, then if they choose can recieve Messiah in them the hope of glory, and become spiritual. Most don't. Even those who ought to understand are leading people astray. The Almighty YHVH set up a system. He sent His “Son” YAHOSHUA to die for the sins of mankind so they would not have to. (They could choose to, but did not have to). Any person who chooses not to allow Yahoshua to take care of their sins, chooses to remain attached to their sins. They thus will wind up in the lake of fire which is YHVH’s method of cleaning this world, and eliminating sin and sinners. The Creator set aside the Seventh day for rest and worship. Yes that is the day usually called “Saturday”. We are not saved by obedience, we are saved by faith. However we are saved FOR obedience. As He said in John 14:15 (and in many other places) “If you love me, keep my commandments.

2007-02-14 16:08:07 · answer #4 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 0 1

I wish you were more specific. / :

Jesus was talking to Nicodemus about being 'reborn' spiritually. Nicodemus was having a hard time conceptualizing what Jesus said. But I think that Nicodemus eventually got it.

2007-02-14 16:11:59 · answer #5 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

It's pretty simple. Self-explanatory. You either get it or you don't.

2007-02-14 16:08:03 · answer #6 · answered by Paulie D 5 · 0 1

God "loved" the world so much, that he killed his kid. And whoever buys that twisted notion of justice gets to live with the guy forever.

Errr, no thanks!

2007-02-14 16:06:57 · answer #7 · answered by Laptop Jesus 2.0 5 · 2 5

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