Not my business so long as it is not my 22 yo daughter. Then we would have issues.
2007-02-14 07:01:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The "pat" answer for this is that you are looking for a father figure which you perhaps did not have when younger. I don't see a problem with age difference, but would implore you to think of the longterm. IF this is someone you are going to have children with you are going to be left as a single parent no doubt. This individual is/could get the health problems related to aging while you are still young and vibrant and how are you going to deal with that? This individual is going to want to retire when you are fresh into building your careers and interests..... It might be good now but the future poses MANY problems which you need to think about now.
2007-02-14 07:06:18
answer #2
answered by girlwithbirds 1
It's all relative. When I was 18 I dated a man who was 38. Men don't mature as fast as women - some of them stay about 20-something all of their lives. Women mature faster.
I'm 45 now. I wouldn't change the fact that I dated this man - or any other older man I dated through my early 20s. It was what I needed and wanted at the time. Now that I'm 45, I tend to date men in their 30s...go figure.
2007-02-14 07:03:59
answer #3
answered by J F 6
As the hit R&B song goes "age ain't nothin but a number". As long as you guys love each other, are compatible, etc, then its up to the couple. I'm 24 now and when I was 21 I dated a guy who was 42 and at that time he was a couple of years older than my father. LOL
N Joy :-)
2007-02-14 07:01:41
answer #4
answered by sweetladie125 2
Age is purely a huge decision. i understand many circumstances wherein couples have been better than happy even while the boys are between fifty six and 66 and girls persons between 25 and 32. So dont get scared. this is a delusion that age distinction maters plenty.
2016-09-29 02:56:22
answer #5
answered by fogleman 4
I'm a girl and I'm 22 and really I don't see nothing wrong with falling in love with a 46 year old man. : ) : )
2007-02-14 07:00:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Actually in this day and age it is becoming more common. Just like older girls dating younger guys. Look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kucher. Nothing is wrong with it in my eyes just people who like being with each other.
2007-02-14 07:00:28
answer #7
answered by sexypanty07 2
Makes him like a dirty old man. He's old enough to be her dad. When she was born, he was 24. When she's 35, he'll be 59. Too big of a difference.
2007-02-14 07:05:34
answer #8
answered by aj1964 3
If they want to be together then they can be together so i don't care its not right or wrong peoplee just tghink it's gross and really it's none of there buisness
2007-02-14 07:01:44
answer #9
answered by yungn8tive1807 2
Well personally i dont think much of it i meen if you two really like each other go for it. alot of people would say its gross but hey who cares right?
2007-02-14 06:59:30
answer #10
answered by OMG WHERE ARE THE COWS!!!!! 1