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My boyfriend and daughters father whom I live with, bought me nothing for valentines day. He still has not called and say happy valentine day or anything else for the matter. I am not big on holiday's but it is the thought that counts. And my feelings are hurt because he is so thoughtless. Is he wrong, should I even be sad/mad?

2007-02-14 05:47:00 · 23 answers · asked by LESLIE 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

23 answers

it's kind've like EXPECTING a present for your birthday and Christmas...sadly you're in the wrong. It's nice to receive stuff..but never EXPECT anything...it ruins the whole point of giving gifts and etc..

2007-02-14 05:50:06 · answer #1 · answered by Dorkus 4 · 0 0

Gee... it's barely after noon!! Don't fret... maybe he's got something special planned for tonight or has a call planned for this afternoon.
If you're keen on having him do something, why don't YOU call HIM and wish HIM a Happy Valentine's Day? Today isn't that big of a deal to men... we're lucky they remember birthdays and anniversaries. I think expecting thoughtfulness on Valentine's Day is a little excessive. But that's just a personal opinion.
Whatever happens, GOOD LUCK! :)

2007-02-14 13:51:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being mad won't make it better.. I'd actually say disappointed might be a better choice. Express your feelings to him.. You say your not big on holidays,but yet your asking whether you should express an emotion because you haven't received anything. Make a point to mention it to him. Maybe in the past you've mentioned that it's no big deal.. Good luck

Happy Valentine's Day!

2007-02-14 13:52:09 · answer #3 · answered by xjaz1 5 · 0 0

Maybe when he gets home from work he will have something for you..give him a chance. If he is anything like my man, he will see everyone else talking about Valentine's Day etc and will go pick up a card and some flowers at the Grocery store on the way home...men are just like that.

2007-02-14 13:51:09 · answer #4 · answered by Barbie T 2 · 0 0

Oh get over it , I have been with the same girl for ten years ..Never bought her junk on valentine's day or birthday I think I may have bought her something on Christmas one time, I do not need to purchase cheap little gifts for her to know how I feel , we do not celebrate our love with cheap gifts we would never even buy for our self..instead we take the money we would have waisted on something stupid ,and it goes in to savings .. or the kids savings.. Does she know I love her ?? well she is still living with me so I guess she does...... we have saved every dime we would normally waste on things not needed (except on the kids Christmas &Birthday) No gifts for each other , no vacations for 10 years ,and it is going to pay off ...our gift to each other is.....the both of us debit free and retired together in our late 40's the kids will be grown , the house paid for in 3 more years , their college fund is there ,and all we have to do is enjoy life together with no worries .....Now doesn't that sound better than a box of candy ,and a teddy bear ??????

2007-02-14 14:04:28 · answer #5 · answered by Insensitively Honest 5 · 0 0

wait it out till you see him later... you might be in for a surprise, but at the same time don't give your hopes up.... since he's the father of your child im guessing this isnt your first v-day together, has he done anything for you before? maybe he's just not into the valentines day hype, many many people aren't... maybe her forgot... it happends... if you really feel sad about it, talk to him. tell him what you would like and your expectations, if he does love you he will understand and possibly try better next time around.
good luck!

2007-02-14 13:52:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Love your name,mines the same:0) The days not over but If he does nothing then yes you can be upset.Yes it's just a hallmark day but we celebrate it to show our significant other that we care for them.Is this your first valentines together?Maybe he's not the romantic kind.I hope he does something b/c your obviously upset, but he may need a little input on how YOU feel.Even so , you need to love yourself.

2007-02-14 14:07:48 · answer #7 · answered by hippiegirl672003 4 · 0 0

Valentine's Day isn't over yet!!!!! Maybe he is planning on have a romantic night tonight. Don't jump to conclusions quite yet. Happy Valentine's Day!

2007-02-14 13:52:12 · answer #8 · answered by momma 2 · 0 0

Have you called him yet?
How does he feel about Valentines Day Vs. Everyday?

2007-02-14 13:54:55 · answer #9 · answered by Big D 1 · 0 0

I wouldn't say he's wrong. It's a hallmark holiday and not an anniversary or birthday. I would say your right to maybe be disappointed but not mad.

2007-02-14 13:51:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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