Who is to say that you can't have your cake and eat it too. Men do it all the time. Nothing wrong with dating two guys at once. Just use protection.
2007-02-14 05:00:56
answer #1
answered by Sasha 2
Flip the situation around in your mind. If your boyfriend had cheated, you'd want to know, right? That way you'd be able to make a proper decision. So keep thinking about that and get over your cowardice about telling him. He's done NOTHING wrong so he should be the one to decide whether he thinks it's worth staying with a cheater. For the record, you should have cut all ties with your ex once you broke up. An ex is an ex for a REASON and the fact that he suddenly became more interested when your boyfriend was away is a HUGE warning light: you are right, he's a nasty piece of work...but by giving in, you are not really any better. You need to wait for your boyfriend to come home and then tell him FACE TO FACE. Apologise and promise to wait for him to decide whether he wants to still be with you. If he does, then you should count your blessings and work to earn back his trust - step 1 would be telling your ex to LEAVE YOU ALONE and never speak to him again. If he breaks up with you, then put it down to learning your lesson. And STILL tell your ex to shove it, because how do you know he won't do the same thing with your next bf? And since he was happy to cheat with you, how do you know that, if you two get back together, he won't cheat ON you?
2016-05-23 22:30:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Anytime you feel the need to cheat you don't need to be with the person you are dating. Cheating to me is a sign of something missing on either end, ESPECIALLY if you don't feel any remorse. Honestly I think you know that answer you just need someone to tell you!!
2007-02-14 04:59:25
answer #3
answered by LadyAk 1
Yes you should. You dont have to tell him you cheated just tell him its over. Thats the best thing to do. I understand cheating pretty well, Ive never done it and i think that if you cheat its over anyway.
2007-02-14 04:56:59
answer #4
answered by QuietAndShy2000 3
Definitely! And I wouldn't even tell him you cheated, he'll probably be hurt enough by the break up talk alone. Be gentle!
2007-02-14 05:06:51
answer #5
answered by shondak 3
ask yourself why you did it and how come you dont care.
one, did you do it out of spite or revenge?
two, did you do it because there was something lacking between you two?
for either reason, if you got no guilt...no need to be with guy anymore.
2007-02-14 05:00:59
answer #6
answered by ? 7
Of course u should end it u cant go on 4 ever with the guilt stuck in the back of your head trust me if u love him set him free u cant go on knowing wat u did was wrong
2007-02-14 04:57:34
answer #7
answered by Jewellz 1
Yes let him go, sorry to say but he deserves better you should of talked to him first
2007-02-14 04:56:45
answer #8
answered by Cindy 3
I think you're right.
If you don't love him, set him free. He deserves better than to still be attached to someone like you.
2007-02-14 04:55:45
answer #9
answered by Uncle John 6
You do not sound ready to be committed to a single relationship.
2007-02-14 04:56:43
answer #10
answered by Kerry 7