Be prepared to get a lot of flippant answers with this question. There is no way one can forget about the past unless one sustains a serious injury to the brain. Since I don't advocate for or endorse that option, here's something to consider: you are not the only person in the world who has suffered pain, loss, heartache, abuse, neglect. You will continue to suffer and endure pain. There will always be someone out there who has suffered more. Emotions, like one's body, need to be conditioned and exercised to withstand the "heartaches of a thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to." When you are in pain, you need to believe that you are strong enough to withstand it, and that you will figure out a way through it. I'd bet good money this has happened to you already, but you'll deny it. Everything seems overwhelming when one has not experienced much in the world, but trust one day you will notice that you are less overwhelmed; things won't seem quite as depressing, and you will have accumulated some good memories that, if not replace, overshadow the bad. Best wishes to you, always~
2007-02-14 03:36:30
answer #1
answered by Finnegan 7
Perfect question,I have been wanting to ask also,I have been living with something for 3 years that is ruining my life I cant seem to move past it at all,I am in therapy have been for 1 year and I go to a physciatrist also,I am so depressed over this and everyday the words I heard play over and over and my heart is so broken and no matter what I have read how many times I have talked about it all the walking I did nothing helps,I even asked if hypnotism would help because I would do that in a heartbeat if it could even make part of the memories go away.My daughter is in college and a professor was talking about something they are working on to erase memories,but Im thinking its more for people who have been in the war.Dont think im a sissy cause trust me I have been through the mill but this last incident killed me inside.I dread the thought of having to live the rest of my life with this on me.I know what your saying believe me,alot of people on here im sure will answer ignorantly its only because they havent experienced this and I have always gotten over everything including a childs death,as well as 2 tragic divorces and losing my mom at a young age so its amazing to me how I cant overcome this one,I think maybe its all been too much and believe me if I knew of a way I would tell you,the only thing that did help to some degree was an antidepessant I took for 6 months,it just made life a little more bearable but it didnt erase anything,therapy did help also to some degree,Its just sad that anyone even has to know what this is like and then have your own mind torture you day after day,but one thing is you cant change what has already happened,dont be too hard on yourself about anything and realize whoever hurt you obviously they have deep problems its just a shame your the one being tortured over it.Good luck and I sincerely mean it.
2007-02-14 11:51:21
answer #2
answered by maryann c 3
When something bad has happened in your past you have 2 choices. You can be a victim or a survivor. It's easier to be a victim and to let the past run your life and make you miserable. But if you want to have a better life you must become a survivor. You must be strong enough to be better than your circumstances no matter what happened. You must look inside yourself and realize that you need to put it behind you and quit reliving it. You can't change the past but you can have a better future. If you you focus on the bad that is what you will always have in your life. You must find the good things in life, good people, friends, things around you. Try to find beauty and things that make you happy and surround yourself with them and with people who care about you. Realize how fortunate you are to be alive and have good health. Go to the childrens cancer ward and you will realize your life could have been worse. You have life and these children have great pain and suffering until they die, yet they would give everything to be in your shoes. To have a chance to live. You don't know how lucky you are. Eventually the bad will fade away. Be a survivor and you can be happy and have a good life. Most of all, love yourself, you are special and there is no one else in the world like you. Don't go on medication, it will turn you into a shell of yourself, a zombie. I would never want to not feel anything. That would be sad. Depression can be lessened by exercising.
2007-02-14 11:52:35
answer #3
answered by grdangel 4
No, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you can't forget the past. I had a terribly abusive childhood, my father would beat me, my brothers, and my Mother. I'm 50 years old now, and things about my childhood pop into my head quite often, not as bad as it used to now that the sorry bas---- is dead. The way that I deal with it is, I love plants, so I go outside and plant more plants or fertilize them. Try to find something that will take your mind off of it. Maybe take a stain glass class, they offer them for free at Michael's and other hobby shops. Use your creative side and get involved in a project that you enjoy. My first piece was a Dolphin window pane, I still have it and a mermaid that I made. It will not make the memory's go away, but it will lessen the pain.Good Luck!!! Believe it or not, this will make you a stronger person.
2007-02-14 11:47:17
answer #4
answered by Cheryl 6
Forgetting the past would allow you to make the same mistakes over and over. This will only perpetuate your "personal hell" problem. You grow mentally from life's lessons. It is better to learn from those lessons but not dwell on them. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, some bad and some really bad. I know what I have said is easier said than done... try to remain positive, recalibrate your self-image and do things to help other people. When people see your good qualities and recognize them it can make a world of difference in your self-esteem.
Talk with others...maybe a counselor or mental health professional they can help. If you are in college there are usually free services provided by the university to help with your issues. Drugs prescribed or otherwise shouldn't be used to help you escape.
2007-02-14 11:32:18
answer #5
answered by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7
You should never try to "block" out or forget the past, no matter how horrible it is. What you need to do is deal with the problems that made your past horrible. Find a professional that will help you deal with your specific problems, and help you deal with the ones that are still alive in your head today.
We have to remember that the past is the reason we are the way we are today, bad or good, and we should never "shut the door' on it, but remember it for what it was. If you have caused some of your own problems, you need to accept that, take responsibility for your actions and move on from there.
My past is coloured with many memories, some good, some wonderul, others are horrid and dark. I tried very hard to just "forget about it" and move on but I found I couldn't. I turned to drugs. Today I am off of all drugs, and trying to live for today and today only. I am dealing with my problems from the past, and trying to move on from them after I feel I have dealt with them. Whatever has happened to make you feel this way has happened, and you can't change that no matter how hard you try. Try to remember though, that it is in the past and will stay that way. It can't hurt you today as long as you find a way to look at those experiences, figure out a way to deal with them, then put them away somewhere. Writing letters to whoever hurt you helps, even if that person is yourself. What you do with those letters is your own business. You can burn them, send them (be careful with this choice), bury them or whatever makes you feel better.
It sounds like you need someone professional to talk to about this. Your doctor could help you with this.
Oh, if you can, stay away from medication because this will just "mask" your pain for a while. Dealing with things with a clear head is your best bet.
Good luck to you with this, and remember, it's in the past!
2007-02-14 11:43:32
answer #6
answered by sweetiern34 3
do you mind if u ask what kind of "past memory" do you have? was it a loved-one's death? was it childhood abuse? was it verbal hostility? or was it a mistake that you made?
the way you asked seems that you're still unhappy with your present life and nothing has solved out yet. Because if they had, you wouldn't still be thinking back.
1 way to "move on" from the past is to solve "the" problems. That can be...apologysing to the one you were treating badly; trying to be a 'better' you so you can prove that you're not easily held back by silly comments/or "challenges", etc etc
I dont know what sort of "past" that's depressing you, but the basic of them all is: get things solved. Then they're done and over with.
If "they" were something you had no control over with (for ex: loss of a loved one; childhood abuse, etc) then try to get things solved by becoming a better you, to show that you still remember them and are trying to make them proud/ to show that you are stronger than their abusive behaviours.
2007-02-14 11:51:01
answer #7
answered by sunny 4
The best way to forget the past is to pray to Jesus so He can take away the memories and events of your past and erase them from your memory. After you do that you can live without all the bad memories of your past and start living in the present which is today.
2007-02-14 11:29:22
answer #8
answered by Stacey Lynn 3
I don't believe that we have the ability to completely forget unwanted experiences. You can start helping the memories fade away by experiencing new ones and giving your self the chance to live a life you will be happy with and proud of.
2007-02-14 11:35:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Never look for pills to cure anything. Look forward and plan for the future so much that you have no room in your head for the past. The past is nothing the future is everything
2007-02-17 12:12:08
answer #10
answered by Professor 7