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i honestly feel so lonely but i can not force a guy to be my partner. i used to have a bf 2 years ago but now im single and i feel like emptiness it hurts me so bad....this kinda of feelins come suddenly when i recall a pic of me and him or see anything that remind me of romance. This caused me that i will never be able to love someone in the future never give my trust to anyone even my parents....it really really sucks...

2007-02-14 01:40:15 · 7 answers · asked by haya D 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

you are having normal feelings.. you need someone in your life.. everyone needs somebody.. the emptiness is hard to forget. i will chat if you wish. wongfiehung2003@yahoo.com

2007-02-14 01:45:59 · answer #1 · answered by wongfiehung2003 6 · 0 0

Emptiness is what we all feel from time to time when we are lacking a significant other. Personally I find it somewhat helpful to think that lots of other people feel the same way and I'm not alone. Reserve your trust for those who deserve it (parents usually do) and do give it when the time comes, otherwise you will never experience love the way it's meant to be experienced. If you leave yourself open it will come, but you have to put a hand in yourself. Get out more, see friends, meet people. Even statistically, if nothing else, this dramatically increases your chances of finding love and rest assured those who look for it find it. Never lose hope and remember how beautiful a person you are for feeling!

2007-02-14 09:56:08 · answer #2 · answered by Dennis K 2 · 0 0

I'm soo sorry. I know what it's like to be lonely, I am right now. But that's why there's friends. You don't need a man to validate you, look to yourself as a strong confidant woman. The more you are satisfied with who you are, the more you're ok with being single. Happy V-Day!

2007-02-14 09:48:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The relationship might have failed but dont failed to grasp the lessons each situation comes with.I feel like that too sometimes but remind myself that sometimes God opens doors in our lives to show us that those doors are actually closed!!! only when we realise that are we going to appreciate the many other nice people this world has to offer.
Dont let yourself hurt,it will hurt only for as long as you let it.
Love and let love

2007-02-14 09:50:00 · answer #4 · answered by BMJ 2 · 0 0

Hey i truly understand you, i been through the same, i was wit my first 4 4yrs and we broke up and i was single for a longtime i had men on the side doing my thang but it didnt feel d same far as having a man you can say urs, i was so misereable and trying to make wat i had work but i still wasnt happy but i stop lukin, and he came 2 me now im married with a child on the way just pray about it and stay with god he would lead you the right way and make u happy (GOD BLESS)

2007-02-14 09:45:51 · answer #5 · answered by SHAKESUMTIN 3 · 0 0

wel, ur not the only one who has felt this way. There's in a need in each and everyone to love and be loved. God created us this way. Tho my advice to ya is, seek God and Jesus Christ, his son. Some guy will come your way in time. But love yourself and still give love away. I mean, give it away but don't give ur body away ;) u can always give love even when people don't love u back. It's soo good to love and see the results of ur loving ppl around u. Love Jesus first, n let him Love u, this will fill the void in ur heart. (not religion)

2007-02-14 09:49:41 · answer #6 · answered by ironman 2 · 0 0

Everyone wants to be loved by someone but don't worry you would find your companion. Don't feel bad about wanting someone to love you because it is only natural to want companionship it is only human. No one wants to be alone.
He will come along and sweep you off your feet.

2007-02-14 09:48:10 · answer #7 · answered by *Pretty In Pink* 4 · 0 0

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