I believe that nothing works on losing weight than a good diet and exercises and especially cardio. only desperate people take these stuff. they love food so much that they want eat and lose weight at the same time without putting any efforts.
i had gone on diet many years ago. what i did, i went on a diet gradually. keep in mind the quantity is much important than quality.
if you have a lot of fat in your body then concentrate on food that haven't any fat in it like veg and fruit but again you will not lose weight if you eat a lot of veg. so quantity and quantity!
2007-02-14 01:04:32
answer #1
answered by hiba 2
Hi Monica, I don't know about fat burners, but over the years of diet and exercise I have found that two things truly do help to take the weight off. The first is called CLA which stands for conjugated linoleac acid. If you take 1000 milligrams morning and night you will find that they do help. Also there is something called guggle or gugglesterone that is an old plant used forever in India. It truly helps to kick up the thyroid. It also helps to bring ones cholesterol down. Both of these have some medical research that backs them up. Also folks seem to agree that green tea truly does have some effect also, so it is something I am thinking of trying as it also has some major health benefits. I am all for doing things the healthy way and most of the Burners simply increase your heart rate with ephedrine and caffeine. The things I mentioned above are ones that I have had good luck with and I know that they don't make my heart race or make me feel horrible either. Good luck!
2007-02-14 00:39:18
answer #2
answered by gramma 2
Looks like Jane L beat me to it for the right answer. I also use herbalife fat burners and they work great. You can feel the difference straight away and will notice just how much better you feel in your whole body too.
2007-02-14 02:52:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
hi there, there are two proven fat burners that do work, go to the worlds largest nutritional diet company herbalife and look for total cntrol and herbal concentrate. you can view both at myhealthabc.com, i use them and they are great. they are targeted fat burners, not only do they work but they are safe too.
2007-02-14 02:22:02
answer #4
answered by jane l 2
Grapefruits are excellent fat burners!!!
2007-02-14 00:56:07
answer #5
answered by MEB 2
I actually wrote something about this a few days ago, please check out the link below and read about it. If afterwards you should have any comment please leave one at the bottom of the blog.
2007-02-14 00:37:56
answer #6
answered by 4everToned Fitness 3
I heard hydroxycut works well but thats just what i heard.
2007-02-14 00:35:38
answer #7
answered by Spicy chick like hot sauce 3
2007-02-14 00:35:40
answer #8
answered by Kim 3