USA is a land of legal immigrants and 20+ million illegal alien criminals. We grew out of many cultures, not out of the Mexican Culture.
Besides, the Mexicans that are here sure aren't blending in their culture. They don't assimilate.
2007-02-13 17:04:50
answer #1
answered by Dizney 5
I agree about the American culture. I mean it is a nation of immigrants, and even thought the U.S. is a blend, it is not really a culture. The Americans don't have certain beliefs or custom a true culture would. The beliefs do come from the places they were before and how they raise their kids there. Many Americans forget where they are from, and they just say, 'I am American', but that isn't true, unless they're native. Well actually they could because American isn't only the United States....people should get that straight too. It is the United States OF America. But anyways, answering your question, gringos just refers to Estadounidenses [[people from the U.S.]]. It comes from the Mexican American War, the U.S. soldiers wore green, and the Mexicans wanted them to leave, to leave them alone, they would say Green-Goes or Green-Go, you can make your own conclusion towards your question. =) Hopefully I helped.
2007-02-18 00:32:54
answer #2
answered by Kunggpao 4
What a silly thing to say, every country has its own culture, and possibly several cultures! The great and beautiful thing about American culture is first and foremost the shared values that made this country great and brought people here to begin with, regardless of race, color or creed, and secondly the fantastic diversity, the best of all worlds!
Every country has its own history and cultural segments, which adds up to that country's culture. Each region is different. The United States has 50 states and Mexican history is insignificant to most of them and of zero cultural impact beyond Taco Bell.
As for the Southwestern United States, Mexican history is important, with respect to how Mexico sold and lost a lot of land to the United States and was never able to develop into a powerful country for many reasons that perhaps you can share with us.
There are over 100 countries and nations and grupos on planet Earth. If each one deserves an equal share of the US, that would be less than 1%. So we welcome Mexicans up to 1%, and must extend the same courtesy to the rest of the world, thank you very much.
Mejicanos no tienen ningun derecho especial para estar en los Estados Unidos. Deben de preocuparse en como mejorar su propio pais legalmente, en vez de aprovechandose ilegalmente de sus vecinos.
"Mexicans do not have any special right to be in the United States. They should concern themselves with improving their own country legally, rather than taking advantage illegally of their neighbors."
2007-02-14 01:13:27
answer #3
answered by Robert M 2
Althought it were the Spaniards who set foot first in the new world we know as America , both North and South , the Northern part [United States and part of Canada] was settled more or taken by force or just plain brought by the English! There fore the English speaking United States culture comes from the English! England is one of the most trecherous nation in Europe, it was by piracy acts that it destroyed the Armada, the gringos won against the English in their war for Independence because they had other European nations on their side , especially France! So sorry to dis-agree with you , U.S.A. is an English speaking nation whose white people are mostly descendant of the English. true others have lived here before the white Europeans , but they are in consentration camps as of now , the rest blacks came in with the white european slave trade , they did not come in voluntarily! Hispanics have been here from the time of the conquest , more so now ,due to the traumatic conditions in their own nations that are supported by the U.S.A., or in search of better living conditions, but if we go to the point -root we are all in this together we can learn to adapt or we must find our own path, very soon [100 yrs] or so man will conquest space , then when we begin to settle there , what are we to explain in terms of belonging? We are like the stars in the heavens always searching , moving and settling! Hugs.
2007-02-14 14:34:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
We are a nation of people of many different heritages. Those heritages define who we are as a people. We are not tribal, nor do we wish to be. Each region has its own unique culture as defined by the heritage of the people who settled that area. Because of this, we as a people have a great love and respect for all cultures. We have managed to take the best of our geneologies and over 250 years, we have a unique culture that is precisely our own. Mexican history has little impact upon the culture of New England, but is a rich and vibrant part of the culture of Texas. My family lineage that founded the cities of Monroe, Louisianna and Jackson Mississippi have no links to Mexican culture, but time spent with them is steeped in the traditions passed down from England and France. Although, it is definitely NOT english or french. It is Southern. Southern antebellum grace and elegance is a culture that is uniquely American, as is the culture of Kansas and the plains states that embody the pioneer tradition. I am a fish out of water when I travel north of Virginia, but together, we have a common American history and heritage that is even greater than our regions. The regions provide our diversity. Our sense of history and our Unalienable Rights define who we are as a people.
2007-02-14 01:26:05
answer #5
answered by lizardmama 6
American culture has nothing to do with race. America is a melting pot of virtually all races, creeds, religions, colors, cultures - a virtual potpourri of all races and cultures. But, Americans are assimilated into the American Culture which is based in Europe and takes the best of all cultures to make it so unique and revered. Remember, America invented or improved or refined virtually all inventions worldwide. Take the movies. We gave those dark, impossible to understand foreign (Russian, Italian, french) films and added humanity in forms of love, irony and warmth among other human emotions. America invented and perfected the film musical and the legit theater musical comedy, etc. The secret is assimilation. America has never before allowed anyone not to assimilate until now. And that is the death knell.
2007-02-14 01:25:12
answer #6
answered by ALWAYS GOTTA KNOW 5
2007-02-14 00:56:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
American culture is a misnomer. The culture of America is rooted in our Constitution. That said, we are - the United States - a nation of laws and all are welcome to come provided they use legal means and swear allegiance to our flag and our Constitution. Otherwise, stay where you are. Also, our national language is English. All newcomers should learn it because there is no good to reason for us to learn 10 s**tloads of different languages.
Therefore, you are wrong. There is an American culture. You just haven't taken time to learn it yet.
2007-02-14 01:01:53
answer #8
answered by crusty old fart 4
What is so wrong with Mexico isn't there oil there? Boy with all the illegals we support look at Dog the Bounty Hunter and those two Border Patrol Agents what did they get for upholding the law? THROWN IN PRISON TO BE AT THE MERCY OF CRIMINALS. Just don't try and drag down our ethics (but something sems to be intimidating our Govt right?).
2007-02-14 06:27:12
answer #9
answered by spareo1 4
the aztlan,mayan cultures are from mexico not the same as the united states indians. stop putting them in the same category as the native americans. the united states of america has a culture. we share all cultures. i have many cultures in my family.
2007-02-14 01:33:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous