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these people died for a cause that they had an obligation to stand by. alot of these people were in the military b4 all this Iraq stuff started up. they went through the training they fought for our country (even if u don’t believe in the war they did it bc they were told to and they joined to attempt to help there country) im not saying u need to hold a parade for everyone, but keep your damn negativity to yourself!

2007-02-13 15:06:53 · 27 answers · asked by timmyn02 2 in Politics & Government Military

BTW i am a specialist in the army

2007-02-13 15:10:33 · update #1

it blows my mind that anyone can even slightly side with the people who protest this and also people who discriminate against soldiers. i am in this military and i'll tell u right now i do not support the war, i do support my fellow soldiers tho and i always will. thank you everyone for show ingyour support and thankyou for those who offer there insight as to the side of the people who dothese things

2007-02-13 15:30:05 · update #2

27 answers

Anyone who protests ANY funeral can never call themselves religious, spiritual, or anything decent. To me, that's about one of the worst things you can do outside of murdering someone.

And it's self defeating for them which makes it even more stupid, because they actually turn people against them instead of getting support.

2007-02-13 15:09:40 · answer #1 · answered by Kiss My Shaz 7 · 7 0

Efforts to discourage funeral protests

On May 24, 2006, the United States House and Senate passed the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act, which President Bush signed five days later. The act bans protests within 300 feet of national cemeteries — which numbered 122 when the bill was signed — from 60 minutes before a funeral to 60 minutes after it. Violators face up to a $100,000 fine and up to a year in prison.[45]

As of April 2006, at least seventeen states have banned or are considering banning protests near funeral sites immediately before and after the ceremonies. These states are: Illinois,[46][47] Indiana,[48] Iowa,[49] Kansas,[50] Kentucky,[51] Louisiana,[52] Maryland,[53]Michigan,[54] Missouri,[55] which passed the law, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma,[56] South Carolina,[57] South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.[58] Florida increased the penalty for disturbing military funerals, amending a previous ban on the disruption of lawful assembly.[59]

These bans have not been uncontested. Bart McQueary, having protested with Phelps on at least three occasions,[60] filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the constitutionality of Kentucky's funeral protest ban. On September 26, 2006, a district court agreed and entered an injunction prohibiting the ban from being enforced.[60] In the opinion, the judge wrote:

Sections 5(1)(b) and (c) restrict substantially more speech than that which would interfere with a funeral or that which would be so obtrusive that funeral participants could not avoid it. Accordingly, the provisions are not narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest but are instead unconstitutionally overbroad.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in Missouri on behalf of Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church to overturn the ban on the picketing of soldier's funerals. [61] The ACLU of Ohio also filed a similar lawsuit.[62]

2007-02-13 23:18:40 · answer #2 · answered by gnus 2 · 2 1

Timmy ... Almost every answer you've already received is great. I cannot contribute too much more to what's already been said.

However, one of the answers said something about the ignorance being all over the place, including at the White House, etc.

Well, this is my response to that answer. While I appreciate that his answer was not utterly stupid or vulgar, I believe it reveals a fair amount of ignorance on his part, too. The person giving that answer has the luxury to speak freely because of the hard earned freedoms won by the sweat, tears, and blood of millions of freedom fighters. But I bet he's completely overlooked that simple and undeniable fact. I wonder what HE has done to help preserve our freedoms.

He speaks out "bravely" from behind the anonymity of a Yahoo ID. And thanks to those who serve, the chances that harm will come to him are slim. But if ... IF something should happen such as another attack on our country, I hope he won't forget who his mentors are: the likes of Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, and don't forget Jane Fonda. I'm sure they'll volunteer their considerable resources to come to his aid.

But I honestly think they'll hardly stick around. When harm came to the NYC and Pentagon, Mayor Giuliani jumped in with both feet and Secretary Rumsfeld went TOWARD the danger and literally helped pull the injured out of the rubble.

Jane, Tim, and Mike Moore will have their mail forwarded to the French Riviera, I suspect.

So to that answerer, he should pick his friends carefully and know who he can really count on in a pinch.

As for those who'd choose to have a protest at the funeral of a fallen freedom fighter, they are the worst of the worst of the damned worst! I cannot say anymore about them without losing all sense of civility.

Good question, Timmy.

2007-02-13 23:40:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I assume your referring to Kansas' "village idiot" Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist "Church" (Only about 10 of it's members aren't related to him). In Phelps's disturbed little mind, the same mind that thinks saluting the American flag is a "pagan orgy", a soldier's death is caused because he fought for a government that supposedly champions gay-rights. He'll use anything to promote his agenda, they protested the funerals for the WV miners, Coretta Scott King's funeral, football legend Reggie White's , Ronald Reagan's , and William Rehnquist's funeral. Fred Phelps is a man consumed by hate and his hate will be what destroys him.

Wherever you stand on the Iraq War you must respect someone who fought and died for a cause. There is some good in the world still though, a group of motorcycle enthusiasts has banded together to form a group called the Patriot Guard Riders, they provide escort for military funerals and drown out the chants of the protesters with their bikes.

2007-02-13 23:40:24 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Pibb 3 · 5 0

You answered your own question, because they are ignorant. I do not believe we should be in Iraq but I believe everyone of the soldiers that are there should have anything and everything they need. I suport our soldiers. Consider the soldiers returning from Vietnam were all but spit on. Jane Fonda (an actress) was over in Vietnam making friends with the enemy and protesting against our men and women. Ask any Vietnam vet about Jane Fonda. The irony comes when you consider these people who are protesting have the freedom to protest and complain because our soldiers fought and sometimes died for that freedom. God Bless Our Soldiers

2007-02-13 23:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by Elizabeth P 2 · 3 2

In Maine, another bill has been introduced to make protesting at a veteran's funeral illegal. That's the good news.

The bad news? Last year a similar bill was struck down by a federal court. What the hell was he thinking - and don't even try and talk about freedom of speech or expression - it just plain doesn't apply when someone wants to protest a veteran's death during a funeral.
These people are just plain brain dead. I'm extremely surprised none of them have had their butts kicked - they damned sure need a good attitude adjustment.

2007-02-13 23:30:08 · answer #6 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 3 1

Only a vile despicable person would ever protest at the funeral of a solder who gave his life for his country. For that matter, only a vile despicable person would protest at a funeral. Then again, there are also vile despicable people on the far left that are spitting on solders when they come back, refusing them service at convenience stores, taxis, etc... There are numerous instances where a solder has been disrespected in public. I will say this, if I ever see anyone disrespect a solder just because he is a solder, that disrespectful person will be picking themselves up off the ground when they wake up. It is one thing to disagree with the government, but to disrespect the solder that has served his country is unacceptable.
- To the poster LS, no person in his right mind would give his real name and info here. It is absurd to even ask. That is a tactic the far left nut job wackos use. Ask of something that is either (a) impossible, or (b) really a very stupid thing to ask.
As for the rest of the anti-war nut jobs here that think it is good to protest at a funeral. You are a disgusting pile of pig excrement. If you want to side with terrorists then go live in the Middle East and see how they treat you stupid morons. THey will behead you the first time you open your yap.
You are the enemy within this country.
The funny thing is, I got two thumbs down before I added on to this, and all I did was condemn the funeral protesters. What were the thumbs down for? Well, now you have more to give me a thumbs down for. My statement stands from before. I am not tolerant of the far left vile, and in public if I see this crap, me and a lot like myself will put you face down in the ground and you will take a long time to get up. Disrespect a solder in public and see what happens.
To the Marines who serve our country, " Semper fi" OOOO RAH

2007-02-13 23:15:50 · answer #7 · answered by celticwarrior7758 4 · 5 2

They protest because they're twisted people. I firmly believe in everyone's right to either support or oppose this or any war - but seriously... this soldier whose funeral they are protesting at DIED while doing his duty - the duty he WILLINGLY accepted - protecting the rights of ALL of us, including the sick freak that's protesting at his funeral. Disagree with the war? That's great, I'm glad you have an opinion. Showing disrespect for a soldier who gave his life protecting his country (even if you disagree with the war, these soldiers didn't enlist so they could go to Iraq/Afghanistan, they enlisted because of a sense of patriotism, love of country, duty, or even financial reasons - their motives were pure) is just plain wrong.
There's an amazing video out there of these nutjobs being run off from a soldier's funeral.....
Ok, found it !!!

2007-02-13 23:18:15 · answer #8 · answered by ~StepfordWife~ 3 · 4 1

Don't get carried away. The idiots who protest at funerals are the same GOD HATES FAGS people... there are literally about ten of them Rev. Phelps is an idiot.

All the hub-bub you say about fought for our country is hogwash. Our country is aggressing against another to dominate and steal from them. No parade should be held for that and no parade is honorable for that no matter what the troops intention upon enlisting might have been. This was is so amoral that any soldier with honor would go AWOL. We Americans - civilian and soldier - have agreed to a very evil pact here... one of greed, one of stupidity and one of psychopathology. We are all guilty of this and we should work daily to make it right so it ends. If those protests are the ones you are angry about then you are wrong again about the military's function and use and wrong about who is sending the military to support what.

It is a small elite who protest funerals, and a small elite who took this country to war unjustly. Almost the same type of folks actually!

2007-02-13 23:18:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

yeah... the only one's I've seen are the phelps bunch... and they are totally crazy loons... they say they are doing it for God... yowsa!...

there is a time and a place for protest... and a soldier's funeral is about the last place that should ever be, under any circumstance... espeically since many soldiers aren't crazy about the war themselves...

I think it goes beyond ignorant to crazy...which is of course, more dangerous...

2007-02-14 00:11:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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