They are not lowering the standards of the Corp just the entry level standards.
Once upon entry into the system, no matter the branch of service they must meet the requirments as set forth for all recurits, and yes this includes the goody two shoes, so called educated, and the patritotic warriors.
In the past before 70's whenever any youth got in trouble was facing jail time a judge would offer them a choice of joing military or going to the slammer. Many a youth chose military.
At end of 70's and all the atrocitys that our military had commited in Viet Nam were coming to light it was felt that by just upping the educational and eliminating the more criminaly minded from joining we could have a more moral military.
What the hand wringers, religious patritots, and educated class did not realize was that the atrocitys, were being commited by their kids and freinds as well as the crimially bent.That these atrocitys were mild in comparison to those of WWII and especilly the Korean War where the military had censored out and the mindset fo the combatants were for lack of a better words, less enlightend.
If one wants to read and see proven atroticitys commited during Korean war then just read the true history of the Seventhy Calvry of Custer fame. the Korean war left not one single village or city in Korea unflattend and it is estimated at elast 250 korean women were being raped and hundreds mroe forced into prostitution by US forces. Never mind the deliberate salughter of civilians. thusadns at a time.
It had less to do with educrtion than the settings in which men ere placed that lowers inhibitions and just because jhonny wnet to church every sunday at home hwhen he got a chance to buy some nukky that was prettier than any girl his pimpled face could get back home he jumped their bones even when he could just force it upon them he did so willingly.
That and the making of ones enemies lesas than human and especially to our maleness we felt it perfectly right to use them as we seen fit.
Poweer corrupts and when you have power of life and death and with little reservations or rules to hold a man too they revert back to as if cconquering militarys of hisotry dfown through the ages, Rape and Pillage go to the winner.
Being an officer made no difference, especially after the WWII, when the public had grown accustomed to war is hell mentality and the US begn its military worship in ernest.
In Korea especially this was the common breakdowen , a weak officer morality issue, who did not have the control or care to control and were not held in check by higher ups, just as long as it did not make the papers back home. which is what came to a head in Viet Nam where officers were buddies and sargents were the boss, remember in the one most famous recorded case, my lai, LT Calley was there all the time for three days of rape and kiling.
The military had an office, of which a certain hero of today served, Powell, to cover up such atrocitys.
Now with no press allowed to cover any such except for independnt sources non US especially do we learn just how many atrocitys do happen by your and my good little boys.
Control of pres has mre thn one function and Gods beleivers cannot accept that such atrocitys would be comiited by good american boys and girls.
2007-02-13 14:53:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i dont know where u are getting your information but i am in the military and trust me if there are any people coming in with records of any kind the only position they would b able to get would be front line infantry. u need a security clearance for almost any other job, and u cant have ever even pissed the wrong way in your life to get a security clearance. the only reason they are letting them in is bc us smart people are not taking the suicide jobs like infantry or convoy drivers. and these people you are talking about are too dumb and desperate to realize what they are doing. there is a standard test of intelligence close to the Sat's that everyone takes be for getting in to the military. alot of jobs u need to score at least a 70 to get into. infantry and similar jobs are only required to score a 50! a 50!!!
2007-02-13 14:43:36
answer #2
answered by timmyn02 2
As long as their crimes weren't murder, rape or some kind of physical assault, who cares if they are in the military? If they are willing to go into the military, why not let them if they are needed? I would rather have criminals in Iraq than on the streets here! Plus, maybe the military will straighten them out!
2007-02-13 14:47:50
answer #3
answered by His Angel 4
Since "people with criminal records" includes everything from spitting on the sidewalk (where it violates city law) to murder, I'm going to have to say yes however some limits have to be placed on how bad the crimes can be. I think a reasonable cut off is no convicted felons.
2016-03-29 05:40:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Military in general allow some persons to enlist to clear their civilian penal records. This is nothing new and has been going on for years.
2007-02-13 14:21:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
So what you are saying is that a felon should not be allow to serve their country maybe we should take away their right to be an American. You are upset about this because...? Millions of felons(coming into America illegally is a felon) come in to America on a daily basis and no one is upset about that!
2007-02-13 14:47:23
answer #6
answered by Mother of a Marine 3
Not too many more Americans are dumb enough to enlist right now to fight in the Imperialist war. So when all Masters of War panick they usually free the prisoners in some sort of trade off...
2007-02-13 14:31:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
One only has to look at the history of your questions and answers to know that you could care less about the military or the valiant fight in Iraq.
2007-02-13 14:28:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We are running out of people who believe in the war and are willing to fight in it. Most people see that Bush is lying about the war and are no longer buying into that serve your country and defend freedom bit that Bush is trying to sell to mask the truth-he's in it for oil and politics and there is nothing dignified about fueling that.
2007-02-13 14:23:14
answer #9
answered by Amy 4
Its simply getting harder and harder to find people in America who don't have felony charges...even our politicians have them. If our politicians and people in office have criminal records, why can't the rest of the population especially soldiers.
We're practically a nation of felons.
2007-02-13 14:21:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous