what are you saying?
You want god to come and heal what we have destroyed?
God made us the replica of him. We are his reflection/ god himself or herself.
There are Gods everywhere helping in healing the world.
And by saying that God comes and rescue the world are you saying that you are not a part of this change in the world? That you are not responsible for a single bit? Pollution, violence??
Is your home full of peace? Are you sing environment unfriendly products?.....
We have to take steps ourself to correct the harm done by us and our fellow beings.
I know my friends here in USA don't buy water from outside, not use bottled water, use organic and environment friendly products how much they can...
It is the initiative at one persons level that the change will become enormous. If you realise the God in you, you will know God is still doing everything to heal our planet. All that has to be done is become egoless and sensitive...
2007-02-13 10:25:33
answer #1
answered by Manisha 2
I believe the reason God does not correct the world, is so that we can learn how to do this ourselves, and learn the consequence of poor choice. If our purpose in being here is to learn to become the best we can be, so we can feel a sence of great accomblishment, beautiful character and the peace and happiness that comes after overcoming a tough challenge, then God could not claim to love us if he deprived us of the oppertunity to gain knowledge, experience and happiness. We have to taste the sour to appreciate and know what sweet is. Happiness is a state of mind, and so the ultimate happiness is found by overcomming the ultimate difficulties, as happiness is a mental reward system.
2007-02-18 03:34:44
answer #2
answered by Valdoril 2
Our puranas say that after he has created the world and a mechanism to multiply itself he is only a witness and does not actively participate.
Just a computer manufacturer has produced a computer and given you necessary software it is for you to use the machine.
God has given you intellect, a power to discriminate and it is for you to use it beneficially or otherwise.
Man has discovered many lethal weapons and will be ultimately destroy himself with these weapons.
If you do good, that act itself protect you. He has made the universe with mathematical precision.
Every thing that is born is destined to die. THis is applicable to the universe also.
Then what is the pupose of creation? one can only conjecture. No definite answer.
We find man kills man in the name of religion, in the name of God and in the name of Love.
Every religion has advocated force in one circumstance or other. Many religious leaders, prophets were born but the internicine fights continue.
It appears that very nature of man is to subjucate the other, to rule over the other and dominate.
Such fights for supremacy of one group, faith,or leader will continue until the world is destroyed by the supernatural force.
That is all
2007-02-18 22:53:08
answer #3
answered by krishnan v 1
God is a form of life that can live every where. IT can live inside me, inside you, inside everybody in the world, inside the animals, the plants and all material that has life in the universe. So that, you are part of GOD, as I am and so... That is the mystery of the grasp of the life experience. We have to know how to live not to destroy the life itself. Because if we don't learn to leave the bad experiences in this life (at present), we will need to have another opportunity to live again (in other existences) and to learn what we couldn't learn on this one. The same thing the animals and plants.
In this case we will need unknown material and unknown body in future lifes, after this one, to make our progress untill not to need material anymore (life body, nor material that you can toch but that don't feel anything). Due this, human being, as the most developed being in the world, has to conservate the existence for it itself. About the super population in the world, I think it's necessary to have a control of growing. As people want things, it looks like they want persons also.
2007-02-20 06:40:02
answer #4
answered by mary2 2
We might think about ourselves and about this somewhat nasty Earthly life that we are just one of God's never ever countable experiments that many people here don't know anything about. With this particular nano-experiment God may have wanted to see how good we would become at exterminating each other. Another of His holy mini-purposes here may have been to see how Earthly cannibalism would work out in practice.
One truly unexpected and funny outcome of God's experiment was that the preminence and power seeking holy monsters on this Earth contrived their own religion and wanted to force all others into believing that we were made in God's image - in their blunt ignorance not thinking at all that it was the other way round, that they in their blunt arrogance had contrived God in their own image.
Things may never ever become better on this little Planet of ours if we don't intensely honestly experiment further by ourselves so trying to contrive new and more reasonable paradigms of life and of peaceful coexistence.
2007-02-20 08:36:47
answer #5
answered by pasquale garonfolo 7
God is not here to interfere for us and correct our problems, Being a Buddhist you can ask deity to show you a path or give you strength but there is no intervention. I really don't believe that God has anything to do with interference in terms of the state of nature and natural events or human error. We are on our own and we have to answer for our actions which should be courageous, humane, kind, loving and compassionate. I do believe in a 'hands-off God".
Blessings to you.......
2007-02-13 10:19:19
answer #6
answered by Yogini 6
i will give u a simple example
if u made a any thing like a television u will not become television u will make a book for the user to under stand it
thats like this God Will never come and interfere in the state of world and correcting it how is the answer
2007-02-17 16:25:56
answer #7
answered by mohammed s 1
your question presupposes the existence of some supra person or entity called "God".Even if there be one ,He has better business to do than do panchayat for the stupid quarrels and petty fights engendered by avarice,angher,selfishness and negative traits.Life is a big Choice .If humans dont make the best use of it, God is not responsible.If each of us take the first step to practise Love,as exhorted by Godly Persons,like Krishna,Jesus,Buddha,Ramana and Saibaba,we can eventually change the Society.Otherwise,History will keep on repeating,wars will be fought,exploitation of the week will continue,Avatars will have to come down and restore some order only temporarily.Even if there be no God ,we will have to invent ONE to motivate people.
2007-02-17 15:23:33
answer #8
answered by madhu 1
God is regularly correcting the world, we r not able to control our own family members & talking about God he has to control millions & millions of people in a second. So it is impossible to go through life without trust. An honest man is the noblest work of God.
2007-02-19 18:00:10
answer #9
answered by RAMA S 2
god is just sitting there saying you people you sing and praise me to have a better life. all the power is in your hands, i have no power over what you made. what he is trying to say is that you create your own reality. since you people believe in negativity you create that. if you think this is very confusing and want proof go to Hyderabad and try to contact a very spiritual master named patrigi. and if you don't want to leave to Hyderabad you can meditate. to meditate first close your eyes then breath let no thoughts come to you. at first it might be hard but if you do this every day you will understand the meaning of life. if to many thoughts come to you than you can go to the music store and buy healing music or soft music you feel is good for you!i hope this effects you.
2007-02-17 08:16:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous