NO dog should be bred before the age of 2 years. This "second heat" thing -- where did it come from? It's just a number pulled out of the air.
Before you further consider breeding your Pit Bull, please check out this information:
2007-02-13 09:58:47
answer #1
answered by Loki Wolfchild 7
Red Nose pitbull, huh? First off, you do know that red nose, means one thing... the color of the nose, right?? Nothing special about a pit bull with a red nose. Second, its pit bull, not pitbull.
Please, don't breed your cur. There are enough of them being bred irresponsibly that you don't need to add to the problem. On top of that, you don't know what you are doing. That is the reason we are having such a problem with pit bulls. Because people get them and think since they have one they should breed it. You shouldn't. Not unless 1) you know what you are doing (which you obviously don't since you asked a question like this) 2) the dog fits the standard to a T 3)health test!!!!! 4) you know the bloodline and what lines will compliment it (red nose is not a bloodline or breed) 5)you are breeding for the good of the breed (which again obviously you are not).
Please, please, please don't add to the problem that already exists. Leave the breeding to the professionals.
2007-02-13 10:02:25
answer #2
answered by Abby_Normal 4
at first its Pit Bull (2 words). 2nd there is not any such element as a pink nostril pitbull. The canine is the two an American Pit Bull Terrier or it is not. considering you do no longer even understand the 1st issues related to the breed you mustn't be breeding them. sure the canine is purely too previous to be bred. She is 6 years previous, maximum stable breeders would have retired her a twelve months in the past. If she does get pregnant she would be waiting to probably lose the domestic dogs or die herself. Spay your canine. There are sufficient poorly bred Pit Bulls/ Pit Bull mixes crowding shelters.
2016-09-29 01:56:58
answer #3
answered by ? 4
No insult intended, but if you have to ask, you have no business breeding. Pitbulls have a tough enough plight as it is. Irresponsible breeding only contributes to the problem of these wonderful dogs ending up in horrible conditions.
2007-02-13 10:00:42
answer #4
answered by yarmiah 4
Please spend some time volunteering at a shelter so that you can see the problem with breeding dogs. The shelters are full of pits and many other dogs who are sadly put to sleep for lack of homes. Don't breed your dog.
2007-02-13 10:01:12
answer #5
answered by Misa M 6
First of all, WHY would you want to breed a pitt bull? I work for a shelter. 80% of the dogs we put down are pitt bulls. There are too many and most don't end up with good homes.
I know you love her, but you need to rethink this. You won't get rich off dog rarely happens, and if your dog is not a show dog, with papers that have champion lines, then you don't need to breed it, because you just are adding to a nationwide problem of overbreeding dogs.
We put to death over 15,000 dogs last year in our little shelter.
We do everything we can to save them.
Please don't breed your dog. Please, please please please.
No dog has to be bred to be happy. Most dogs who get bred change personality and become detatched from their humans, also.
Good luck...
2007-02-13 10:00:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
She has to be at least two to have her hips certified, as well any other genitic testing that is appropoate for the breed.
2007-02-13 09:58:58
answer #7
answered by squeakydog 1
she has to be 2 years old
2007-02-13 09:59:31
answer #8
answered by sydney s 1
wait til she is spayed, that is the perfect time.
by the way, you say she is red nose? does that mean she can guide sleighs on foggy nights?
2007-02-13 10:00:28
answer #9
answered by Eric J 4
veterinarians say 18 months is when you can but I would wait til two years because it would increase her maturity and she would be a better mother to her pups..... Good luck with the pups!!!
2007-02-13 10:15:51
answer #10
answered by Randall H 2