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Just got it colored yesterday and I hate, it's dark red, can I wash it alot with this shampoo?

2007-02-13 08:59:56 · 6 answers · asked by tamilynn 3 in Beauty & Style Hair

6 answers

no, but frequent shampooing will make the colour fade. red especially fades very very fast.

you're better off going back to the salon and asking them to fix it. DON'T try doing it at home - you'll end up with an ugly mess and you'll regret it! besides - the salon will do it for free!

stay away from reds if you're not going to use good shampoo though, or it'll just fade right out. if you still want red, just a lighter version, you should invest in some decent shampoo, such as pureology


this product is 100% sulfate-free, meaning it helps preserve your colour longer! it's especially formulated for red!

but don't try to shampoo it out in a day...you'll just dry your hair out. give it time, or just go back to the salon.

2007-02-13 09:08:12 · answer #1 · answered by zelkraps 3 · 2 0

Dark Red usually has a blue base. That's the first to go(blue). Then you will still have Red hair. You can use a shampoo soak with Dawn Dish washing liquid, sounds crazy but we always kept this product on hand. Lather up, on wet hair use a plastic cap, or plastic wrap for 15-20 minutes, rinse well then condition your hair. It will remove some color.

But... My real suggestion would be to call a Salon and have them correct this for you.

2007-02-13 17:18:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sorry, no. Clarifying shampoo will wash out product etc, to make the color show up even more. I think the best thing is to go back to the hair dressers. you can also go online to clairol.com and see if they have suggestions

2007-02-13 17:04:23 · answer #3 · answered by mliz55 6 · 0 0

I used prell once and it worked great on taking alot of the color out.. I also tried Dawn dish soap and that worked as well. It will not take all of it out though.

2007-02-13 17:03:55 · answer #4 · answered by dan 2 · 1 0

No problem.U paint ur hair with asain paints which is used to paint the houses.It will solve ur problem very early.

I think u like this idea.If u want more click on to www.crazyideas.com

2007-02-13 17:13:48 · answer #5 · answered by Arya Bhatta 1 · 0 1

since the clarifying is acidic (high pH balance), it will probably take most of the color out.

2007-02-13 17:08:21 · answer #6 · answered by sherbert 5 · 0 1

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