Unless they are glued under a net or cap, you actually shouldnt be washing your hair mama! Water loosens bonding glue and can cause mildew if you aren't drying properly. Which is evident b/c if you were the heat from the dryer would melt the glue and the track would slip away from your scalp, leaving messy glue lines among other problems. If you have them glued in properly this should work; while brushing with one hand use the other to apply firm pressure to your scalp where the track is glued in at. Basically HOLDING it so the pressure from the brush or tangles won't pull it out of your hair. You have to be careful with extentions because if you allow the brush/comb to pull them out of your hair it will cause hair breakage at the ROOT of your hair. Also starting from the bottom of the hair with a detangling comb first could help. Hold on to the hair by tuftfulls (starting from the bottom up), and comb all of the tangles out. By holding on to the hair your hand almost acts as a shock absorber. Once you get close enough to your scalp, hold the extention to your head by the weft like i described earlier. This way you should be able to to comb/brush through without any problems...
Something else you can try is having the extentions SEWED in by a proffesional. They will cornrow your hair and place a net over your scalp and they sew the extentions on, according to the style you want. This way you can wash/dry your hair with no problem, you can even go swimming and not worry about glue problems....
2007-02-13 09:01:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Try runnng lotion down your hair first and then brushing. Applying lubrication reduces the friction and hence reduces the force needed to remove the extensions. This is because according to newtons second law,force is massxacceleration, therefore, since applying lubrication increases the acceleration, less force is applied. It's a good thing i took chemical engineering!
2007-02-13 08:55:53
answer #2
answered by Ramani 2
Only brush the hair in sections while you hold them...You don't want to rip your hair out. I have the same problem but when I wash my hair and detangle it, I take it in sections...Your hair will last a lot longer and look better longer when you take time with it.
2007-02-13 08:52:44
answer #3
answered by angelic1302 3
I'm an engineer.I had special idea for ur problem.Try to look out for a strong pillar.U tie ur hair to that pillar and try to pull that pillar everyday.Then U will have two types of benfits.One ur hair becomes strong and two ur hair become as long as want.It depends on ur strength of ur pulling.
If u want some more crazy ideas mail to prince_sky007@yahoo.co.in
2007-02-13 08:58:50
answer #4
answered by Arya Bhatta 1
use leave in hair conditioning and comb or brush starting from in to route
2007-02-13 08:56:42
answer #5
answered by christina t 1
just wait for them to come ou more easier like wait for as long as you are supposed to
2007-02-13 08:52:33
answer #6
answered by Alyssaa 2
having them sewn in will help
2007-02-13 08:58:17
answer #7
answered by Rainy 5
why not try getting them braided instead.
2007-02-13 08:52:19
answer #8
answered by *♥*fabulous fab*♥* 3
hairextensions.net, they have tips on their site
2007-02-13 08:51:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous