i'm not a hair stylist but i think you have to wait a bit before coloring again. it will burn your hair.////
2007-02-13 08:16:10
answer #1
answered by pnybt 4
I would not attempt doing this yourself at home. I have seen a lot of hair color disasters coming from a box of hairdye highlighting cream that you can purchase from Walmart. If you end up buying a box of hair highlighting cream from Walmart and it messes up your hair (which there is a 75% chance it will if you try it yourself) you'll just have to pay to have it done professionally.
I know with the cap that you can get in some boxes, I have seen girls who TRIED it at home come out with their hair discolored, the highlights start WAY down in their hair, and I have also seen the holes leak and they have circle blots all over their hair. Do not buy ANYTHING with a cap. But then again.. it is harder than hell to do your own highlights using aluminum foil unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing.
I would go to a cheaper salon and let someone do it for you. At least that way, you know that your hair isn't going to turn some weird color of the highlights aren't going to look messy and awful. It would probably end up being cheaper in the long run.
2007-02-13 08:22:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
peroxide is the cheapest but it will strip not only the color but all the oil out also so you'll need to condition your hair also . . .I've been coloring my hair at home all my life( I now color some of my girlfriends hair for them cause they say when I do it it looks natural not colored ). . it's not how much you spend it's the time and effort of picking the right color to work with the natural tone of your hair and skin . . . if you don't know what I'm talking about try asking at the beauty supply store sometimes the clerks know more than just how to run the register. My coworker says only ugly women have to spend alot to look good.
2007-02-13 08:56:13
answer #3
answered by Rainy 5
you get what you pay for,
If you say you don't have alot of money so you go out and but a $12 box of dye and just slap it in your hair yourself that's exactly what you'll get. A Dye job that looks like you paid $12 for it. And since you already messed your hair up and It's now orangie, You should learn your lesson and stop throwing cheap crap in your hair and stop trying to do it yourself.
2007-02-13 08:18:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
FOr a natural way to do it without hurting ur hair u can use theh John Frida Sheer Blonde Products, it brings out the blonde in ur hair. Available at target, walmart, walgreens, ect.
2007-02-13 08:18:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Get a soft brown colour to bathe on your hair. You waived on your amazing via asking the hairdresser do the colour. in case you have photos of info of drastic harm you've got the skill to sue. it is going to take a protracted time and subject.
2016-10-02 02:17:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A long time ago I read lemon juice applied in the hair and lots of sun light was suppose to bleach it.
2007-02-13 08:20:19
answer #7
answered by agcgartner 6
color experte from loreal is a great product and every salon stylist that I go to when I get my hair cut thinks that I get my hair done professionally!
2007-02-13 08:18:04
answer #8
answered by sassysam777 2
lemon juice and a day at the beach...
2007-02-13 08:18:58
answer #9
answered by M T 5
you can always try to do it yourself with someone helping you
2007-02-13 08:15:21
answer #10
answered by stylistikal 3