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how can i lighten my black hair to a darker brown using household items? --(and make the lighter color stay)------PLEEZ help

2007-02-13 08:08:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Hair

10 answers

My best friend has black hair and years ago she wanted to lighten her hair, so she started using bleach. The first time went well, but the second time the salon "expert" ended up frying most of her hair and she had to cut it all off....so my advice is to take your time finding the right person to do your hair and make sure that person has experience and takes extreme caution!!! Good luck!

2007-02-13 08:16:20 · answer #1 · answered by sassysam777 2 · 0 0

Hi.If you put lemon juice in your hair, it wont show results right away because you have black hair. To be honest, it may not even show at all after a long ritual. I have dark brown hair and when I went to my styler she said that my hair will turn orange because of my brown hair. She said if I wanted lighter highlights that I should just get them.And so I did. And it looks great. Do whatever you like. And Good Luck! Black hair is very pretty! (=

2016-05-24 06:23:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only at the salon unless you want to pull the towel off and start screaming hysterically!
You'd really be saying PLEEZ HELP!!

2007-02-13 08:12:46 · answer #3 · answered by dog8it 4 · 0 0

well when I had black hair I wanted it blonde and all everyone said to me you have to get it stripped but it ruins your hair and it costs quite a bit. what I did was wait for my roots to come through quite a bit and dyed it blonde every couple of weeks. so i suggest to dye it a really light colour every couple of weeks and get as much as the black you can cut out without it being too short for you and try to wait it out it will get there eventually thats if you dont want to ruin your hair.

2007-02-13 08:28:44 · answer #4 · answered by Tricia; 1 · 0 0

go buy some bleach, and use it like a shampoo when your taking a shower. Works like magic.

2007-02-13 08:12:50 · answer #5 · answered by Air 4 · 0 0

let it grow off or cut it off dont use bleach it will damage your hair

2007-02-13 08:26:01 · answer #6 · answered by *sexy mocha* 4 · 0 0

at the salon

2007-02-13 08:10:46 · answer #7 · answered by Mystee_Rain 5 · 0 0

peroxide should help ive always heard it

2007-02-13 08:14:43 · answer #8 · answered by Eric 1 · 0 0

Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To lighten it just get some bleach and bleach your hair geese you and idiot.

2007-02-13 08:14:12 · answer #9 · answered by Gogurt 1 · 0 3


2007-02-13 08:11:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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