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My hair is dense (big volume) what do i do to keep my hair shining and make it stop falling (it's not falling too much) but without using greasy creams ( i use palmers pressing oil) when i don't use creams it puffs so what can i do to keep it healthy, shining, and good looking.

2007-02-13 07:55:28 · 4 answers · asked by Mohammed E 1 in Beauty & Style Hair

4 answers

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies. Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at http://hairthinning.org/ will prevent further problems.

2007-02-13 18:42:19 · answer #1 · answered by kisan 3 · 0 0

Whether you are female or male every season you lose hair. I lost hair from my last surgery and my hair was becoming thin. Took horsetail two a day. Never use conditioning anymore and for shin just brush 100 strokes with natural bristle brush. I use Fuller Brush last longer than any other and reasonable.

If you want oil just get small amount of olive oil and put on hair.

2007-02-13 07:59:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have darkish brown thick hair clearly. When it's darkish brown it appears healthful, glossy, and appears like I have much less hair & thinner. Thats simply an phantasm, style of like whilst you put on black garments, you appear thinner. When I get rather blonde highlights all over the place, it appears rather thick, broken, and appears like I have a ton of hair and you'll be able to see each layer and attitude. a million.) Dark brown skinny hair doesnt appear unhealthy. two.) Dark hair wont rather make your hair appear thicker in case you have skinny hair to start with. There are alot of goods in the market to make your hair appear extra volumized similar to shampoos. Also be certain you're taking a nutrition day-to-day and devour correct vitamins. Your hair gets more healthy.

2016-09-05 08:04:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Hair Fruit Pack

2007-02-13 11:58:48 · answer #4 · answered by Naturale 2 · 0 0

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