Let The Truth be your answer: There may/maynot have been a Jesus but he died on the cross only because he was put there. He didn't die for any sins
2007-02-13 07:52:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It seems that your questions has pretty much been answered already, but I thought I would have a go anyway.
You understand that Jesus died on the cross for our sins? That's awesome and I hope you believe it and live by it as well!!
As for people born before Jesus, the answer has been mentioned a few times already - they were justified by faith. To sort out this question you can read the book of Hebrews since it deals with this very issue!
Chapter 10 of Hebrews discusses the old sacrificial laws. Their purpose was to highlight the seriousness of the Jews' sin (rejection of God and His ways) but they couldn't actually take away their sin. Instead, they pointed to Jesus who would come and make the ultimate, perfect sacrifice. Therefore even people prior to Jesus lived by faith, trusting in God's promises and looking to a future where they would be forgiven. Hebrews 11 reveals that all of God's people in the Old Testament lived by faith. Romans 4 and Galatians 3 also mention this.
Jesus' death brought forgiveness in the past, present and future. So anyone who puts their trust and hope in God can be saved. Prior to Jesus it was harder to know what you were putting your faith in, but nowadays it's easy!
So, even the people who put Jesus to death had an opportunity to trust in Jesus. We'll find out in the next life how many did.
Hope this is helpful.
2007-02-13 16:23:35
answer #2
answered by Adam H 1
People before Jesus had to come by way of the sacrificial system that God provided. Jesus sacrifice then was retrospectively applied to all those animal sacrifices. Anyone wanting to be "saved" before Christ had to enter into the Jewish Law. Jesus did say (concerning those who crucified Him), Father forgive them for they know not what they do - forgiveness was available but the individual had to receive it for themselves for it to be effective for their eternal salvation. Forgiveness as it relates to God is two-fold - 1) letting the anger of being wronged go because the price was paid (justice) and 2) releasing the offender from his past so that it doesn't ruin his future if the offender wishes it to be so (pardon). When Jesus said Father forgive...I believe He was saying two things - 1) Father don't retain your anger any longer (God can get angry you know), the offense has been paid for so you can "let it go" now, justice has been satisfied. and 2) Father, based on the payment, release the offender from the debt if they so desire to be released. But God will never violate the individuals free choice. If he accepts the payment made for him by Christ - great, if not well, that is his right. However, the consequences for both are eternally established and cannot be redefined by man.
2007-02-13 16:08:07
answer #3
answered by wd 5
There were the Ten Commandment and the Levitical Laws pertaining to the people that lived before Jesus. The real question would be what about the ones after him that had no knowledge of his life whatsoever, like the Indians of North America. I guess that will just have to be for God to decide on the Judgement Day.
2007-02-13 15:55:50
answer #4
answered by jwbyrdman 4
Your asking a very loaded question. What about the people who lived before Jesus? Are you asking if they had the chance to be saved? Yes people did live before Jesus' time. They could be saved but they had to believe in God, and follow the old testament law, including sacrifice.
Anyone who read or heard the old testament scriptures knew about the prophecies of a coming savior. They believed that God would fulfill those prophecies. Read about a man named Simeon who prayed that he would live until he saw Jesus in Luke 2:25-32
What happened to the soldiers that killed Jesus? Luke 23:34 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
2007-02-13 15:53:12
answer #5
answered by cnm 4
In the new Testament you read that they had to make sacrifces for there sins. and that is what cleaned them of their sins.
The people that put Jesus on the cross were Romans and did not beleive in God so the ones that still did not beleive in him at the time of their death are going to hell and i know that seems cruel but this the only chance we get.
I know how you feel I am still trying to learn also and it's hard to stay on track in this world.
I don't want this to be an exuse for beleiving in God-Jesus but give this some thought while your still in the delicate stage in your walk with him..
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there is no God and die to find out there is.
This is just a reminder to help you stay on track at first
I hope you have Christian friends that you can lean on and pray with. if not then don't lose your faith Just keep trying to get close to Him
Remember You pray to get closer to God why should you do all the talking. Make sure you listen.
Loves and i will be praying
2007-02-13 16:07:30
answer #6
answered by Crystal Blue 3
If you read the book of Genesis in the Bible you will see that Abram which becomes Abraham is one of the first people to trust completely in God after Adam and Eve. God told Abram to take Jacob his son to the mountain and to sacrifice him. If you read the story out completly Jacob knew what was going on and asked Abram where the was the Ram and Abram said to Jacob "The Lord will supply the Sacrifice", When Abram reached for the Knife God spoke and said "Abram I know your heart" and when Abram looked up he saw the Ram that they Sacrificed. This was the Key to Jesus' crucifiction because It allowed God to Send Jesus to be Sacrificed for our sins. This is a very good Question and God Bless - The people before Jesus if you recall, God Flooded the Earth to rid the world of Evil with Noah - and satin still got to people. - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever
2007-02-13 16:01:58
answer #7
answered by certrvtech 2
Yes the Bible explains the reason Jesus was in he grave 3 days also Jesus told before the resurrection that those who knew the Father knew the Son as he and the Father were one also the story. Jesus told of Abraham how he gloried to see his day.
2007-02-13 15:56:43
answer #8
answered by djmantx 7
Those who died prior to Jesus' death and ressurrection, although having died in the faith, could not enter heaven because His propitiation was not complete. Therefore Hades was divided (See Luke 16:19) into paradise (Abraham's bosom) and hell (sheol). When Jesus was in the tomb three days He descended there to gather those in this paradise
(See http://www.gotquestions.org/where-was-Jesus.html)
and to preach to the bad ones as well
(See http://www.gotquestions.org/spirits-in-prison.html)
Yes - Jesus asked the Father to forgive them as they didn't know what they were doing. (Luke 23:34)
We will all face judgment individually - either the Bema Seat or the great white throne judgment.
2007-02-13 16:08:27
answer #9
answered by NickofTyme 6
before Jesus died on the cross, the people had to sacrifice animals as sin offerings. Jesus was the ultimate sin offering, so now we don't have to sacrifice animals anymore.
2007-02-13 15:56:54
answer #10
answered by drajse 2
I never thought about the people who may have died before Jesus...but I think that if the people who killed Jesus asked for forgiveness..they went to Heaven...if they never asked for forgiveness and accept Him, they are probably in Hell and regretting what they did....
2007-02-13 15:55:10
answer #11
answered by Anonymous