I have seen emo people and they dress like really preppy but they also wear like tight clothes. Wear tight, boot-cut jeans, bandannas around your wrists, ALWAYS keep your hair in your face, like getting long, side-swept bangs. That will add to the entire emo look. Also wear skater shirts, like shirts with skating logos on it. I find that emo people I have met wear stuff like that.
2007-02-13 07:54:43
answer #1
answered by FAB..FOB!!!! Infinity On High 1
Hot Topic doesn't carry Emo clothing, unless you're going for the "confused Emo" look. Emo clothing is actually more of a preppy look contrary to what a lot of people say. Think stores like Old Navy, Gap, A&F and the other ones like that. Emo's wear tight pants and polos or sweaters, not black baggy bondage strap pants commonly found at Hot Topic. That is a KinderGoth/Punk look...NOT Emo.
2007-02-13 15:49:08
answer #2
answered by H.L.A. 7
Thrift stores are a biggie. Seriously. If you want that vintage look it's gotta be vintage. Also, Mervyn's (for girls) they have alot of good tank tops you can layer and beads to wear around the neck. Ballet flats are a must for girls too, like these http://www.londonsole.com/. Anything with skulls and scribbly looking broken hearts are good. SPECIFICS ARE BELOW:
The indie emo look - (best for girls and guys 16-20)
Dyed-black short hair with bangs short and cut straight across the forehead. Spikey in the back, slightly greasy. Really light blonde hair on girls often works too.
Piercings. The more the better.
Jewelry. The more the better. Beads, etc.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Tight, fadded shirts with random slogans. It should look like it could have been bought at a thrift store but you didn't (but you really did). It takes a while to master that one.
Dark denim jean jackets.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you actually bought at shows).
Tight pants, sometimes cuffed once or twice but never more!
Black or blue converse shoes.
The nerdy emo look - (best for girls under 17 and guys over 21)
Short hair. Style it messy, but not spikey.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
Thin, tight, solid dark color v-neck sweaters. I call them Grandpa sweaters.
Band shirts.
Messenger bag covered in patches and pins (that you bought at Hot Topic but you tell everyone you got them at shows).
Dickies work pants. Blue, black or grey only!
Argyle socks.
Black converse shoes.
The dressy emo look - (best for girls and guys over 20)
Black or brown hair. Flipped out on girls, mop top on guys.
Horn-rim/thick black frames/cat eye glasses (this works for all three types).
A silver necklace with a star charm.
A black or navy blue pea coat.
Black messenger bag. No patches, 1 or 2 pins at the most (and only at the bottom of the strap).
Heavy dress slacks.
Doc Martens or clunky black shoes.
2007-02-13 15:58:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You could look in HotTopic, Spencers Gifts, Gadzooks has tones of black clothes.
2007-02-13 16:06:28
answer #4
answered by fasionexpert 1
go online and google emo clothing styles...it may help
2007-02-13 15:46:18
answer #5
answered by Dani021 2
lip current for denim hottopic for accesories and band websites for merch.
2007-02-13 15:50:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Try Pac Sun.
I dunno what you mean buy emo exactly.
2007-02-13 15:50:42
answer #7
answered by Muffy & 5