My brothers have it. They are so intelligent, that I could not believe how these conversations went. But they always start off with a stupid joke along the lines of "global warming isn't bad for everyone. I was watching an interview with an Eskimo and he was saying that it feels like he was on vacation."
Then they go into a spiel that they really know nothing about. I studied Biology in college, while they have talk radio on several hours a day. "Global warming is a cyclical normal process." (which is true) "There is no way we can truly know what the temperatures were before to know if this is not normal."
See they catch on to something that is true and then don't listen tot the evidence to refute that our current situation is abnormal. With global warming, one of the things that would most likely happen is heavily populated coastal areas would be eradicated and many humans would be killed. So to some extent maybe the Gaea complex is right. Most folks in denial believe that the earth will find a way to recover from this. But what they don't realize is that the way that earth will recover is by killing of the source of her!
2007-02-13 05:56:30
answer #1
answered by djk 4
Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leadersuse it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES
2007-02-13 17:24:28
answer #2
answered by 4sanity 3
People who deny global warming have three main reasons.
They believe propaganda from the fossil fuel industry and the extreme right that information about global warming comes from biased environmentalists. They haven't researched it enough to know that this is a solid scientific consensus among all scientists.
They would rather deny that it's a real problem because if it was that would mean they'd have to make real changes in their lives. People do that about many things.
They have some financial interest in not believing. "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his income depends upon him not understanding it."
This is not a Republican problem. In fact, disbelief will go down slowly now that major Republican leaders like McCain and Bush, and many business leaders, are saying that it's real. But reasons 2 and 3 will still apply and cause some vocal opposition.
"The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."
James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.
"Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."
John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona
"These technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment - and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."
President George Bush, Republican
2007-02-13 13:54:13
answer #3
answered by Bob 7
I think we have to realize that global warming denial is BI-PARTISAN.
Global warming is not going to be solved by increasing the gas efficiency of a car by 2mpg or putting in a dim lightbulb. Conservation is not going to solve the issue. No-where close to it. At best it will delay it a year or two. The solution on the left emphasizing conservation and "pointing the finger of blame" at the SUV or the big company is just wrong.
On the right the solution is advocation of Nuclear power, the only practical generator of Electricity, that can be currently implemented at anywhere near competitive levels. The advocation of ethanol from cellulose could also solve a big part of the problem. However because ethanol has come from corn producing red states, and Bush advocated cellulose to ethanol as a goal it is ridiculed by the left. BIodiesel on the other hand is far less practical as a solution than ethanol, but is "loved" by the left.
Only when we can combine the conservation and energy source changes can we actually achieve a solution.
If we are going to reduce the amount of CO2 produced by the country we have to reduce the amount of energy we consume by efficiency AND to change its source to something that is practical. The harder thing to do is to change the source of energy, but it will cause a bigger reduction in the CO2 than likely levels of conservation. One nuclear power plant reduces the CO2 production more than taking thousands of SUVs off the road, but the "Environmental" movement is not going to advocate it.
We have to realize that althoug the people see the "problem" of global warming, the likely solution if any will be a result of business solutions. The solutions will have to adapt to the "freedom of choice" we expect in a democracy. That freedom may be to drive an SUV. The extra CO2 from the SUV may be just as much as from a sportscar, long commute or eco-tourism plane flight to Tibet.
To fight global warming we cant rely on the SUV as the symbol of evil. It is just one of many free choices that use more CO2 than the minimum.
The electrical vehicle owner (who indirectly produces CO2 at the coal powered electiric powerplant) may actually be adding more CO2 to the air than a SUV owner (since the transfers and losses are so great). But the electric vehicle owner is certainly a lot more smug.
To confront global warming it must be done with the mind and not the heart. We need to look at our options and quantify the solutions that are right scientifically not emotionally. When we look at the problem scientifically, and look at the quantities and sources of CO2 produced and how to avoid their production we can reach a solution. The blame the SUV will get us nowhere. If the SUV had never been invented the "day of doom" due to global warming would not be postponed by more than a few days.
2007-02-13 16:10:41
answer #4
answered by Dr Fred 3
When you confront the beliefs of the ignorant, the first reaction is violent denial. To have to accept that your whole world view has been illegitimate is a convulsive experience. It can be a crushing burden and destroy a person. It's no wonder we all ignore the obvious. We live in a fantasy land of excess, well beyond anything else in the history of the world. It will just make it that much harder when reality comes back and bites us in the ***.
2007-02-14 14:47:01
answer #5
answered by gymnastics_twisters 2
The problem is not one of denial…. when I was a little kid in grade school (back before Independence) they taught we were just coming out of an ice age, and the glacial melt caused the Great Lakes... then in high-school (shortly before electricity) they taught that very same thing... the world is warming…naturally…and has been warming for many centuries, since way before man began putting around in cars and burning coal to make power. Years ago the Vostok (Antarctic) Ice core studies gave a half million year history of ice age cycles, exposing 120, 000 year cycles of a rise in temperature that coincided with rises in atmospheric Co2, then a cooling….warming…cooling… then Milankovitch earth orbit cycles were found to coincide with those warming-cooling periods. OK…NOW… The earth is warming, and has been for the last 100,000 years, and will continue to warm till the cycle reverses.
If in fact man is contributing to the natural rise (see Vostok charts) in atmospheric greenhouse gas there is, by now not one damn thing we can do to reverse it. I suggest our envirominded liberal control freaks (who are now in control) are spinning normal cyclic climate change into a political control feeding frenzy... How many dead now in New York due to the first ever 10 ft snowfall? (oh it MUST be just a freak storm, we really are know?) BS... With condolences to the families of the frozen, my 500 gallon hot tub 100 miles east of Portland OR at altitude 2200 ft froze solid for the first time since I moved here 30 years ago... Here's hoping we have a SCORCHING summer... the 4000 lbs of ice just might melt by next fall.... THEN whine about "global warming" (and please stop capitalizing it ok?)
2007-02-13 14:45:46
answer #6
answered by Gunny T 6
No one with a working brain denies that there is global warming. after all some glaciers are melting. The problem is that the ice caps on Mars are also melting. Now if someone can explain how CO2 gases on Earth can do that why then put me down as a true believer.
2007-02-13 13:54:55
answer #7
answered by hironymus 7
I don't think the problem is that people deny global warming. I think that the problem is people deny that it's *our* fault and that we can and should do something about it.
Some deny that it's happening at all because the average temp rising a fraction of a degree per year or whatever seems so small. They don't look at the big picture and see that all the fractions add up.
2007-02-13 13:49:29
answer #8
answered by IT Pro 6
Belief in reality is the main symptom for "Global Warming Denial". 1998 was the hottest year on record, and in reality if the global warming theories of AlGore and his liberal fiends were true, there would have been new records set since then. Keep drinking AlGore's Kool-ade...or is that Warm-ade?
2007-02-13 16:59:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Seventy million tons of greenhouse gas DAILY into the atmosphere is nothing to sneeze at.
We are screwing ourselves over for a buck.
Shooting ourselves in the herd.
Stepping on our own ducks.
Cutting off our nose to spite our finch.
Kicking ourselves in the asparagus beetle.
For the almighty dollar we're ruining it for everybody and everything, and people who deny it are three fries short of a Happy Meal.
Have a nice day.
2007-02-13 23:45:47
answer #10
answered by Dorothy and Toto 5