I am having the same problem and mine just turned 4. He did good for a while then stopped. I am 33 weeks pregnant with his brother and do not want to have to change a 4 yr old and a newborn. Is terrible. Have tried everything. good luck
2007-02-13 05:15:17
answer #1
answered by doodersmom 3
My daughter will be three in March and is finally potty trained. She is my third child and was the most difficult to potty train. I said goodbye to the pull-ups and put her in underwear full time (during the day). Even though she had underwear we went to the store and picked out new ones that she really liked. She wet herself the first and second days quite often. I made sure I had lots of clean clothes and underwear on hand and put sheets and old blankets on the couch, etc. When she wet herself I didn't rush to change her. I finished whatever I was doing at the time and then had her change her own clothes, wipe herself off, put wet clothes in the laundry room, get dressed, etc. I didn't ignore her, I just reminded her she was a big girl and could change herself. By the third day she was using the potty. She has an occassional accident, but that is usually when I don't remind her to go to the bathroom. This should work. I think wearing clothes and underwear works better than being naked. Good luck!
2007-02-13 05:26:51
answer #2
answered by Swim Mom 4
I have three children and have raised two of my sister's children. I am no expert but you must honestly understand the statement of when they are ready they will do it! This is nothing different than a battle of control unless there is a physical problem as well. My oldest daughter would lay accross the toilet in protest. The night before her third birthday I told her that I was really concerned because three year old's don't wear diapers or pull ups. Honestly, the next morning she got up went into the bathroom and closed the door. She wanted her privacy and wanted to be in control. We have never been allowed in the bathroom since, and that was 6 years ago. She had much fewer accidents than my boys. I am sure it was all because she made up her mind to do it for her, not me! Good Luck! Just ignore it, she may just want you to stop bugging her.
2007-02-13 05:19:49
answer #3
answered by Team LaCroix's Mom 2
with my first 2 kids, i gave them just a few minutes of naked time (like 5 - 10 min.) ONLY if they had success in the potty. they were both trained day and nite by 2 yrs. old.
My third one, now, is 19 months ( I also 36 weeks pregnant) I give her naked time..just for trying. She tells me when she has to poop and runs to potty, but she has already started or finished. I give her naked time and praise for the effort. At her age she only poops once a day usually , and after i know she has gone, i will let her wear her big girl undies.....if they get wet, so be it....but she can identify with the wetness and yucky, and hopefully soon start recognizing the need to go before it happens.
I suggest you talk often, and on a wide variety of topics, about the differences between babies and "big " kids. Praise him/her for all the big kid accoplishments.
let them be in the washroom with you when you go, and show them that 'big' people dont wear diapers..."see mommy wears undies"
be consistant with potty times, sit with them and have a special book, game, silly song...that you do together.
Never let them see your frustration. And Always Praise, praise praise..even just for trying.
If the naked time was working before, keep it as a tool but modify it maybe.
e.g. try potty...no luck=no bare bottom....success = bare bottom.....'lets have a look, no pees or poops this time...that's ok thanks for trying, we'll have to get your diaper back on and try again later'
I think the best reward would be to ask the child 'what he would like to do with you for an activity if he has luck on potty. make sure you explain that ok you can ........( make cookies, go to park, colour, playdough...watch a special show whatever) only if he has luck....if nothing then you will have to do that another time.
good luck
2007-02-13 07:03:22
answer #4
answered by tj 4
We used a reward chart. There were two different sections. The first was "Use the Potty" and the second was "Asks to use the potty." The reward for just using the potty was a treat for every 5 stickers. The reward for asking to use the potty was a bigger treat (I'll admit it was a candy bar) that he got after earning 10 stickers in that section. He wanted the candy bar so much that he really started being able to "listen to his body" and recognize when he needed to go.
2007-02-13 05:18:13
answer #5
answered by Heather Y 7
I had this problem with my three year old daughter. We tried EVERYTHING. Finally, I just gave up. I put her in her panties, if she had an accident, I wouldn't say anything, I would just change her. That is the only thing that worked. I didn't bug her "Do you need to go potty?" or get mad or say she really needs to go on the potty,etc. I would just tell her what a great job she did if she made it. Like I said, it was the only thing that worked finally for her.
2007-02-13 06:50:59
answer #6
answered by Melissa R 4
we used the cute undies and ugly undies. if he went on the pot he got to wear the character undies and if he went in his pants he had to wear those real thick training undies that have a bunch of layers in the crotch. we did this will all our kids and it worked. i think the training pants like pull-ups don't work cuz they don't understand that it is not a diaper and they don't feel the nasty wet of peed pants. it is a pain to wash more and we used to put old fashioned plastic pants over the undies if we went to the store or something when they first started out but no more diapers at all once you start to train i think in confuses them. also allow him to help pick out a potty chair with my youngest we went thru three before we found 1 he liked. some kids are afraid of the big potty.
2007-02-13 05:22:30
answer #7
answered by bubbles 5
Ask your child often if they have to go to the bathroom if it has been a while since they have gone take them even if they say they dont have to go, give them treats whenever they do use the bathroom! Tell them your proud of them when they go, my daughter has been potty trained for months now and every time she goes she still asks if my husband and i are proud, so i know she really likes it whenever she goes to the bathroom bc we are all proud of her. do a dance everytime they use the potty, or whatever makes them happy and feel good about themselves, you have to really be consistant or else they child will get bored or lazy. another thing that really helped my daughter was telling her only babies wear diapers and baby's dont get to do fun things like big girls, baby's just lay around and they dont get to play at the park or wear big girl underwear, just really talk up being a big kid and big kid underwear....good luck! this is one thing that really tests or patients if your child isnt ready!
2007-02-13 05:22:20
answer #8
answered by sally 2
I found with both of my kids that the pull ups are a waste of time and traditional methods worked alot better. We used the thick underwear with the plastic pants on top. We also bought a beeper that warns of a "Leak". More so for me then the kids though, the kids just didn't care about that at night or day, but gave us a head start to run them to the potty. We rewarded them to with sticker books, a sticker for each time they did go in the potty.
2007-02-13 05:24:40
answer #9
answered by roxane 3
Have you given him "something to aim for"? Cheerios or fruit loops are a good "target". You could get a box and the 2 of you decorate it, and it can be the potty box and when he uses the potty, he gets to pick a reward from the box. Dollar store toys, little bags of snacks, etc. You're a parent, so chances are you are creative. It doesn't have to be anything expensive...just a reward...and rewards don't always have to cost money.
2007-02-13 05:17:15
answer #10
answered by BRIDGIE74 2
here is what worked, being naked never works. put big kid underwear and pants on they need to feel when they wet. dont buy diapers buy pullups and only us for nap bedtime and long car trips and outings where you may not be able to get to a potty in time no need embarrassing your child like that. this works and wont confuse them. my son is four and this is what worked with him within 3 days of feeling wet he was trained
2007-02-13 05:38:45
answer #11
answered by kleighs mommy 7