it all depends how you land. Dont land on your face. And when you hit the ground make sure you roll. Id say like maybe a cpl stories. If you dont mind breaking a leg you can probly get up to 4 or 5
2007-02-13 04:31:10
answer #1
answered by Matt H 2
don't be pressured into doing something stupid just because some fool dares you to do it. if you do and you get hurt, you're the bigger fool. man up and do what you want to do, not what someone else thinks would be pretty cool to watch. they're not exactly lining up to do this are they? of course not. jumping off a building is an idiotic thing to do and they know it. i dare you to stand on your own two feet and be a strong enough person not to give in to peer pressure. you can sprain your ankle jumping a few feet. if you land wrong-like on your head-it would also only take a few feet to be fatal. be smart. choose your battles. this one is not worth your time. even if you don't get hurt, you're still a chump for doing it.
2007-02-13 04:38:23
answer #2
answered by Dale B 3
You can't, even a very short building can break an ankle if you land the wrong way, why would you accept such a dangerous dare. Don't accept the dare and show how smart you are!
2007-02-13 04:32:06
answer #3
answered by ginger 4
I use a lunge line, I placed jumps in a circle within the direction that the pony goes to be in whilst I lunge, I use tires and occasional jumps that method I do not have got to fear approximately my lunge line getting stuck on whatever and I have a couple of step up and down barriers. And then I simply provide the cue to move as I might lunge and so they cross, I do not ought to use a whip or whatever my horses cherish to do it and so they understand what they're meant to do. I do it in a open area so I do not have got to fear approximately any one attending to virtually a panel or whatever. If she is a fence jumper and she or he will get carried away and is not certain what to do she might flip and cross over the fence and if the world is large it might be difficult so that you can preserve up along with her and instruct her to do the loose jumps you might obviously grow to be going for walks from side to side extra chaseing her then getting her to do the jumps. I might recomend beginning on a lunge line and if there used to be a strategy to make your enviornment smaller then after she will get the notion of what you wish her to do you'll be able to take her off the lunge line and notice if she is going to hold to loose bounce for you
2016-09-05 08:01:18
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Start with a 10 story building. Thats only about 100 feet.
2007-02-13 04:31:47
answer #5
answered by Mr. Goodkat 7
You are an idiot. A dare? They are daring you to jump off a building and you are going to do it......that's great.
I hope your parents kill you if you survive. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
2007-02-13 04:31:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Find a very short building.
2007-02-13 04:30:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jump from the first floor.
2007-02-13 04:33:17
answer #8
answered by Don 3
I'd say 100 stories. When you get about 10 feet from the ground, just start running in place, and when you hit the ground you just run away from the splat.
2007-02-13 04:31:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
depending on how smart you are, for example if your dumb enough to land steady on your feet, then not very high, also depending on your bones, your weight..ect.
2007-02-13 04:32:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous