The officer of Government whose appointment was published in the Gazette of India. Central and State Government officers of Tehsildar and higher cadre (deputy collector etc,) are Gazetted Officers. Sometimes, you may need their signature attesting some documents.
2007-02-13 04:08:21
answer #1
answered by Swamy 7
Gazette, is the official document which is published by State or Central Govt. to notify public on various decisions of the Govt.
An Officer, who is Gazetted, gets the power to sign on behalf of the Govt., in all matters within his purview.
The Officers whose names are Gazetted as above are called Gazetted Officers.
2007-02-13 04:19:48
answer #2
answered by surez 2
Any officer whose name is published in Gazette, Govt. newspaper. Normally, officer of any Govt. deptt. is GO. Income Tax Officer, Excise Officer, Ration Officer, Motor LIcencing Officer, Education officer etc.
2007-02-13 17:02:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
An officer who does less work and takes 100 Rupees minimum for his seal and signature atleast 20 times a day when a student comes to him demanding for a signature from a Gazetted Officer.
2007-02-14 10:38:53
answer #4
answered by Chennai Talkies 2
Gazetted Officer means a class two officer in state or central Government and he can attested to your documents for validity
2007-02-13 04:14:19
answer #5
answered by heybapi 2