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I am eating but healthier and smaller amounts. is there anything that can curve the cravings? Or can help my stomach ache with out eating?

2007-02-13 04:00:39 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

32 answers

I know what you mean, if fact I don't even like the word diet. The first 3 letters spell die. ~

2007-02-13 04:03:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well if you really feel hungry then you need to eat a little more.

Strict diets tend not to work because you give in and over eat, and any weight you lose gets put back on and more besides, as your body stores the fat straight away as it thinks you are going to starve yourself again.

I lost a lot of weight (5 stone) gradually by changing my eating habits and doing half an hour of vigorous exercise a day.

The trick is to make fundamental changes you can STICK to, a new way of eating and exercising forever, not just a quick fix.

This is what I do.

I eat a big breakfast everyday, It's the most important meal, you burn off more when you eat earlier during the day. I used to skip breakfast, you will be heavier if you skip this meal. When you eat first thing it kick starts your metabolism. Try poached eggs, baked beans, wholemeal toast, bagels etc. Keep it low fat but eat plenty.

I have a good sized lunch say avocado salad and pitta bread.

I have a light dinner, chicken beast and veg for example.

Don't eat between meals unless it's fruit, If you get low energy feeling have a small handful of raw nuts and seeds handy. bananas are really good.

Leave 3 hours before bed after dinner, you will digest more and burn more cals, instead of it just sitting in your gut while you sleep.

Drink loads of water.

Exercise for half an hour a day.

Have a weigh in time no more than once a week, if you have a goal weight, you will get a more accurate idea of what you are losing and you will be far more motivated.

Always remember thin people have treats, they eat chocolate and chips, it's just that they do it occasionally. So can you, just give yourself one treat a week, that way you won't feel cravings all the time and it gives you something to look forward to.

You might find you will do better with support, you could join a diet group, or something online like eDiets

For me, I found talking to my doctor really helpful. I went in to be weighed once a month and it focused my mind. You can get your BMI calculated and a better idea of what a realistic goal is for you.

Best of luck.

2007-02-13 04:22:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Make sure that you are not dieting, but eating healthier. That should be the purpose of changing your eating habits, not starvation as this will only damage your metabolism and cause your body to hold onto food (starvation mode).

To combat hunger on a healtheir diet you should do several things...spread your meals out throughout the day. Instead of eating 3 large meals, have a healthy breakfast, making this the meal with the most calories, a midmorning snack, a small lunch, a mid afternoon snack and a small dinner.

You should make sure you are getting plenty of fiber in your diet by switching from white/processed foods (rice, sugar, flour) to whole grains and fiber rich foods, and you can supplement your diet by getting a powdered fiber additive that you can put in your food and beverages (especially a good idea to add to any juice you may drink, as this will help prevent rapid absorbtion of the sugar)..be careful which kind you buy, as some will cause gasiness and bloating. A product made of inulin seems to be the best and these powders are tasteless so they are easy to add to anything. The fiber slows down the absorbtion of your food preventing energy spiking, allows your body more time to use the calories you are digesting and provides a feeling of fullness longer. Fiber in your diet has many additional health benefits...studies have shown that it even helps fight off certain cancers.

Avoid diet pills/appetite suppresants. These are nothing more than legal speed and unless you plan on staying on them for the rest of your life (very unhealthy), you are not teaching yourself to eat healthy only relying on a crutch...once you go off these pills you will more than likely start to see any weight that came off begin to return because you are no longer feeding your body speed.

Finally, a visual way of tricking your body into feeling fuller is to reduce the size of yur plates. I know this sounds strange, but there have been test run that show that when you use a smaller plate for the reduced portions you ar eating, the food fills up the plate and the brain gets a visual clue that it is eating more than it actually is and somehow this helps to make you feel fuller.

Best of health to you!

2007-02-13 04:17:08 · answer #3 · answered by nexgenjenith 2 · 0 2

If you start eating smaller amounts more often through out the day (commonly called the 6 meals a day). Your stomache will take time (usually a week to 2 weeks) to adjust to ur new eating patterns and so u will generally have random hunger feelings in the first couple of weeks of any diet change of this type. If you still feel hungry despite this, you may try taking a multi vitamin as hunger is usually a way of the body communicating to us that it is in need of some sort of nutrient.

2007-02-13 04:05:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It will take a few weeks for your stomach to become accustomed to smaller amounts of food at mealtimes. My wife used to be able to down one of those 1/3-pound burgers at Hardees (Star Jr. out west) and the fries. Now, she can't even finish one.

Stay away from the High Fructose Corn Syrup. The reason that stuff is so bad for diets is because the body does not recognize it as nourishment. If you ate some food item with a comporable amounts of regular sugar (sucrose) instead of high fructose corn syrup, you would not become hungry as quickly. So that's why soft drinks will kill your diet.

Eating some nuts is the best thing to do. It has healthier oils as well as protein, to curb the hunger.

Find something relatively filling and nutritious and eat it every single day for lunch. You will become so bored with it that you won't ever eat more than you need. Eating things that taste really good to you usually results in you eating more than you need.

Keep yourself busy as much as possible. Boredom and idleness lead to snacking.

Good luck!

2007-02-13 04:07:35 · answer #5 · answered by yodadoe 4 · 0 3

I have found that making sure I take vitamins with every meal and extra calcium, chromium, iron and selenium helps get rid of the cravings.

If you do not jump out of bad in the morning bright eyed and busy tailed, something is lacking in your vitamin and mineral intake. This is especially a risk when you are reducing portions.

Resist the temptation to eat extra protein. 4oz is a full portion (6 oz for men). Too much protein will make you feel sluggish and unfocused. For the same reason, resist the temptation to eat extra fat, NO ALMONDS! They are full of FAT, and you will just start craving more fat. You only need 1 tablespoon of oil/fat per day--total.

Drink lots of water! It burns fat. Hot liquid such as herbal tea or plain broth makes you feel full.

Also, make a list of vegetables and do research so you can keep adding to the list. In our society we think vegetables are boring because we don't know how much variety there is! Eat two cups or even three cups steamed or raw with each meal. Swiss chard, Chinese gai lan, chayote, salisify, fennel, jerusalem artichokes, whatever as long as it isn't starchy. If necessary at first, force yourself to eat them. When you start to feel energized and thinner, you will enjoy them more!

2007-02-13 04:11:40 · answer #6 · answered by Atlanta, GA 3 · 0 2

Water helps. Is fills the hole a little. Another thing you can do is eat 8 - 10 snack size meals instead of 3 reguar smal healthy meals. This will also get your metabolism going all the time instead of small bursts just for digestion.

Good luck and be healthy!

2007-02-13 04:12:02 · answer #7 · answered by buggerhead 5 · 0 1

The easiest things you can do are to drink more water (a lot of time what feels like hunger is actually thirst).

Other thing that works is eating small snacks in between meals or spread out your eating so your eating more like 5 meals than three. My doctor told me that one.

Good luck with your diet!

2007-02-13 04:08:33 · answer #8 · answered by Backatchababy 2 · 1 1

You shouldn't feel like you're starving. That is no good, and you will only be able to do that for a short period of time befroe you just binge. The best thing you can do for yoruself is to eat a little protein every time you eat-a tbsp of peanut butter, one egg, a slice of cheese. Protein keeps you feeling fuller longer.

2007-02-13 04:10:22 · answer #9 · answered by melouofs 7 · 0 1

well that just means the type of diet your doing isnt working for you. here are some ideas.

only eat when your hungry, not when your bored. make sure you get your three meals, but they dont have to be extremely large portions. if you eat a small healthy snack inbetween each meal, you will not want to eat as much. also. dont eat fast!!!! then you cant tel when your full. i hope i could help. if this doesnt im sure there are plenty of diet sites that can help you out.

2007-02-13 04:04:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If you feel like you are starving, then you are. You've probably cut back way too much. You need to eat a little more and exercise more. You have to eat to lose weight---as strange as that sounds. Starving yourself--you won't lose fat, you will only lose muscle. That's really bad.

2007-02-13 04:04:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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