He's being honest with you that he wants to go out and have fun but isn't interested in a committed relationship. If you are looking for a committed relationship, they he's not for you.
2007-02-13 03:49:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Have you already been dating for a while? I think any man who goes exclusive with a girl right away is being stupid. If you haven't started dating him yet, then you have no right to ask this question.
A man should date more than one woman until the time he finds one he wants to be exclusive with. If, through dating him for a while, you find that you like him enough to WANT to be exclusive, then you should show him why you're the one HE should want to be exclusive with. When you've given it some time, then tell him how you feel about that. If he feels the same, then great. If not, then you should start considering one of the other guys you should have been dating too.
2007-02-13 04:05:03
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I don't think that he is playing games because he was up front and told you exactly what he was looking for in the "relationship" with you. There is nothing wrong with dating people and finding out if you and the person are right for each other. There are so many people out there that it makes sense to date a lot so you can find the best person for you.
If he told you he wanted to date you exclusively and was dating other people than I would say he was playing games. He just seems like he is playing the field and being honest about it.
2007-02-13 03:54:13
answer #3
answered by Anna 2
Before you assume he is a player, make sure you both have the same meaning for "date". For some it means going out (movies, dinner, etc.) and that it. For others it means exclusivity. He may want to date you (just go out one-on-one), but may not know you well enough to say that it is exclusive. The gist is: communicate. Don't assume anything. If you need clarification, just ask. If you don't like the answer, move on. There are plenty of good guys out there.
2007-02-13 03:54:57
answer #4
answered by jayman0009 1
No, he isn't playing games. He's doing what all men should do before getting involved in a monogamous relationship. Like the old r&r tune said, "you'd better shop around". If you're just one of the several girls he's seeing, and you have something special, that is , you show some class, you don't drop your drawers every time he comes around, you can say a whole sentence without "yaknowwhatimean?", He'll know, and more importantly, you'll know that this is not just a hook-up. If you have the same attitude and are particular about who you go out with, that's great. If everyone had more of this in their mate selection, divorce lawyers would starve.
2007-02-13 04:11:02
answer #5
answered by goolsby39 2
He's figuring out if he wants to be exclusive. Thats the point of dating. Dating does not mean your exclusive. If you date him long enough and your feelings grow for each other, then being exclusive will just happen. Enjoy the ride.
2007-02-13 03:52:55
answer #6
answered by surfdawg32 1
Depends on what "Date" means. If it means he wants to get to know you and see if freindship goes farther...
But for me. I only ever dated one woman at a time. I prefered to focus on whether this person in front of me was the right one rather than which one... It's hard enough to figure out your feelings for one person that to juggle emotions for two.. That was always too far for me to reach...
I took a lot of women on 1 date & never went out with them again. (If you call lunch a date). It didn't take long for me to know if I wanted to invest time in a relationship with someone. Not that I was always the one to make that decision...
So, here's my answer. If he is a real honest guy and he wants to take you out a few times and get to know you better but doesn't want to you to be upset that he's doing the same with other women. That's fine.
But if he's looking to end a date in your bed then he's playin...
Good luck.
2007-02-13 04:00:16
answer #7
answered by BigMac2xk 3
Nope! This is the one guy that's telling you exactly what he wants without out any games. The guy who plays with your emotions and makes you think he's "in love" with you and wants a "relationship" after he gets the sex is the one who's playing games. How could you not know this?
2007-02-13 03:49:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i am sorry but if you have to ask it sounds as though you already have the answer. if a guy doesn't want you exclusively then why would you want to give yourself exclusively. I wish you the best luck. There is a guy out there that DOES want you EXCLUSIVELY!
2007-02-13 03:54:25
answer #9
answered by jule1125 2
Exclusive means just you and him, and people know. He is wanting what's in your pants dear not what's in your heart. DO NOT trust this. You will only get hurt. Ask "why can't we be exclusive"? and if he don't have a reason then move on and be with someone who will be proud to be yours. GOOD LUCK HUN.
2007-02-13 03:56:09
answer #10
answered by Amber Vance 2
Its very simple. He's giving you the heads up when he dates/screws someone else, you can't get mad b/c he's already warned you. Best advice, pretend like you don't care and definetly drop the hint that you're dating other people too. Like I said, drop hints (be busy and don't tell him why, mentions guys names and don't preface it w/"my friend...."). Right now he thinks he's got all the power...take some of the power back sweetie!!!
2007-02-13 04:01:35
answer #11
answered by Kyppa 1