Cards and letters. Let him know how much you love him and miss him, but don't be too clingy. Don't complain or whine--he has enough stress already. Only good news. Once in a while send him a sexy letter--hot and descriptive. If you're brave enough, send some nude pics, but wait until about week five.
Anything you should do before he leaves? That's a loaded question sweetie...
2007-02-13 03:44:35
answer #1
answered by Fearless Leader 4
Whatever you send him will call attention to him. Except a letter. So, make it a special letter. Save the gift for when he comes home on leave. And if he's in Marine Corps boot camp, same rule applies. In MC bootcamp, sending him a cutie lovie valentine will be the bane of his existance all through his time there. I know what I'm talking about.
2016-05-24 05:25:04
answer #2
answered by Christine 4
Like everyone is saying, just letters from home in the beginning. In the last 3 weeks of Basic Training they may be allowed to receive care packages from home, but it all depends on The command there. I would send phone cards as he may not get taken to the store very often and get to buy them himself. In your letters tell him all the small things that is going on and let him see that he isnt missing too much and what he is doing is more important.
2007-02-13 04:13:45
answer #3
answered by anton_29207 3
Well, you can send anything you want. Cookies, a pound cake, etc. The drawback is that they: will throw it out, give it to him 9 weeks later, or make him stand there while 80 other people eat it. Its up to whoever is in charge.
Ive heard of people even sending in secret thin chocolate sheets in fake double sided envelopes - prison tactics come in play here but may get him in trouble.
Letters- they cant touch them and are a morale boost like you wouldnt beleive.
2007-02-13 05:50:17
answer #4
answered by eetrapnoel 2
If you want him back, wait till he's in boot camp and send him a joint.
This is a joke so don't really do it or you'll get him in so much trouble. I was in the Marine boot camp and someone sent a guy a joint and he got it the day before graduation. He spent the next several months in the brig and then he was dishonorably discharged.
2007-02-13 10:59:20
answer #5
answered by Kevin A 6
Hi! Well first & foremost, ignore these jerks who are saying crap about "Jody" (the military nickname for the man you cheated on your hubby/bf with). They're just being not very cool.
Send letters and LOTS of them! They are the highlight of thier day! My bf told me he lived for mail call. I sent things like tape for his feet (cos of the crappy boots), toothpaste, Airborne (a thing to boost immunity) & a phone card. Your bf will send you a list of things you can send / things he needs when he is able to recieve them. Also send cards & pictures, it makes them very happy to see new ones. :)
I would recommend that you NOT send any naked/ super suggestive pics. They will get posted in either the bay or the bathroom for EVERYONE to see. The DSs do locker checks for contraband, so its relatively likely that those pics will get seen or found.
Good luck! :)
2007-02-13 05:31:35
answer #6
answered by Rachel C 2
Whatever you do physically with your boyfriend is up to you. I would ask you to give him anything he wants But I am a guy and do not know your heart. But make sure he has a picture of you. A phone card he can use to call you from off base. And you can send them to him.
2007-02-13 03:46:58
answer #7
answered by ALunaticFriend 5
The only thing you could send your bf is letters they won't take cookies or anything else etc. Maybe a bottle of lotion for those long lonely nights but thats all.
2007-02-13 03:47:29
answer #8
answered by DVD 3
All you can send is letters or post cards. He's not going to summer camp so anything else you send will get thrown out. If there is anytbing else that is appoved he can tell you after he gets there.
2007-02-13 06:43:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You actually can't send anything more than cards. Some allow pictures and cards. But usually just letters....
Once he's at school though it'll be up to his command what he can or cannot recieve.
2007-02-13 03:40:17
answer #10
answered by singinpynk 1