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The vet said that he was overweight and needed to lose a pound and a half, so we put him on a diet. We've been taunting him a bit, especially my husband, probably even more when I'm not home about what a fatty he is.

Do you think he now has an eating disorder?

Just last night, we found that he full force PUKED on the WALL! It is nasty. Never saw anything like that, I kid you not... on the WALL! Anyone else ever hear of a cat doing that?

2007-02-13 03:18:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

5 answers

I have a cat that does this also, I had to put him on a diet because he was a little heavy, and now he acts like he is starving. He eats to fast and it causes him to throw up. What I do is I only give him 1/3 of a cup of dry food at a time, it seems to be a small enough amount that, even though he eats it incredibly fast, it dosen't cause him to throw up. As far as throwing up really hard, my cat once puked so hard, there was a stream 4 ft across the living room. That was rank...

2007-02-13 03:41:46 · answer #1 · answered by Mary 1 · 0 0

Is this a new cat food that he is on? He either likes it alot and eating alot of it forcing him to puke it back up... and no i havent heard of a cat puking on the wall, lol thats pretty bad!! =) and the taunting has nothing to do with him having an eating disorder, he doesnt know what you talk about, as long as you say it in a nice voice... does that make sense? if its just a pound and a half try getting him active so that he loses weight alittle faster =)

2007-02-13 11:48:10 · answer #2 · answered by csmutz2001 4 · 0 0

I would call my vet and tell them that he is vomiting. If he was put on a new food, he could be having a reaction to something in it. I don't think cats get eating disorders...they couldn't care less about being thin.

2007-02-13 13:06:08 · answer #3 · answered by mandydawn1128 2 · 0 0

If you changed the food for dieting the cat is probably reacting to the new food.

If you don't ween a cat on an off different types of food you disrupt their digestive system.

2007-02-13 11:37:13 · answer #4 · answered by smedrik 7 · 0 0

put his food out in smaller quantities. A cat normally will stop when full unlike a dog. Is he long haired ? It maybe he's trying to force out a fur ball! If so put Vaseline on his nose every couple days. Helps him pass them

2007-02-17 04:54:53 · answer #5 · answered by Memeiko 4 · 0 0

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