Not only no, HELL NO. Why would we set them free to kill Americans again? Get real.
2007-02-13 03:37:06
answer #1
answered by Sassy 2
The Irony is that Guantanamo is a great PR stunt for the Iraqi militias and Islamic terrorists everywhere. This is exactly the same thing that happened in N.Ireland when internment without trial was introduced. People literally queued up to join the IRA. It is the same with these Islamic terrorists. The longer this prison stays open, the more people flock to the terror organisations.
2007-02-13 11:16:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Should they be set free? Hogwash. Many of the "captives" have been set free, and those that remain are hardened international criminals/terrorists.
Lest we all forget, Gitmo is not on American soil, nor does it host American Citizens as it's charges. The terrorists contained therein do NOT have the rights of American Citizenship (which includes the bill of rights and the Constitution) and therefore can be tried in whatever way we deem fitting, in whatever time we deem fitting, and with whatever rights we deem fitting for those who are ILLEGAL combatants (ie, nearly every insurgent and certainly every Al Quaeda operative).
2007-02-13 11:27:56
answer #3
answered by promethius9594 6
"Absolutely Not" 95% of those at Guantanamo are terrorist in one capacity are another and the others were armed combatants for the Taliban.The information that we get from these worms is vital to our success, besides to let them go would only bring harm to our young men and women serving so proudly. I really don't want to get in to this because it just boils my blood. If you only new what most of these people have done and are capable of you would not be asking this question. as for what we should do with them, i really don't think you want me to answer that.
2007-02-13 11:31:10
answer #4
answered by Ranger 3
Yes, we should set them free as it is a human injustice. They are there because they are nice people and would like to invite you over for dinner the next time you are in Afghanistan or Iraq, just wear a leather neck strap to avoid knives, swords.
Seriously, they are there because they are a danger to you! Why would you want to set them free? They would disperse all over the world - the middle east , all over the pacific/islands, europe, even in the U.S. They would use their justified imprisonment as a battle cry for the next generation of mentally unstable (idiot robot) people who want to kill while using a religion to make it OK to kill so they can lay their head down on the pillow and sleep at night with themselves. They need a new hobby. Ive been to gitmo and they deserve it, they are lucky to live.
2007-02-13 11:40:45
answer #5
answered by eetrapnoel 2
If Bush had any class he would personally execute the really bad ones on live tv and let the rest go.
2007-02-14 14:22:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sure just like they should set Charles Manson free.
2007-02-13 19:17:32
answer #7
answered by Kevin A 6
by all means---lets set them free with a bullet in the base of the skull------lot cheaper than housing and feeding them
2007-02-13 14:33:50
answer #8
answered by mcspic63 4
yeah at about 5 kilometers from a c130 transport planes cargo door.
2007-02-13 13:58:57
answer #9
answered by tankbuff, 19 violations so far 4
Only if we release them to your custody.
If you are willing to be responsible for their actions if released then maybe I would consider it.
2007-02-13 11:16:09
answer #10
answered by MikeGolf 7