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2007-02-13 02:58:15 · 25 answers · asked by Ichigo 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

She visited so called guy friend of her for one week and lied to me that it was some girl friendof her..but the real girl friend of her told me the truth..so yea.. she is nothin but a compulsive lair.. i never believed her since.

2007-02-13 03:46:31 · update #1

25 answers

Yes you can, but for your own piece of mind you should make sure she wasn't intimate with any of them. If she has a bunch of guy friends, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is doing anything. Maybe you should all hang out and see how things go. If her relationship with the boys are strictly platonic, there should be no problem.

2007-02-13 03:02:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

See dear the thing is that u love that gal n that only must b ur concern nothing related with her other frnds. If u love her then u must have a gr8 deal of understanding for her and if u r asking this question it means u dont trust her and in simple words u dont trust ur love.

And in this 21st century its more than a worst thing 2 make gender differences and especially we youngesters only have 2 overcome this thing otherwise still the next generation will be of superstitious mind and no one else can help it.

And if u still feel some insecureness then try to talk wid ur gf calmly and patiently and find out the reason that whether she has n e reltionship with other guys and if she answers no then dont argue much.

n remember one saying:
if a girl stares at u then she is wonderig why u r lying
n if she says she loves u then she really means it
or if she says that she miss u then no one in this world can miss u more then her.

mind these words

2007-02-13 11:28:43 · answer #2 · answered by chitra d 1 · 0 0

if u realy care for this girl id say u probably could trust her, that is if she realy cares 4 u to . now if she flirts with these guys then id think again. u see guys always believe that when a girl has guy frieds that something is going on but when guys have girls 4 friends the girl is not to b upset . soo if a guy can have girls 4 friends then girls can have guys 4 friends good luck with this.

2007-02-13 11:07:19 · answer #3 · answered by angel 2 · 0 0

Yes you can. Many girls prefer to hang out with guys because girls are back stabbing bi*chs. Well some of them anyway. Guys don't steal boyfriends and don't gossip as much a females do. She just feels more comfortable hanging around with men.

2007-02-13 11:05:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have alot of guy friends and you know what in some situations you can't trust her but then again you can. I mean if you love her or whatever you will trust her to make the right decision

2007-02-13 11:06:46 · answer #5 · answered by vanessa k 2 · 0 0

Yes...why not...it all depends on how she was with her friends? If its just friendship, its perfectly fine. How are you ina relationship with you? Is she honest with you? All these things need to be known to chack the character of a person. But I think its perfectly ok to have a couple of boys as friends for a girl. cheers!!!

2007-02-13 11:04:20 · answer #6 · answered by seemshu 2 · 0 0

yes,u can..
u should be really pleased that she picked u out of all the guys she knows,huh...
i have many guy friends and my boyfriend is not threatened by them coz he know he's the only 1 for me..
if u r confident that she loves u, and only u than of course u should trust her..but tell her how u r feeling and what's on ur mind..

2007-02-13 11:11:11 · answer #7 · answered by the_one 2 · 0 0

Yes you can. Probably more than a girl who doesn't have guy friends. It shows that she likes guys as people and is comfortable around them.

2007-02-13 11:02:28 · answer #8 · answered by stripedbook 5 · 0 0

no its been my experiance if a woman has 1 male freind other than you then she is sleeping around one you you can better believe it and if she aint now she will be its not so much you cant trust sometime you cant trust the other guy he will tempt the woman and she will go so far with me and everyone I know this holds true

2007-02-13 12:23:34 · answer #9 · answered by masterdaddy1 1 · 0 1

Yeah, It could just mean she gets along better with guys then she does girls. Was she a tom boy when she was younger?

2007-02-13 11:01:49 · answer #10 · answered by **Red** 3 · 1 0

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