Do you realize how many people you slap in the face by saying that you WANT an eating disorder.
Are you ready to give up all of your friends, your family, your mental and physical health, and your career? Because the ED will run your life and you will have time for nothing else. People that suffer from these diseases can spend decades and lifetimes trying to recover
Please think about others before you post such hurtful comments.
2007-02-13 03:34:05
answer #1
answered by larsor4 5
U dont want an "eating problem", I am appauled at people on this site that think, having Bulimia or Anorexia is an "easy choice" for weight loss...these people are ignorant...and have no understanding of eating disorders at all, for if you did, you wouldn't say some of the things you all do!
My advice to you would be to do something that doesn't seem like hard work or exercise, but fun....take up a new skating, basketball..anything...or go to your doctor
2007-02-13 03:10:28
answer #2
answered by SH2007 6
Hi im the same as you and the reason why we dont have energy is bacause of the food we eat. Im currently doing weight watchers again as i know the feel of not feeling tired anymore was great and you dont have to go mad on the excercise. Its all about self control but if you dont have it then nothing can help. You have got to try and curb you cravings. A deit doesnt havr to be al fruit and veg. On weigh watcher you can eat what you want just as long as you take it of you points. and weigh what you eat and make sure you know the points value of what you are eating
You have got one you emotional eating. or over eating this is know as a eating problem to.
2007-02-13 03:03:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A difficult (but VERY effective) diet, is the Cambridge Diet. You eat very little (3 or 4 packs or soups and shakes each day). Then your body goes into ketosis after about 2-3 days, which allows you to maintain the diet because your hunger reduces.
The hardest are the first 2-3 days, after that it should get easier. You have to build up for social occaisions and get used to saying "NO" when someone offers you food or alcohol. In fact, to be honest, forget about food completely for 2-3 weeks. Just pretend it´s not there. After that, you will be self motivated and it will be natural to stop eating.
The good things about Cambridge are,
1. Over time, you stop thinking about food, because you literally cant eat anything in the kitchen.
2. You lose weight very quickly, you dont need to exercise too much, but I wouldnt recommend not exersicing at all. However, you will lose weight on this diet without exercise. You just lose it faster if you are more active, ie walking a little bit more each day than usual.
3. There is little effort, little thinking involved. You simply eat those four shakes/soups per day. Thinking too much is bad for people on diets.
4. You have access to a counsellor who weighs you every week and provides advice and helps you.
5. You will save money as your eating costs are fixed per week. Some people dont realise how much money they actually spend on junk food and day to day food!
The diet is great but you have to get through the first week. In that first week you will lose LOTS of weight, and in fact you lose lots in the second week too, after that it is slower, but more noticeable weight loss. My friends told me I was looking different after the third week. Three weeks is nothing - its less than one month, in that time you dont even earn a months pay, in that time you dont change much and people around you are still doing the same things. All that is changing is you and you will notice very quickly how differently you will look. Once people notice you have lost weight, you become self motivated, more active - happier inside.
I lost 25 kilos on this diet, but that is nothing compared to what some other people lost.
Like any diet there are good and bad things written, but there is one thing guaranteed - you WILL lose weight on this diet. You will also learn a bit more about self control and limits. No one is teaching you while you lose weight, your strength will come from within.
See the goal and go for it. Chose cambridge and you will not regret it. Make sure you stick with it too, it could be the best decision in your life!
2007-02-13 03:16:58
answer #4
answered by vinx98 2
You said you like food then stuff yourself with fruits vegetables and raw nuts and seeds they will give you enough energy to exercise! Currently you are tired all the time as you body crave gut the junk and coke..have 2litres a day water ...stop the black tea and coffee and as I said before stuff yourself with raw fresh - organic as much as possible - fruits and vegetables..its so easy ;)
2007-02-13 03:59:38
answer #5
answered by trendafilka 3
You have to want it badly enough, which it sounds like you don't at this point. Thin people have the discipline to stop eating and exercise even when they're worn out. They don't make it an option; it's a priority.
2007-02-13 03:03:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
When you are feeling hungry,try and sit with yourself,and get in touch with your feelings,and accept them.
Share your feelings with a freind.
you need some disciplint to exercise.not energy.
Ypu are almost manipulating yourself into not exercising by saying you do not have the energy.
energy makes anergy in your case so go ahead and exercise, and you have kick started your wweightloss
2007-02-13 03:03:59
answer #7
answered by meditation and mango juice 4
Dont ever say you want an eating disorder again - you have NO IDEA what you are wishing on yourself....Seriously stupid thing to say!!
Stop being lazy and making excuses and start walking/running everywhere you can
2007-02-13 03:04:18
answer #8
answered by Pippa 2
1. Diets don't work, cambridge or anything else
2.If your eating you'll have energy.
You have become lazy, after reading this or if its dark now where you are, in the morning, get up and go for a 10 minute walk, do it, and you will have taken the first steps, in the end its down to you, listen to the voice thats telling you to get moving.
2007-02-13 03:45:24
answer #9
answered by STEVErunswithdogs 2
Dont ever say you want an eating disorder............................ would you like to be constantly cold and emotional or tired, would you like to bge to scared to go anywhaere because you dont like the way you look, would you like your system to be completely messed, would you like to have a motabolism and an immune system that dosnt work properly, would you like your insides to collapse, or have brittle hair and yellow nails, would you like to have a break down because you eat a piece of fruit, when someone asks you what you had for lunch would you like to answer by saying how many calories it contained in stead of what you had, would you like to die, if you answer yes to all of the above, to bad you cant make yourself have an eating disorder its a mental conditions, get of your bum and exercise and eat healthy,. have a bit of will power.
2007-02-13 03:28:39
answer #10
answered by Calebs Mummy 5