All banks have to follow laws from the US Patriot act as far as lending and even opening up bank accounts. They have to have proper identification required by the act and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. Even if somebody doesn't have a social security card they have to have other identification a secure reliable form of ID issued by a Consulate.
2007-02-13 10:57:59
answer #1
answered by Meesha 2
I've seen this a lot. Read this and ponder...
I have answered this question before but I think it's worth repeating I'm copy-pasting it: Whoever broke the law by arranging fake marriages, SSN's or things like that should be punished somehow before receiving any kind of forgiveness. Be real though US cannot afford to be without legal or illegal Immigration. That said I'd add this: Immigration in the US today is a joke. Illegals have more rights than legal immigrants and visa holders. I lived in the US for 8 years, my whole family speak English fluently, I hold a PhD degree. However because my work visa could not be renewed and I couldn't find any loophole in the law, fake wife, or wanted to stay in the country illegally, I ended up having to leave the country my kids learned to love. We all felt at home up there (contrary to some who live in ghettos and only speak their native language) and respected the US law while the global scumbags that will probably get an amnesty in a near future will benefit from their law breaking strategies. They will find defenders who say "they work hard and pay taxes" so let me tell you all this: I did the same PLUS under the law and because of that people like me is being punished. This sucks! I'm now well adjusted back in my country but I know my kids wish they were still there. Maybe, who knows, they will go back someday but I'll make sure they take no passports, produce fake ID's and SSN's and don't forget to go in a makeshiftboat ride or cross a desert so they can be more successful.....
2007-02-13 10:09:04
answer #2
answered by marcelsilvae 3
sad but true. I've seen it happen. Immigration in the US is a joke. Illegals have more rights than legal immigrants and visa holders. I lived in the US for 8 years, my whole family speak English fluently, I hold a PhD degree. However because my work visa could not be renewed and I couldn't find any loophole in the law, fake wife, or wanted to stay in the country illegally, I ended up having to leave the country my kids learned to love. We all felt at home up there (contrary to some who live in ghettos and only speak their native language) and respected the US law while the global scumbags that will probably get an amnesty in a near future will benefit from their law breaking strategies. They will find defenders who say "they work hard and pay taxes" so let me tell you all this: I did the same PLUS under the law and because of that people like me is being punished. This sucks! I'm now well adjusted back in my country but I know my kids wish they were still there. Maybe, who knows, they will go back someday but I'll make sure they take no passports, produce fake ID's and SSN's and don't forget to go in a makeshiftboat ride or cross a desert so they can be more successful.....
2016-05-24 05:18:48
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Boohooo. One less customer out of 53million BofA has. Get a life. Business is business. Every bank, mortgage company, construction company, etc.... does this. So stop doing business with everyone. Oh look Best Buy sold a tv to an illegal, lets stop shopping there!! HAHA. I'm loving this. Get a life dude, stop whining and get a good job and focus on your life. You act as if Millions of Taliban, Al Queda are comming from across the border to use Bank of America's service. I know of Chase, 53rd Bank, and practically every bank in the Chicago land area has been doing it for years. Not 1 terrorist has been found using those services illegaly. Terrorist that come from the Middle East, and Asia are here legally and can do it without your lame @ss whining about it. Latin America has nothing to do with Muslim terrorism. Latin America is like 98% Catholic.
2007-02-13 21:29:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Let them cater to illegal aliens. If every citizen who cares about this issue closes their accounts with them I'd like to see how they're going to make money. Even if only half did it would get their attention. If we all wait for someone else to do something about it nothing will be done to stop it. Still it couldn't hurt to tell your representatives what you think of this BS. Citizens can't even get an ACCOUNT without a credit check and SS#. Never mind a home loan or credit card. Tell Bank of America(s) what you think of this today! A few law suits for discrimination wouldn't hurt either.
Didn't this bank used to be called Regions Bank? I wonder if the name change means something. I used to do a lot of dealing with this bank as a restaurant manager, and took large deposits there every day. Yet they REFUSED to cash our legal employee's checks with ID. Now they feel that it's okay to deal with undocumented criminals. Doesn't it make you wonder if the federal government is guaranteeing all loans made to illegals? Maybe there are even more incentives being given.
2007-02-13 04:35:05
answer #5
answered by DJ 6
Time to close the account at BoA! When BoA realizes (and losses a lot of money), they will start to increase fees on deposit accounts. Which is surprising that BoA offers credit cards or deposit accounts to illegal immigrants; because according to the Patriot Act, banks have to properly identify account holders. That's not to say that people withouth SSN's are illegals, they might be on work visas or something. But my concern is if the credit holder doesn't pay, who gets screwed? the deposit accont holders.
But like I said before, time to close my accounts with them!
2007-02-13 04:00:47
answer #6
answered by Fred L 3
Thanks for the info merlins,I dont bank at bank of america,but I do have a cd at wells fargo. How can banks get away will giving illegals anything?? Are the Americans the only ones with laws anymore? I think Im gonna sell out and buy me a sheep wagon and live on the desert.
2007-02-13 04:54:32
answer #7
answered by imback_missme 5
All right! I'm gonna open an account at B of A with no ID. Then, I'll hire a bunch of illegals to work for me and pay them with the rubber checks!
2007-02-13 03:31:37
answer #8
answered by TubeDude 4
NO! This is ridiculous!!!! If I had an account at BofA, I'd close it TODAY!
First low interest home loans, ahead of legal citizens and now credit cards. They don't make any money so when they run these up we get to pay for them as "charge-offs."
A noticed a "non-scientific poll" on - 95% said they don't like this idea!
2007-02-13 03:59:53
answer #9
answered by Dizney 5
I think this is kind of a banking institutions' way of saying 'we WILL accept the north american union' etc...write Congress today, and take issue with it...
2007-02-13 03:25:00
answer #10
answered by gokart121 6