Sounds like this is a bit more then a "poop" problem. These little people can be hard to control at times as they are their own little person, but as parents control we must.... or try to control! #1 pear juice is a wonderful natural laxative which should help her out a little every day, plus it tastes good (much better then prune juice with the same effect) you can find it in the baby section at most store (Walmart and so on). Also remember you are the Mom she is only 2 don't let her rule you, right now she is developing the eating habits she will have for the rest of her life. Keep the constipating foods out of the house, you are the one with the money and the one who does the shopping, just say no and stick to it. Plus she is only 2 with the potty training its great she pees on the potty pooping will come soon enough (it always seems to be a tough one).
Keep it together potty training has driven many a mother nuts and then one day all of a sudden its over and they are fully potty trained! It will happen! You are only on day three it will likely get worse before it gets better! Maybe try having he clean her own mess or offer her new princess panties for when she does go potty.
Please don't let her get away with yelling at you or other people, if she can do it now she will do it when she is older, rein her in now.
Stay strong, and good luck, you will get through this!!
2007-02-13 03:22:18
answer #1
answered by erin 2
My goodness- please stop the laxatives and the starving techniques and try what psychologists call "positive reinforcement". It may be that she is having pain when she defecates; sometimes children have abnormalities in their lower intestine, colon or rectum that would cause her problems. That should be ruled out before anything else by a doctor.
Beyond that, a child sized dose of fiber such as psyllium in her juice would increase the bulk of her stool and help her go to the bathroom more easily. You might want to place a spare potty in the closet if that's where she feels comfortable evacuating. It might help her make the connection right now. Most of us moms have found unpleasant things on the floor while doing potty training, so don't give up.
For positive motivation, I used to keep jelly-beans and fruit handy in the bathroom during potty training, and the little guys could munch away as long as they were seated and working on business. The chewing and swallowing stimulate peristalsis (the automatic movement of the intestines) and helps trigger the urge to go.
2007-02-13 08:03:22
answer #2
answered by Dawn S 2
Will she poop in a diaper? My daughter is three and is still not pooping in the potty. She will pee, but not poop. She will ask for a diaper, and during the day it means that she needs to poop. I ask her and talk to her about trying to poop in the potty, but she does not want to, and I do not push her, because I feel that she will do it when she is ready. advice is to be thrilled that she is peeing in the potty at 2, maybe back off on the pooping for a little while. No matter what do not let her see you get upset. I know that it is difficult, but hang in there. My daughter did everything except sleeping on her own early, so I thought that she would be potty trained by two. :).
2007-02-13 02:58:40
answer #3
answered by iga k 3
We are going through this with my 3 year old. We make him sit on the potty a few days a week and tell him that he has to Stinky in the potty before he can get up. We recently started giving him pecans as an afternoon snack a few afternoons a week. This helps allot. He will not go by himself or tell us that he has to go. You have to just look for the signs and when you know that they need to go put them straight on the potty. Give you daughter a book to look at and leave her alone for a few minutes. This may help. My son goes easier if we give him some privacy. Good Luck!
2007-02-13 08:06:24
answer #4
answered by jtc_girl 1
Just take those diapers away (except for bed time and even then, only put it on when she is seconds away from hopping in bed).
Then tell her if she is going to go in her panties, SHE can clean it up! This is what worked for us. I obviously would never make her clean it up, it was an empty threat, but it worked. She didn't want to clean up poop.
There was a couple of times that she would go in her sleep, but they can't hold it till bedtime ALL THE TIME :o)
Good Luck! This took us till age 3 1/2 to get r done, lol!
2007-02-13 03:08:06
answer #5
answered by someoneoutthere 5
Try rewarding her for pooping in the potty. My brother and his girlfriend used a sticker chart for her daughter. Every time she used the potty she got to put a sticker on a chart and when it was all filled out she got a reward. This worked well. When ever I babysat for her while she was potty training she was excited after she used the potty knowing that she would get another sticker on her chart.
2007-02-13 10:11:10
answer #6
answered by AGM120 4
I think the whole holding-it-in and hiding from you is part of a game of power between the two of you. She realizes she has the power to NOT poop. When you play the power game with her, she's working harder to gain the power back, and that's when she's getting difficult.
I would suggest trying to take a more relaxed tone with it (fighting back hasn't seemed to improve the situation). Two years old is still pretty young, so you may want to consider backtracking a tiny bit on the potty-training. Definately encourage her, praise her when she DOES go in the potty, but don't try to force her to do things your way. It isn't working.
Something that helped with my kids is to have them in underwear with their favorite characters on them. I have two boys, and we would ask them when they got dressed in the morning, "Okay, does Spider-man like to get peepee on him?" "NO!" "Does Spider-man like to get poopoo on him?" "NOOOO!!!!" "So what do you need to do?" "GO PEEPEE AND POOPOO IN THE POTTY!" (with boys, you can imagine the hilarity this conversation would start every single time). When your daughter gets dressed in her Princess or Dora or Strawberry Shortcake panties, ask her if they like to get peepee or poopoo on them.
I hope the "flooding her with laxatives" thing was an exaggeration. Give her foods high in fiber (or just mix in things like benefiber or something in the foods she will eat).
If nothing else works, put the panties up and go back to diapers for a little while, and try again later when she can hopefully understand and is ready. It doesn't sound to me like she's really ready yet.
Good luck.
2007-02-13 03:19:53
answer #7
answered by CrazyChick 7
I thought that my 4 yr old son had constipation problems and I told the doctor about it. She gave him a pres. for fiber to put in his apple juice. It worked to help him go, but he didn't go in the potty. I stopped giving it to him because it was upsetting his stomach. Come to find out he just didn't like pooing on the pottie. I tried everything from being extra nice to having to punish him and taking things away. I made him clean his butt off himself and clean his underware. I was desperate!! Finially I was talking with a lady that works at my kids daycare and she said that her Dad put her little boys underware on his head when he seen that he was making poops in his pants. And it worked. So the next day I seen my little boy going in his pants (He just started and refused to go to the pottie after I asked) so I put his underware on his head. Now I know it sounds gross and I thought that it was gross when I heard about it too and its not like he had a massive turd in his pants so don't freak out! It was just a skid mark. But like I said, I was desperate to take any type of advise because I was at the ropes end! Well That worked!! He has not made any accidents in his pants since that day and he knows that he will be rewarded for going on the pottie. He has pooped at Wal-Mart with no seat to help hold him up and goes to school without being embarrased. Remember kids are crule and make full of kids who poop in there pants. Sometimes you have to do the extreme of teaching your kids that pooping on your pants isin't fun. Remember we are the parent, they are the child.
2007-02-13 03:24:06
answer #8
answered by mrs.new_major_07 2
your bigger than her. keep her from going into her room. give her some prune juice non diluted only an ounce or 2 make he drink it. and sit her on the potty and dont let her get up until she goes. your bigger and smarter than her act like it. give her fruit and whole grains apple juice is great. dont ever starve your child thats abuse. get her to the doctor they can give her meds to make her go. follow your daughter if you see her going into her closet stop her and take her and put her on the potty if she fights or yells smack her bottom take control of her or you will have bigger problems later
2007-02-13 03:38:37
answer #9
answered by kleighs mommy 7
well i think that u need to let her know that this is where she goes and that big girls go in the poddy and that she needs to do that to and that she will not have to wait the dipers no more and i think that u need to make it a game with her and let her know that she will get good things if she goes in the big girl poddy and then when she has gone in there for 1 week then u need to have a little party and make her think that it big and i did that and it helped there are so many kids that do this and i think that they are scared of it but try this and see if it works out for u and good luck
2007-02-13 02:57:20
answer #10
answered by megryanmc 3