Buy an inexpensive pair of baby booties...(if you know what the sex of your precious little one is, make sure you designate the right color) ...tie the booties together with a blue or pink ribbon, if you aren't buying an engagment ring, get an inexpensive band and tie to the ribbon...wrap it as a gift, and when she opens it, she'll see the ring, AND a warming surprise of the booties. I'm very excited for you. Children are the best gift God could give us. Good luck!!
2007-02-13 03:22:43
answer #1
answered by K.W. 3
I am assuming from your tone that you are proposing because you love her, not because she is pregnant. That is great, so happy for you.
You could buy her just a band rather than a regular engagement ring (with a stone). Tell her that for the wedding ring, you will get her an engagement ring (you will likely get enough money to buy a small stone). Chances are, she'll love it anyway.
I like the ideas here....a home cooked meal is great (especially if you do the cleaning!); a walk around town; candles....I don't know if she's a flower type of girl. They are not usually necessary.
As far as what to say...I think you nailed it: "[her name here] really mean the world to me and deserve way better than I can give you right now" ...then you could say...but if you stay with me you will make me the happiest man. I want to share my life with you... you get the idea.
Cheap honeymoons....I'm not really sure. We are using my fiance's parent's timeshare. If you know has one, maybe they can spare a "getaway" week for you. Or one of the other options.
I wish you all the best if you are asking her because you love her. I beg of you, though, not to ask her if your reasoning is the baby. That baby will be raised with two loving parents, and their love will be more apparent if they are apart then if they are together and constantly fighting.
2007-02-13 04:04:58
answer #2
answered by Just tryin' to help 6
The financial ruins your in right now is really relevant! If you both love each other it doesn't matter where you go to ask her too marry you. Far as a honey moon you can take one later when the monies are present. The idea that I have come up with is: go on an outing like walking the trails in the woods if she likes to do that. Do what she really likes and then ask her to marry you. Could be out doing a number of things. You could take a bottle of your favourite wine and crack it open when she least expects it. I know a couple that did this and she was not expecting it at all. Remember you don't have to buy your love! It's the happiness of being together that matters. Hope this helps Cocoa
2007-02-13 02:48:58
answer #3
answered by cocoa 4
I really think incorporating the baby into your proposal is sweet, but make sure that she understands that that isn't the only reason you are marrying her. Pregnant women can be sensitive. I know their used to be wooden sidewalks and piers along the beach in Biloxi. Light one with Christmas lights from the dollar store. Spread a beach towel and have dinner right on the water (sandwiches, anything simple that she likes). Tell her you are so happy about the baby and that you want to spend forever with her. She sounds lucky to be getting such a sweet guy!
2007-02-13 04:20:06
answer #4
answered by orangeflameninja 4
Congratulations!! When my husband proposed to me, it wasn't anything fancy, we are not like that. If you guys like hiking or some other outdoor activity, take her out & kneel down, call her over saying you found something neat and when she gets there, turn around and surprise her! She will be completely blown away because there was no way should could have expected it!! As for cheap honeymoons, if you have a membership to a wholesale store (BJ's or Costco, etc) check their vacation specials. BJ's always has cruises on sale & you can leave from a local port. I looked it's the link! Good Luck & Congrats again!!
2007-02-13 02:57:22
answer #5
answered by Carla 3
Mmm... try finding a weekend when the weather will be great, and borrow a friend's boat or wait for the Ship Island Ferry to open back up. Propose to her on top of the fort there. That would be unusual and romantic if she loves the beach. Ask the rangers if they could fence off the fort top just for a few minutes.
2007-02-15 14:15:19
answer #6
answered by Leafy 6
go to wal-mart and get a pack of the plain onesies for babies, then go get the fabric markers or the craft paint, and paint or right on the onsie, "Will you marry me?" and deck it out as if you were just givin her a baby gift and then when she unwraps it and takes a look you could get down on one knee! I think it would be a great way to incorporate the new change in your life with making it all official, and it wouldn't cost any more than $15 bux plus cost of a ring if you are doing that right now! If I was in that situation, I would really appreciate it, and how you would be bringing the baby into the special moment, it would be very reassuring for me! Also, good luck with all the Katrina stuff, I know what you mean, my soon-to-be inlaws lost their apartment in new orleans and had to move and it was ridiculously high! We live in North Mississippi, so it wasnt that bad, but I saw the stuff that happened once we vistited them, and it was nuts! hope it all works out and that this helps!
2007-02-13 02:53:59
answer #7
answered by ASH 6
Since the money is tight on the certain hurricane situation I would do something that she wouldn't image you doing. Ask her about her favorite thing about her childhood like going to the park swinging, etc. Go to that park if you are close by and just sit there and swing next to her or push her on the swing or just sit on the ground infront of a nice duck pond with the moonlight above you and ask her to spend the rest of her life with you. It is always such a beautiful site when the moon is hitting off the pond and you can look into her beautiful eyes and know that she loves you and you love her. good luck in the proposing, wedding,engagement, and baby. ;D congrats too!!!
2007-02-13 03:04:03
answer #8
answered by laurieprentice 3
A friend of mine just proposed to his long time girlfriend and it just sounded perfect to me. There's a playground in our town with a gazebo off to the side (I imagine any park gazebo would work) and he had a friend and his brother help out and they decorated it with dollar store light strands all over it. Then they put a little table and chairs with some champagne (of course, you could use sparkling grape juice). She didn't even know it was coming and he just took her for a night drive and they pulled up and she just started crying.
Also, I hear of alot of women requesting to have the ring put on their finger while they're sleeping.
As far as a honeymoon, why don't you just find a bed and breakfast somewhere within driving distance in a cute little town. That's what me and my soon-to-be are doing.
Good luck and congrats!
2007-02-13 02:57:11
answer #9
answered by angel 3
Another creative marriage proposal idea is to purchase a book of poems and leave the first few pages intact and carve a heart into the remaining pages and sew the engagement ring to the back of the book. You could suggest taking turns reading the poems on each page and plan to have your girlfriend turn the final complete page to reveal the heart and ring that were hidden inside. This proposal idea is not only creative but also incredibly romantic.
2007-02-13 02:44:56
answer #10
answered by lilred25smc 2