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2 answers

Fac is the imperative of verb Facio=DO,MAKE.
Rem=accusative of noun RES-REI=THING.
So, "fac rem"=do the thing.-


2007-02-13 03:07:28 · answer #1 · answered by John-John 7 · 0 0

Make the thing. It's a singular imperative. The root word facio, facere is a well-used verb in Latin, and has several possible meanings. You can't tell which without the context:

facio, facere - make/build/construct; create/cause/do;
have built/made; fashion; work (metal);
act/take action/be active; (bowels); act/work (things), function, be effective;
produce; produce by growth; bring forth (young); create, bring into existence;
compose/write; classify; provide; do/perform; commit crime; suppose/imagine;

Any of those could be the verb.

2007-02-13 11:05:55 · answer #2 · answered by dollhaus 7 · 1 0

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