I have been in your shoes before, feeling like the whole world was just dark around me, and I was worthless, or life was worthless, or some vaguely ominous feeling that I couldn't even identify most days, but that kept me so depressed. I had friends but it felt like there was a big wall up between me and them -- between me and God too.
I remember when my Dad supposedly committed suicide when I was 10. That was the hardest thing I ever went through. It took me 7 years of just being torn apart every day, to get past the intense grief that came with it. (Later it was found that his death was a murder... but that's a story for another day. I still went through the deep depression after the "suicide" but it was more my anger at myself for allowing it to happen that caused my depression, than it was the actual death itself and grief. It was also the loss of my dreams for the future, the loss of the significance of the relationship with my Dad.)
What I want to say most is this: don't do it. Don't die. Besides myself, there are plenty of people around you who would not be the same without you.
I believe that there are probably two main reasons you are depressed right now: one, is that you are wondering about the significance of your life (does my life even matter, does it count for anything, is anything I've done worth doing); two, is that you are deeply angry with yourself about something, maybe something that has hurt you (I have no idea what it is, but it is the running thread I have seen before with depression).
There are two good options available to you right now. Do both of them:
(1) realize that God is close to you already because you have been seeking Him... you may or may not "feel" it... you don't have to "feel" it... it is true... begin to check out the claims of Jesus in the gospel of John from the Holy Bible. You can read it online, it is available here: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=50&chapter=1&version=51
(You will have to navigate using the buttons at the bottom of the page, to read the whole book which is several chapters long.)
And know that God is with you, even though you feel alone. He is right there in the room with you, constantly. Keep talking to Him, 'cause He is there. Strange, huh? But true.
Option (2) is: get to a doctor. Depression does not mean you are "crazy" in the historical sense of the word. No, you have not glued feathers to your arms yet, and you are not standing at the top of a building squawking like a mother hen, and you are not about to jump and try to fly. No, you are not "crazy" in that sense. But depression is a real mental illness that is TREATABLE. There is no need to keep feeling so down, when a few weeks' worth of the correct antidepressant will help you get back to yourself again. (Sometimes, the answer from God, is medicine!! It has been such for a close friend of mine recently who would not hear of medicine as a cure, but wanted God's cure... well... God cured him with medicine, in the end.) Get to a doctor. The way you are feeling can easily go away, and you can feel at you best again very soon.
Last, but not least... there is a telephone number called 1-800-SUICIDE. Write that number down. Call it every single time you feel like you don't want to wake up. Call it every single time you hate your life or yourself. They were a GREAT help to me when I was going through suicidal depression. Call them even if you feel like you have bugged them to death... because that is what they are there for! They listen, they don't judge, they don't tell anyone your personal business. They can help you like they helped me.
And get some counseling, after you do the two things I mentioned above. That helped me as well. It is just getting a chance to talk through things with a professional who will keep your conversations confidential. There is counseling available in most major cities for free or reduced-cost based on income. So "I can't afford it" is not a valid excuse. There are many Christian-based professional counseling services too -- inquire at any Christ-centered church and ask them to refer you to someplace they know is good.
Don't die. Because even I will be impacted if you die prematurely. The comfort is... God knows the day and time you are supposed to die. I don't believe He will let you go "early." But if you choose to die at your own hand... there could be serious consequences. If you walk outside at 3pm and get run over by a truck tomorrow... the serious consequence is death... but if you slit your wrist at 3pm... the serious consequence is death, but the more serious thing is that you ended the life God gave you in the first place. Allow Him to be the giver and the taker-away of life: it is His right. Appreciate what He has given you.
Make a gratitude list (I almost forgot this)!! Start writing down everything good about your life that you can think of... from "my eyes are a great color green" to "my lungs work" to "my toes aren't deformed" (mine are!! and I am still thankful for them because they help me walk!!) to "I have food in the kitchen" to "someday my prince will come" to "I have a job" etc... get extravagant with this list... make it a 20-page list... and post it all over your house. Smile when you look at the pages... write new stuff down on the list every day. This helped me to get out of depression once.
Another thing that helped me, in combination with the gratitude list, prayer, counseling, and medicine... write a list of 5 things you used to greatly enjoy doing as a child, that you haven't done lately. Then write a list of 5 things you used to greatly enjoy doing as an adult, that you haven't done lately. Then focus on doing one of those per day, for 5 minutes per day. 5 minutes. Simple. One a day. Easy. You may be surprised how much of a lift this gives you.
(For me, it was crossword & word search & logic puzzles, painting, writing poems, making lemonade and sitting outside to drink it while looking at a sunset, talking with my family, buying "Hello Kitty" stuff -- been enjoying that since the mid-70's I think, playing board & card games, and I can't remember the rest.)
I hope this helps somehow. Keep seeking God in Christ Jesus. Jesus will never fail you. Hang in there girl!
2007-02-12 11:13:36
answer #1
answered by prodaugh-internet 3
The God of Truth is against suicide and wants you to have life with hope, joy and peace. he has not given a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind. Jesus came that you might be free and free to abundance. There is a spirit of depression or heaviness over you, change it for joy. You do understand that you are in a war, you need to warfare.
Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and of fire? If not you need to ask Jesus to Baptize you or call a prayer line like the 700 Club or TBN, the prayer line at Marlin Hickey's. The Baptism of the Spirit is so necessary to live life to the fullest. Read Acts 19:1-3 these men had only received the baptism of repentance [gone through water baptism], they needed the Holy Spirit to baptize them.
You are never alone, Jesus said He would never leave you or forsake you. The enemy is trying to deceive you, put on some good praise music that lifts up the name of Jesus and dance around your house singing until Jesus comes and chases away those spirits that are bothering you.
If you have evil spirits in your house they will have to leave because they can not stay where the name of Jesus lives.
2007-02-12 11:00:50
answer #2
answered by Besty boop 2
hey no need to feel alone ... we are all with you, ok. Keep trying to get close to god i wud suggest but ur saying its not helping. Acheiving the materialistic things is not the real success as i can see you are well aware of by now. I believe you should read the english translation of the holy quran, you will offer salah 5 times a day, my day starts off with a big boost when i offer the morning prayers, really just try doin that(for the sake of findin the truth) u will feel very contented in ur heart and u will be at peace.
If you need anything u can email me. And neither the bible nor the quran teaches u off suicide in anyway. we feed the body with different kinds of food, what you are lacking is the food of soul, soul needs to be fed everyday. It happens to all of us we need to be guided everynow and then.
2007-02-12 16:10:16
answer #3
answered by guttsy b 2
Dear Friend, The Bible does teach that you are not to kill, and that means you, or anyone else. The reason is that you are very valuable to God. He made you for His pleasure. He longs to be near to you, even more than you long to be near to Him. You would not have a desire to come close to God if God's own Spirit was not working in your heart. That's why the "stuff" you've gotten in your young life doesn't make you happy. Happiness may come from "stuff" but JOY comes from your creator God. Don't stop looking for God, He's very near to you. But He is Spirit and so the way you look must be spiritual as well. Start with reading the book of John in the Bible. Read is slowly, like you're reading a love letter from a dear friend. Also, look on-line to a couple of sites. John Piper at Desiring God, is a wonderful preacher and you will hear compassion in his teaching. Chris Ingram, at Living on the Edge, will also help you. If you want real deep Bible teaching, go to Ligonier Ministries with R. C. Sproul. You can also read or listen to the Bible at ESV Online Bible. It's comforting to hear God's word read to you when you are distressed. Please know that I will be praying for you, friend. I hope you will find comfort from your distress. Remember, God loves you, and He will come running to you soon. Don't give up hope.
2007-02-12 10:52:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have the cure for what ails you!! Acts 2:38. Ask God to forgive your sins. Go down into the water to cleanse your soul and wnen you come back out of the water, you will feel like all of the burdens on your back are gone. But wait, it gets better, when you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in an unknown language, you will be on a HIGH for days. I know, I did it a few years ago and that my friend is TOTAL FREEDOM. Find a United Pentecostal Church ASAP. don't delay, and most of all, don't let anyone talk you out of your experience with God!! I pray in Jesus Name that you will make the right choice!
2007-02-12 10:46:47
answer #5
answered by michael m 5
You should continue trying until it works. If you have a Bible, read Psalms 23. This will tell you about how God is with you no matter what you are going through. As you pray, ask God to show you ways to draw closer to Him. Then after you pray, sit and think about your prayers. Ask God to send you an example to follow that will help you in your life. Know that He loved us all so much that He gave us His only son to die that we might live life more abundantly and have forgiveness for our wrong doings. Think of ways you can give up something that might go for someone else's well being. Ask God to come into your heart and guide you and save you from all this loneliness and despair. Find a Bible believing church and get involved there as a member. Learn more there about how to love yourself and be a happier you. Spend time reading the Bible and praying. You will find yourself growing closer to God by doing that. I will pray for you too, if you don't mind. Just keep searching until you find what you are looking for. Keep looking up!
2007-02-12 10:51:17
answer #6
answered by froggsfriend 5
It appears you have put your hope in all the wrong things. If you put your hope in finite things, you will live life in despair. Yes being successful is great, but that should not be your hope. When your hope is in God, there is always more than enough hope. Romans 15: 13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
or Read Psalm 42
If you are close to God, and live in obedience to him, you will begin to wonder how you ever lived without him. I am not saying you have not tried, but perservance is essential.
Actually I have found through my personal life experience that anytime I had put my hope in earthly desires, I have been dissapointed. I thought that if only I get this person, I will be happy. Then I found out that wasn't what I needed. I had high expectations of completing a 26.2 mile marathon, and it wasn't as great as I expected. Actually I don't even bother telling anyone, because they would rather me be a complete failure, so they feel better about themselves.
As far as committing suicide don't. God still considers it killing, because you are still killing someone yourself.
2007-02-12 10:41:48
answer #7
answered by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7
Keep trying...read your Bible everyday, talk to God through prayer about everything. Give yourself fully to him. Get baptized, accept Jesus into your heat as your Savior. Go to church. Get involved with Christian people. Join a church small group. Never stop trying. I'm very glad that you are at least trying, and that you haven't stopped even though you feel as if it's not working.
I know some people from my church who have been suffering from depression, they got over it through God, and you can too.
I'm not so sure if it says anything about it in the Bible, but it probably does somewhere. Don't commit suicide, just remember, it's the last thing that you will ever do. Taking your own life could mean eternity in Hell.
2007-02-12 10:38:42
answer #8
answered by em<3 6
"Thou shalt not kill." This includes yourself.
Most people who have "everything" are not happy. And yet, some of the poorest people in the world are the happiest. You have been filling up that space inside you that's meant for God with "things" like a condo, nice car, good job, etc. You need to empty yourself of "self" and fill it up with God. How do you do that? 1) Ask Jesus into your heart sincerely and ask Him to forgive your sins and make a new person out of you. 2) Start obeying His Laws, for one thing. (All 10 Commandments!) Then 3) start serving Him, and stop serving yourself. God will make sure all your needs are taken care of IF you put HIM first in your life! Please read Matthew 6:24-34. If you empty yourself and start filling it up with God, your emptiness, lonliness and self-pity will disappear.
2007-02-12 10:48:22
answer #9
answered by FUNdie 7
Sounds like you may be chronically depressed....Which is a true condition and you may want to see a doctor about it. Some medicine may help.
I have a friend who spent years on drugs and she's had problems with depression too. The bible says choose LIFE.
Find people you can talk to and pray with....it's not the end and you're not alone. There are people more qualified than I however, if you need to talk feel free to e-mail me janpatton2005@yahoo.com
I'll be praying for you...There is hope....He promised you a Hope and a Future. Don't give up....hang in there. It's worth it.
2007-02-12 10:43:28
answer #10
answered by Jan P 6
Heres perhaps your issue, you are attempting to build a life for YOURSELF and expecting God to play along and bless you and make it even better. The problem is, God wants you to turn your life over to him and live for him. Jesus said if we dont carry our cross, then we are not worthy of him. Another verse says that "we are dead to the world." He also said that if we try to keep this life for ourselves, we'll lose it, and in him, we find it. You are attempting to define your joy in life by your phyical and earthly happiness that comes through the things of this world. Only if you shift focus and love for him, then do the things in this life as well as unhappiness fade away. After you have God and eternal life, you have every reason to be joyful.
With suicide though, it is a sort of unforgivable sin. No, suicide is a faithless act that basically says "God I dont care about what you want for my life, I just want to end it."
God wants him to do his will while youre on earth and be part of his church. You cannot do that though until you fully committ yourself to Jesus and start finding fullfillment therein.
2007-02-12 10:58:22
answer #11
answered by Anonymous