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Its just me. Why is it not acceptable for my teenage daughters boyfriend to sleep over (they have been together for about six months) but it okay for her to sleep over at his. They are both being responsible with contraception. My friend at work thinks I shouldn't let them sleep together in my home. I don't have a problem with it. What do you think.

2007-02-12 08:53:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

15 answers

It's your home and your daughter.
No one knows her better than you. If you are OK with it, then let it happen. Your co-workers aren't living in your situation. Go with what your gut feeling is.

2007-02-12 08:59:04 · answer #1 · answered by spamovision 3 · 1 0

If she doesn't do it under your roof she will only go and do it somewhere else. At least this way you know she's safe and can talk to her about contraception etc. It's a difficult subject to talk about as it's uncomfortable thinking about ones children having sex but at least you know there's trust between you and your daughter. Also it's not as if she is sleeping around she is in a long term relationship after all.
My parents are strict catholics and I never felt comfortable enough to discuss these things with them (even at the age of 23) which is a shame.

2007-02-12 23:23:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It doesn't make sense to me for it to be OK under someone else's roof, but not your own. If you're OK with the concept, then it shouldn't matter where it occurs. You don't say how old your teenage daughter is - if she's 13, I'd say it's not OK wherever they are, if she's 17+, then it is. I would suspect that you're confusing your daughter with your double standards - ignore your friend at work, and do what *you* think is right.

2007-02-12 09:00:47 · answer #3 · answered by Ali C 3 · 1 0

Sue, you're a good mum.
Don't listen to your friends at work.
Teenagers are more likely to do things they are not allowed to, or things their parents disagree with.

By letting your daughter's boyfriend sleep over you show your daughter and her boyfriend that you trust them. They'll appreciate that!

2007-02-12 09:01:57 · answer #4 · answered by M 6 · 1 0

theres nothing wrong with letting them sleep over at your house. If you think its okay, and you know they are being responsible, then why not let them?? better them doing it in your home and his than god knows wherever else!! dont let other people tell you what to do, or have a go at you for it!!


2007-02-12 08:59:25 · answer #5 · answered by missneadley 2 · 0 0

Neither one of them should be sleeping over at each other's houses! When they can support themselves and have their own apartments, then they can sleep over together. And contraception?? Are you kidding? You better start stocking up on diapers GRANDMA! Why was this ever allowed to go on in the first place? 6 months?? I don't care if they have been together for 6 years. If they still live under their parents roofs they do not need to be spending the night together. You and his parents are perpetuating a very bad cycle!

2007-02-12 08:59:50 · answer #6 · answered by Meadow Soprano 3 · 1 4

hi sue, you never mentioned your daughters age,which has some relevance to the question,but i would say if you are happy with what is going on then what is the problem?but there again how come it is alright for her to sleep at his house and not your,s? i don,t think it is just standards here. is it a case of what the eye does,nt see it can,t be blamed for? who is incharge sue?

2007-02-12 09:06:29 · answer #7 · answered by Ken M 3 · 0 0

I think if you don't have a problem with your daughter and her boyfriend having protected and responsible sex in your home, then it's nobody else's business but your own.

2007-02-12 09:04:51 · answer #8 · answered by Orla C 7 · 1 0

Your fine. Your the parent and you will do what you think is best for your kid. you think this guy is a good guy and they are being safe. Don't listen to what others say when it come to raising YOUR daughter you know whats best.

2007-02-12 08:59:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're the mom. If you feel you understand the situation and are comfortable with it, it's your choice. Let your friend at work worry about her own kids.

2007-02-12 08:59:48 · answer #10 · answered by me! 4 · 0 0

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