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Hi I've got windows XP (english version) and my wife is Polish and sometimes needs to type in Polish (where some of the characters are different) can anyone advise of a software that will give us access to the extra Polish characters as and when necesary ideally this software would be free

Many thanks to you all for your help

2007-02-12 08:24:46 · 4 answers · asked by Barry 2 in Computers & Internet Software

4 answers

You can set your own keyboard up to type in Polish. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel. Open Regional & Language options.
Click Languages tab, then detail. You'll see English in the box.
Click the Add button. Then scroll down thru the TOP box till you find Polish. The bottom box should default to a keyboard layout. Click add. You now have 2 keyboards. A symbol will display with other icons on your task manager (bottom right of your taskbar). If you want to change the keyboard to Polish, just click the polish icon & your keyboard is ready to type Polish characters. What you'll want to do is go online & find a Polish keyboard layout and print it out & refer to it, so you know where all the keys are. Switch back to English using the same method.

Alternately, you can go here and type in your phrase without software, then just copy & paste it in:


Update your post if you have further questions.


EDIT: Just found these instructions, online, just in case mine are confusing. This site also offers keypad stickers and even a keyboard overlay in Polish, that you can buy. Scroll down this page to Language Support and click on 'configure xp'. Below it is even instructions on using the new config.



2007-02-12 08:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by caveman 3 · 0 0

From Microsoft Word 2003 Help

You can use specialized keyboard layouts to type in specific languages. If you have more than one keyboard layout installed, you can switch between them.

Install keyboard layouts for specific languages in Windows XP

On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to Control Panel.
Click Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options and then click Regional and Language Options.
Click the Languages tab and then click Details under Text services and input languages.
Select the desired keyboard layout from the Default input language list and then click Apply.
If you want to be able to switch keyboard layouts by using the Language bar, click Language Bar under Preferences, and then select the Show the Language bar on the desktop check box.
Install keyboard layouts for specific languages in Windows 2000

On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
Do one of the following:
If the Text Services icon is available

Double-click the Text Services icon, and then click the Settings tab.
Under Installed Services, click Add.
In the Input Language box, click the language you want, and then click OK.
The keyboard language you selected appears in the Installed Services box.

If you want to be able to switch keyboard layouts by using the Language bar, click Language Bar under Preferences, and then select the Show the Language bar on the desktop check box.
If the Text Services icon is not available

Double-click the Keyboard icon.
Do one of the following:
If you are running Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 or Microsoft Windows 2000, click the Input Locales tab.

Click Add.
Do one of the following:
If you are running Windows 98 or Windows Me, click the language you want in the Language list, and then click OK.

If you are running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, click the language you want in the Input locale list, and then click OK.

If you want to be able to switch keyboard layouts by using the Windows taskbar, make sure the Enable indicator on taskbar check box is selected.
Switch keyboard layouts

Do one of the following:

If the Language bar is visible

On the Language bar, click the keyboard layout indicator , and then click the layout you want. The letters on the indicator change to reflect the language of the keyboard.
If the Language bar is not visible

On the Microsoft Windows taskbar, click the keyboard layout indicator , and then click the layout you want. The letters on the indicator change to reflect the language of the keyboard.
Note To type East Asian text, you must be using an Input Method Editor (IME) (IME: A program that enters East Asian text (Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) into programs by converting keystrokes into complex East Asian characters. The IME is treated as an alternate type of keyboard layout.).

2007-02-12 17:47:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It should be one of the regions and setting options on the control panel. Perhaps check the window update site. It going to be a bit pf a hassle if every time you want to type a "ç" (for example) you have to use the character map.

2007-02-12 16:33:54 · answer #3 · answered by DanRSN 6 · 0 0

there is none

2007-02-12 16:26:44 · answer #4 · answered by Mrs. Crosby 87! 4 · 0 1

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