Independent but blended is good. It's good to be able to think and act on your own, but when in a relationship you need to be considerate of the other and include them in your life.
Die for them? Not if it is over losing them romantically. But if it is in a life or death situation where you're protecting them from extreme circumstances............most people would put their own life on the line to save another's.
2007-02-12 02:41:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
"I cannot live without you" is usually an exaggeration, because of course they can live without the other person. Otherwise we would see a lot of people dropping dead from breakups.
Such language might sound 'romantic' - whatever that is supposed to mean.It is actually a lie, and I don't think people should lie to their love at all. Even these kinds of lie.
No, you are not cold-hearted. You are more logical and literal than most. Your more realistic attitude may be surprising to some girls and may take some getting used to BUT you will gain respect and trust for being honest.
My wife (before we were married) asked me one day if I missed her that day. I had been building computers all day and it took all of my attention. I told her "No, I've been so busy I haven't though about anything but the computers." She was stung at first but then she understood that for the times I do tell her that I miss her, she knows that I really mean it.
Of course, sometimes it is not an exaggeration. In these cases, RUN AWAY VERY FAST !
2007-02-12 10:43:33
answer #2
answered by Dharma Nature 7
How about you understand me better than anyone else?
I too am a fiercely independent person, but we do need people. We can't be experts at everything and therefore require them to fill in the gaps of ourselves. For example if the electricity goes out in my house, sure I can check the breaker, but that's where my expertise ends and I will need to call an electrician.
I think of the love in my life as a tempering role,one that makes me better than when I am alone. As far as living without the other person, yes I would be very sad if I lost my husband for some reason. But my vital organs would still function, I would still be required to live. Melodrama is not love. Love is something that comes softly when you least expect it, allows you to be yourself, but just a little better.
2007-02-12 10:43:07
answer #3
answered by 35 and loving it! 3
Independent is being able to live life on your own without depending on another. But, I gotta tell ya... if you haven't loved someone enough to die for, then you haven't truly fallen in love. There are a few people in this world I'd die for - few, but my love for them is strong enough that I'd die to let them live.
"I cannot live without you"... we all know that we would, but the thought behind those words is more like "You are the most important in my life and I would be willing to live without everything else but I would never WANT to live without you." I think you're just a little too literal in the meaning on this one.
2007-02-12 10:41:14
answer #4
answered by Tara 4
You can be in love and independent at the same time, but it's much easier not to be in love. No relationship is worth the rest of your life. I would much rather have my independence than any kind of man.
2007-02-12 14:46:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
being in love has everything to do with Independence
i am very independent and so is my love
he works very hard and has his friends away from home they go to guys night or the game
i work very hard too and also take the girls out for shopping sprees or movies
it is when we are together it is not we are dependent on each other doing things for us i can do anything he can do and vice versa
it is doing it together or for the other one that is the fun of it
when you do something for them it is the smile they get or the hug you get knowing you did something nice and helped out
2007-02-12 10:37:14
answer #6
answered by elite_women_rule_the_rock 6
I'm the same way and like my girls to be too. If a girl tells me that she can't live without me or can't stand to be without me, I lable her has "clingee".
She ends up getting in my way and I can't stand that! You need to have a life outside of a relationship. It can be part of your life, just not your whole life.
2007-02-12 10:37:39
answer #7
answered by Cameron L 4