I recently emaily about my 8 yr cat that suddenly was having "asthma" attacks. I did as rec. and took her to the vet asap. They did a chest xray, heart, and lungs all normal. The vet said it was still just asthma, gave her a steroid shot, (which only helped for appx. 2 hours, I gave her her steroid pills and Albuterol inhaler tx. every hour. To no depair, nothing helped her! Every 7 min. she gasped for air, choking on her saliva, the most horrible thing to go through. She NEVER was out of the house, never sick before, does anyone know of anything else this may have been besides "asthma"? This really bothers me. I stayed with her as they put her down.
ps. they also tried the O2 , but that was to no avail either. I just can't believe this was asthma, it came on so hard and fast and non-relenting.
Rest in peace dear Katie.
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➔ Cats